so that profiling would be a reasonable thing to do. I tried not to
repeat code fragments, but I'm sure I did some stuff in really awkward
ways at times. Please send suggestions for improvements to:
-\code{}. I won't promise \emph{any} support. ...but
+\email{}. I won't promise \emph{any} support. ...but
I'd appreciate the feedback.
A \dfn{profiler} is a program that describes the run time performance
of a program, providing a variety of statistics. This documentation
describes the profiler functionality provided in the modules
-\code{profile} and \code{pstats.} This profiler provides
+\module{profile} and \module{pstats}. This profiler provides
\dfn{deterministic profiling} of any Python programs. It also
provides a series of report generation tools to allow users to rapidly
examine the results of a profile operation.
+\index{deterministic profiling}
+\index{profiling, deterministic}
\section{How Is This Profiler Different From The Old Profiler?}
\item[Speed increased:]
Overhead CPU cost was reduced by more than a factor of two (perhaps a
factor of five), lightweight profiler module is all that must be
-loaded, and the report generating module (\code{pstats}) is not needed
+loaded, and the report generating module (\module{pstats}) is not needed
during profiling.
\item[Recursive functions support:]
informative lines (the profile) to be printed. The above approach is
most useful when working with the interpreter. If you would like to
save the results of a profile into a file for later examination, you
-can supply a file name as the second argument to the \code{run()}
+can supply a file name as the second argument to the \function{run()}
\begin{verbatim}"foo()", 'fooprof')
-\code{} can also be invoked as
+The file \file{} can also be invoked as
a script to profile another script. For example:
-\code{python} \code{/usr/local/lib/python1.4/}
+python /usr/local/lib/python1.4/
When you wish to review the profile, you should use the methods in the
-\code{pstats} module. Typically you would load the statistics data as
+\module{pstats} module. Typically you would load the statistics data as
p = pstats.Stats('fooprof')
-The class \code{Stats} (the above code just created an instance of
+The class \class{Stats} (the above code just created an instance of
this class) has a variety of methods for manipulating and printing the
data that was just read into \samp{p}. When you ran
-\code{} above, what was printed was the result of three
+\function{} above, what was printed was the result of three
method calls:
This will sort all the statistics by file name, and then print out
statistics for only the class init methods ('cause they are spelled
-with \code{__init__} in them). As one final example, you could try:
+with \samp{__init__} in them). As one final example, you could try:
p.sort_stats('time', 'cum').print_stats(.5, 'init')
p.print_callers(.5, 'init')
and you would get a list of callers for each of the listed functions.
If you want more functionality, you're going to have to read the
\section{Reference Manual}
-\setindexsubitem{(profiler function)}
+\setindexsubitem{(in module profile)}
The primary entry point for the profiler is the global function
-\code{}. It is typically used to create any profile
+\function{}. It is typically used to create any profile
information. The reports are formatted and printed using methods of
-the class \code{pstats.Stats}. The following is a description of all
+the class \class{pstats.Stats}. The following is a description of all
of these standard entry points and functions. For a more in-depth
view of some of the code, consider reading the later section on
Profiler Extensions, which includes discussion of how to derive
\begin{funcdesc}{}{string\optional{\, filename\optional{\, ...}}}
This function takes a single argument that has can be passed to the
-\code{exec} statement, and an optional file name. In all cases this
-routine attempts to \code{exec} its first argument, and gather profiling
+\keyword{exec} statement, and an optional file name. In all cases this
+routine attempts to \keyword{exec} its first argument, and gather profiling
statistics from the execution. If no file name is present, then this
function automatically prints a simple profiling report, sorted by the
standard name string (file/line/function-name) that is presented in
-\begin{funcdesc}{pstats.Stats}{filename\optional{\, ...}}
+Analysis of the profiler data is done using this class from the
+\module{pstats} module:
+\setindexsubitem{(in module pstats)}
+\begin{classdesc}{Stats}{filename\optional{\, ...}}
This class constructor creates an instance of a ``statistics object''
-from a \var{filename} (or set of filenames). \code{Stats} objects are
+from a \var{filename} (or set of filenames). \class{Stats} objects are
manipulated by methods, in order to print useful reports.
The file selected by the above constructor must have been created by
-the corresponding version of \code{profile}. To be specific, there is
-\emph{NO} file compatibility guaranteed with future versions of this
+the corresponding version of \module{profile}. To be specific, there is
+\emph{no} file compatibility guaranteed with future versions of this
profiler, and there is no compatibility with files produced by other
profilers (e.g., the old system profiler).
