-# Magic number for FrameMaker files. Thanks to Berry Kercheval for some.
-# $Header: /home/glen/git/file/cvs/file/magic/Magdir/frame,v 1.2 1990/08/05 14:48:13 ian Exp $
-0 string \<MakerFile FrameMaker document data
-0 string \<MIFFile Frame Maker MIF file text
-0 string \<MML Frame Maker MML file text
+# Magic number for FrameMaker files
+# This stuff came on a FrameMaker demo tape, most of which is
+# copyright, but this file is "published" as witness the following:
+0 string \<MakerFile FrameMaker document
+>11 string 3.0 (3.0
+>11 string 2.0 (2.0
+>11 string 1.0 (1.0
+>14 byte x %c)
+0 string \<MIFFile FrameMaker MIF file
+>9 string 3.0 (3.0)
+>9 string 2.0 (2.0)
+>9 string 1.0 (1.x)
+0 string \<MakerDictionary FraneMaker Dictionary text
+>17 string 2.0 (2.0)
+>17 string 1.0 (1.x)
+0 string \<MakerScreenFon FrameMaker Font file
+>17 string 1.01 (%s)
+0 string \<MML FrameMaker MML file
+0 string \<Book FrameMaker Book file
+>10 string 2.0 (2.0
+>10 string 1.0 (1.0
+>13 byte x %c)
+0 string \<Maker Intermediate Print File FrameMaker IPL file
+0 string \<MakerDictionary FraneMaker Dictionary text