If several files are provided, all the statistics for identical
functions will be coalesced, so that an overall view of several
processes can be considered in a single report. If additional files
-need to be combined with data in an existing \code{Stats} object, the
-\code{add()} method can be used.
+need to be combined with data in an existing \class{Stats} object, the
+\method{add()} method can be used.
\subsection{The \sectcode{Stats} Class}
\setindexsubitem{(Stats method)}
-This method for the \code{Stats} class removes all leading path information
-from file names. It is very useful in reducing the size of the
-printout to fit within (close to) 80 columns. This method modifies
-the object, and the stripped information is lost. After performing a
-strip operation, the object is considered to have its entries in a
-``random'' order, as it was just after object initialization and
-loading. If \code{strip_dirs()} causes two function names to be
-indistinguishable (i.e., they are on the same line of the same
-filename, and have the same function name), then the statistics for
-these two entries are accumulated into a single entry.
+This method for the \class{Stats} class removes all leading path
+information from file names. It is very useful in reducing the size
+of the printout to fit within (close to) 80 columns. This method
+modifies the object, and the stripped information is lost. After
+performing a strip operation, the object is considered to have its
+entries in a ``random'' order, as it was just after object
+initialization and loading. If \method{strip_dirs()} causes two
+function names to be indistinguishable (i.e., they are on the same
+line of the same filename, and have the same function name), then the
+statistics for these two entries are accumulated into a single entry.
\begin{funcdesc}{add}{filename\optional{\, ...}}
-This method of the \code{Stats} class accumulates additional profiling
-information into the current profiling object. Its arguments should
-refer to filenames created by the corresponding version of
-\code{}. Statistics for identically named (re: file,
-line, name) functions are automatically accumulated into single
-function statistics.
+This method of the \class{Stats} class accumulates additional
+profiling information into the current profiling object. Its
+arguments should refer to filenames created by the corresponding
+version of \function{}. Statistics for identically named
+(re: file, line, name) functions are automatically accumulated into
+single function statistics.
\begin{funcdesc}{sort_stats}{key\optional{\, ...}}
-This method modifies the \code{Stats} object by sorting it according to the
-supplied criteria. The argument is typically a string identifying the
-basis of a sort (example: \code{"time"} or \code{"name"}).
+This method modifies the \class{Stats} object by sorting it according
+to the supplied criteria. The argument is typically a string
+identifying the basis of a sort (example: \code{"time"} or
When more than one key is provided, then additional keys are used as
secondary criteria when the there is equality in all keys selected
-before them. For example, sort_stats('name', 'file') will sort all
-the entries according to their function name, and resolve all ties
+before them. For example, \samp{sort_stats('name', 'file')} will sort
+all the entries according to their function name, and resolve all ties
(identical function names) by sorting by file name.
Abbreviations can be used for any key names, as long as the
-This method for the \code{Stats} class reverses the ordering of the basic
+This method for the \class{Stats} class reverses the ordering of the basic
list within the object. This method is provided primarily for
compatibility with the old profiler. Its utility is questionable
now that ascending vs descending order is properly selected based on
\begin{funcdesc}{print_stats}{restriction\optional{\, ...}}
-This method for the \code{Stats} class prints out a report as described
-in the \code{} definition.
+This method for the \class{Stats} class prints out a report as described
+in the \function{} definition.
-The order of the printing is based on the last \code{sort_stats()}
-operation done on the object (subject to caveats in \code{add()} and
+The order of the printing is based on the last \method{sort_stats()}
+operation done on the object (subject to caveats in \method{add()} and
The arguments provided (if any) can be used to limit the list down to
the significant entries. Initially, the list is taken to be the
0.0 and 1.0 inclusive (to select a percentage of lines), or a regular
expression (to pattern match the standard name that is printed; as of
Python 1.5b1, this uses the Perl-style regular expression syntax
-defined by the \code{re} module). If several restrictions are
+defined by the \module{re} module). If several restrictions are
provided, then they are applied sequentially. For example:
print_stats(.1, "foo:")
would first limit the printing to first 10\% of list, and then only
print functions that were part of filename \samp{.*foo:}. In
contrast, the command:
print_stats("foo:", .1)
would limit the list to all functions having file names \samp{.*foo:},
and then proceed to only print the first 10\% of them.
\begin{funcdesc}{print_callers}{restrictions\optional{\, ...}}
-This method for the \code{Stats} class prints a list of all functions
+This method for the \class{Stats} class prints a list of all functions
that called each function in the profiled database. The ordering is
-identical to that provided by \code{print_stats()}, and the definition
+identical to that provided by \method{print_stats()}, and the definition
of the restricting argument is also identical. For convenience, a
number is shown in parentheses after each caller to show how many
times this specific call was made. A second non-parenthesized number
\begin{funcdesc}{print_callees}{restrictions\optional{\, ...}}
-This method for the \code{Stats} class prints a list of all function
+This method for the \class{Stats} class prints a list of all function
that were called by the indicated function. Aside from this reversal
of direction of calls (re: called vs was called by), the arguments and
-ordering are identical to the \code{print_callers()} method.
+ordering are identical to the \method{print_callers()} method.
-This method of the \code{Stats} class is used to dispose of the value
+This method of the \class{Stats} class is used to dispose of the value
returned by earlier methods. All standard methods in this class
return the instance that is being processed, so that the commands can
be strung together. For example:
would perform all the indicated functions, but it would not return
-the final reference to the \code{Stats} instance.%
+the final reference to the \class{Stats} instance.%
This was once necessary, when Python would print any unused expression
result that was not \code{None}. The method is still defined for
There are two fundamental limitations on this profiler. The first is
that it relies on the Python interpreter to dispatch \dfn{call},
-\dfn{return}, and \dfn{exception} events. Compiled C code does not
+\dfn{return}, and \dfn{exception} events. Compiled \C{} code does not
get interpreted, and hence is ``invisible'' to the profiler. All time
-spent in C code (including builtin functions) will be charged to the
-Python function that invoked the C code. If the C code calls out
+spent in \C{} code (including builtin functions) will be charged to the
+Python function that invoked the \C{} code. If the \C{} code calls out
to some native Python code, then those calls will be profiled
-The argument to calibrate() is the number of times to try to do the
-sample calls to get the CPU times. If your computer is \emph{very}
-fast, you might have to do:
+The argument to \method{calibrate()} is the number of times to try to
+do the sample calls to get the CPU times. If your computer is
+\emph{very} fast, you might have to do:
or even:
The object of this exercise is to get a fairly consistent result.
When you have a consistent answer, you are ready to use that number in
the source code. For a Sun Sparcstation 1000 running Solaris 2.3, the
self.t = r[0] + r[1] - t # put back unrecorded delta
Note that if there is no calibration constant, then the line
containing the callibration constant should simply say:
t = t[0] + t[1] - self.t # no calibration constant
You can also achieve the same results using a derived class (and the
profiler will actually run equally fast!!), but the above method is
the simplest to use. I could have made the profiler ``self
\section{Extensions --- Deriving Better Profilers}
\nodename{Profiler Extensions}
-The \code{Profile} class of module \code{profile} was written so that
+The \class{Profile} class of module \module{profile} was written so that
derived classes could be developed to extend the profiler. Rather
than describing all the details of such an effort, I'll just present
the following two examples of derived classes that can be used to do
pr = profile.Profile(your_time_func)
The resulting profiler will call \code{your_time_func()} instead of
-\code{os.times()}. The function should return either a single number
-or a list of numbers (like what \code{os.times()} returns). If the
+\function{os.times()}. The function should return either a single number
+or a list of numbers (like what \function{os.times()} returns). If the
function returns a single time number, or the list of returned numbers
has length 2, then you will get an especially fast version of the
dispatch routine.
Be warned that you \emph{should} calibrate the profiler class for the
timer function that you choose. For most machines, a timer that
returns a lone integer value will provide the best results in terms of
-low overhead during profiling. (os.times is \emph{pretty} bad, 'cause
-it returns a tuple of floating point values, so all arithmetic is
-floating point in the profiler!). If you want to substitute a
-better timer in the cleanest fashion, you should derive a class, and
-simply put in the replacement dispatch method that better handles your
-timer call, along with the appropriate calibration constant :-).
+low overhead during profiling. (\function{os.times()} is
+\emph{pretty} bad, 'cause it returns a tuple of floating point values,
+so all arithmetic is floating point in the profiler!). If you want to
+substitute a better timer in the cleanest fashion, you should derive a
+class, and simply put in the replacement dispatch method that better
+handles your timer call, along with the appropriate calibration
+constant :-).
\subsection{OldProfile Class}
nc = nc + callers[func_caller]
self.stats[nor_func] = nc, nc, tt, ct, nor_callers
\subsection{HotProfile Class}
This profiler is the fastest derived profile example. It does not
so that profiling would be a reasonable thing to do. I tried not to
repeat code fragments, but I'm sure I did some stuff in really awkward
ways at times. Please send suggestions for improvements to:
-\code{}. I won't promise \emph{any} support. ...but
+\email{}. I won't promise \emph{any} support. ...but
I'd appreciate the feedback.
A \dfn{profiler} is a program that describes the run time performance
of a program, providing a variety of statistics. This documentation
describes the profiler functionality provided in the modules
-\code{profile} and \code{pstats.} This profiler provides
+\module{profile} and \module{pstats}. This profiler provides
\dfn{deterministic profiling} of any Python programs. It also
provides a series of report generation tools to allow users to rapidly
examine the results of a profile operation.
+\index{deterministic profiling}
+\index{profiling, deterministic}
\section{How Is This Profiler Different From The Old Profiler?}
\item[Speed increased:]
Overhead CPU cost was reduced by more than a factor of two (perhaps a
factor of five), lightweight profiler module is all that must be
-loaded, and the report generating module (\code{pstats}) is not needed
+loaded, and the report generating module (\module{pstats}) is not needed
during profiling.
\item[Recursive functions support:]
informative lines (the profile) to be printed. The above approach is
most useful when working with the interpreter. If you would like to
save the results of a profile into a file for later examination, you
-can supply a file name as the second argument to the \code{run()}
+can supply a file name as the second argument to the \function{run()}
\begin{verbatim}"foo()", 'fooprof')
-\code{} can also be invoked as
+The file \file{} can also be invoked as
a script to profile another script. For example:
-\code{python} \code{/usr/local/lib/python1.4/}
+python /usr/local/lib/python1.4/
When you wish to review the profile, you should use the methods in the
-\code{pstats} module. Typically you would load the statistics data as
+\module{pstats} module. Typically you would load the statistics data as
p = pstats.Stats('fooprof')
-The class \code{Stats} (the above code just created an instance of
+The class \class{Stats} (the above code just created an instance of
this class) has a variety of methods for manipulating and printing the
data that was just read into \samp{p}. When you ran
-\code{} above, what was printed was the result of three
+\function{} above, what was printed was the result of three
method calls:
This will sort all the statistics by file name, and then print out
statistics for only the class init methods ('cause they are spelled
-with \code{__init__} in them). As one final example, you could try:
+with \samp{__init__} in them). As one final example, you could try:
p.sort_stats('time', 'cum').print_stats(.5, 'init')
p.print_callers(.5, 'init')
and you would get a list of callers for each of the listed functions.
If you want more functionality, you're going to have to read the
\section{Reference Manual}
-\setindexsubitem{(profiler function)}
+\setindexsubitem{(in module profile)}
The primary entry point for the profiler is the global function
-\code{}. It is typically used to create any profile
+\function{}. It is typically used to create any profile
information. The reports are formatted and printed using methods of
-the class \code{pstats.Stats}. The following is a description of all
+the class \class{pstats.Stats}. The following is a description of all
of these standard entry points and functions. For a more in-depth
view of some of the code, consider reading the later section on
Profiler Extensions, which includes discussion of how to derive
\begin{funcdesc}{}{string\optional{\, filename\optional{\, ...}}}
This function takes a single argument that has can be passed to the
-\code{exec} statement, and an optional file name. In all cases this
-routine attempts to \code{exec} its first argument, and gather profiling
+\keyword{exec} statement, and an optional file name. In all cases this
+routine attempts to \keyword{exec} its first argument, and gather profiling
statistics from the execution. If no file name is present, then this
function automatically prints a simple profiling report, sorted by the
standard name string (file/line/function-name) that is presented in
-\begin{funcdesc}{pstats.Stats}{filename\optional{\, ...}}
+Analysis of the profiler data is done using this class from the
+\module{pstats} module:
+\setindexsubitem{(in module pstats)}
+\begin{classdesc}{Stats}{filename\optional{\, ...}}
This class constructor creates an instance of a ``statistics object''
-from a \var{filename} (or set of filenames). \code{Stats} objects are
+from a \var{filename} (or set of filenames). \class{Stats} objects are
manipulated by methods, in order to print useful reports.
The file selected by the above constructor must have been created by
-the corresponding version of \code{profile}. To be specific, there is
-\emph{NO} file compatibility guaranteed with future versions of this
+the corresponding version of \module{profile}. To be specific, there is
+\emph{no} file compatibility guaranteed with future versions of this
profiler, and there is no compatibility with files produced by other
profilers (e.g., the old system profiler).
If several files are provided, all the statistics for identical
functions will be coalesced, so that an overall view of several
processes can be considered in a single report. If additional files
-need to be combined with data in an existing \code{Stats} object, the
-\code{add()} method can be used.
+need to be combined with data in an existing \class{Stats} object, the
+\method{add()} method can be used.
\subsection{The \sectcode{Stats} Class}
\setindexsubitem{(Stats method)}
-This method for the \code{Stats} class removes all leading path information
-from file names. It is very useful in reducing the size of the
-printout to fit within (close to) 80 columns. This method modifies
-the object, and the stripped information is lost. After performing a
-strip operation, the object is considered to have its entries in a
-``random'' order, as it was just after object initialization and
-loading. If \code{strip_dirs()} causes two function names to be
-indistinguishable (i.e., they are on the same line of the same
-filename, and have the same function name), then the statistics for
-these two entries are accumulated into a single entry.
+This method for the \class{Stats} class removes all leading path
+information from file names. It is very useful in reducing the size
+of the printout to fit within (close to) 80 columns. This method
+modifies the object, and the stripped information is lost. After
+performing a strip operation, the object is considered to have its
+entries in a ``random'' order, as it was just after object
+initialization and loading. If \method{strip_dirs()} causes two
+function names to be indistinguishable (i.e., they are on the same
+line of the same filename, and have the same function name), then the
+statistics for these two entries are accumulated into a single entry.
\begin{funcdesc}{add}{filename\optional{\, ...}}
-This method of the \code{Stats} class accumulates additional profiling
-information into the current profiling object. Its arguments should
-refer to filenames created by the corresponding version of
-\code{}. Statistics for identically named (re: file,
-line, name) functions are automatically accumulated into single
-function statistics.
+This method of the \class{Stats} class accumulates additional
+profiling information into the current profiling object. Its
+arguments should refer to filenames created by the corresponding
+version of \function{}. Statistics for identically named
+(re: file, line, name) functions are automatically accumulated into
+single function statistics.
\begin{funcdesc}{sort_stats}{key\optional{\, ...}}
-This method modifies the \code{Stats} object by sorting it according to the
-supplied criteria. The argument is typically a string identifying the
-basis of a sort (example: \code{"time"} or \code{"name"}).
+This method modifies the \class{Stats} object by sorting it according
+to the supplied criteria. The argument is typically a string
+identifying the basis of a sort (example: \code{"time"} or
When more than one key is provided, then additional keys are used as
secondary criteria when the there is equality in all keys selected
-before them. For example, sort_stats('name', 'file') will sort all
-the entries according to their function name, and resolve all ties
+before them. For example, \samp{sort_stats('name', 'file')} will sort
+all the entries according to their function name, and resolve all ties
(identical function names) by sorting by file name.
Abbreviations can be used for any key names, as long as the
-This method for the \code{Stats} class reverses the ordering of the basic
+This method for the \class{Stats} class reverses the ordering of the basic
list within the object. This method is provided primarily for
compatibility with the old profiler. Its utility is questionable
now that ascending vs descending order is properly selected based on
\begin{funcdesc}{print_stats}{restriction\optional{\, ...}}
-This method for the \code{Stats} class prints out a report as described
-in the \code{} definition.
+This method for the \class{Stats} class prints out a report as described
+in the \function{} definition.
-The order of the printing is based on the last \code{sort_stats()}
-operation done on the object (subject to caveats in \code{add()} and
+The order of the printing is based on the last \method{sort_stats()}
+operation done on the object (subject to caveats in \method{add()} and
The arguments provided (if any) can be used to limit the list down to
the significant entries. Initially, the list is taken to be the
0.0 and 1.0 inclusive (to select a percentage of lines), or a regular
expression (to pattern match the standard name that is printed; as of
Python 1.5b1, this uses the Perl-style regular expression syntax
-defined by the \code{re} module). If several restrictions are
+defined by the \module{re} module). If several restrictions are
provided, then they are applied sequentially. For example:
print_stats(.1, "foo:")
would first limit the printing to first 10\% of list, and then only
print functions that were part of filename \samp{.*foo:}. In
contrast, the command:
print_stats("foo:", .1)
would limit the list to all functions having file names \samp{.*foo:},
and then proceed to only print the first 10\% of them.
\begin{funcdesc}{print_callers}{restrictions\optional{\, ...}}
-This method for the \code{Stats} class prints a list of all functions
+This method for the \class{Stats} class prints a list of all functions
that called each function in the profiled database. The ordering is
-identical to that provided by \code{print_stats()}, and the definition
+identical to that provided by \method{print_stats()}, and the definition
of the restricting argument is also identical. For convenience, a
number is shown in parentheses after each caller to show how many
times this specific call was made. A second non-parenthesized number
\begin{funcdesc}{print_callees}{restrictions\optional{\, ...}}
-This method for the \code{Stats} class prints a list of all function
+This method for the \class{Stats} class prints a list of all function
that were called by the indicated function. Aside from this reversal
of direction of calls (re: called vs was called by), the arguments and
-ordering are identical to the \code{print_callers()} method.
+ordering are identical to the \method{print_callers()} method.
-This method of the \code{Stats} class is used to dispose of the value
+This method of the \class{Stats} class is used to dispose of the value
returned by earlier methods. All standard methods in this class
return the instance that is being processed, so that the commands can
be strung together. For example:
would perform all the indicated functions, but it would not return
-the final reference to the \code{Stats} instance.%
+the final reference to the \class{Stats} instance.%
This was once necessary, when Python would print any unused expression
result that was not \code{None}. The method is still defined for
There are two fundamental limitations on this profiler. The first is
that it relies on the Python interpreter to dispatch \dfn{call},
-\dfn{return}, and \dfn{exception} events. Compiled C code does not
+\dfn{return}, and \dfn{exception} events. Compiled \C{} code does not
get interpreted, and hence is ``invisible'' to the profiler. All time
-spent in C code (including builtin functions) will be charged to the
-Python function that invoked the C code. If the C code calls out
+spent in \C{} code (including builtin functions) will be charged to the
+Python function that invoked the \C{} code. If the \C{} code calls out
to some native Python code, then those calls will be profiled
-The argument to calibrate() is the number of times to try to do the
-sample calls to get the CPU times. If your computer is \emph{very}
-fast, you might have to do:
+The argument to \method{calibrate()} is the number of times to try to
+do the sample calls to get the CPU times. If your computer is
+\emph{very} fast, you might have to do:
or even:
The object of this exercise is to get a fairly consistent result.
When you have a consistent answer, you are ready to use that number in
the source code. For a Sun Sparcstation 1000 running Solaris 2.3, the
self.t = r[0] + r[1] - t # put back unrecorded delta
Note that if there is no calibration constant, then the line
containing the callibration constant should simply say:
t = t[0] + t[1] - self.t # no calibration constant
You can also achieve the same results using a derived class (and the
profiler will actually run equally fast!!), but the above method is
the simplest to use. I could have made the profiler ``self
\section{Extensions --- Deriving Better Profilers}
\nodename{Profiler Extensions}
-The \code{Profile} class of module \code{profile} was written so that
+The \class{Profile} class of module \module{profile} was written so that
derived classes could be developed to extend the profiler. Rather
than describing all the details of such an effort, I'll just present
the following two examples of derived classes that can be used to do
pr = profile.Profile(your_time_func)
The resulting profiler will call \code{your_time_func()} instead of
-\code{os.times()}. The function should return either a single number
-or a list of numbers (like what \code{os.times()} returns). If the
+\function{os.times()}. The function should return either a single number
+or a list of numbers (like what \function{os.times()} returns). If the
function returns a single time number, or the list of returned numbers
has length 2, then you will get an especially fast version of the
dispatch routine.
Be warned that you \emph{should} calibrate the profiler class for the
timer function that you choose. For most machines, a timer that
returns a lone integer value will provide the best results in terms of
-low overhead during profiling. (os.times is \emph{pretty} bad, 'cause
-it returns a tuple of floating point values, so all arithmetic is
-floating point in the profiler!). If you want to substitute a
-better timer in the cleanest fashion, you should derive a class, and
-simply put in the replacement dispatch method that better handles your
-timer call, along with the appropriate calibration constant :-).
+low overhead during profiling. (\function{os.times()} is
+\emph{pretty} bad, 'cause it returns a tuple of floating point values,
+so all arithmetic is floating point in the profiler!). If you want to
+substitute a better timer in the cleanest fashion, you should derive a
+class, and simply put in the replacement dispatch method that better
+handles your timer call, along with the appropriate calibration
+constant :-).
\subsection{OldProfile Class}
nc = nc + callers[func_caller]
self.stats[nor_func] = nc, nc, tt, ct, nor_callers
\subsection{HotProfile Class}
This profiler is the fastest derived profile example. It does not