+2001-03-30 Fredrik Öhrn <ohrn@chl.chalmers.se>
+ * ext/cpdf/cpdf.c
+ ext/cpdf/php_cpdf.h:
+ Implemented cpdf_set_viewer_preferences (previously a stub).
+ Added new functions: cpdf_set_font_directories and cpdf_set_font_map_file.
+2001-03-30 Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@recoil.org>
+ * ext/zlib/zlib.c:
+ Send the correct Vary headers, if we negotiate a gzip/deflate session
+ via Accept-Encoding. This obeys a SHOULD directive in RFC2616
+ PR: 10070
+2001-03-30 Zeev Suraski <zeev@zend.com>
+ * ext/pgsql/pgsql.c: Fix pgsql_set_Default_link()
+ * ext/pgsql/pgsql.c:
+ Revert all PostgreSQL patches that were in the branch...
+2001-03-30 Sascha Schumann <sascha@schumann.cx>
+ * build/genif.sh
+ build/print_include.awk:
+ Replace the incomprehensible newline escaping with @NEWLINE@
+ Fixes the build on Darwin 1.2
+2001-03-30 Christian Stocker <chregu@nomad.ch>
+ * pear/Experimental/XML/sql2xml.php: too much whitespaces after ?>
+ * pear/Experimental/XML/fo2pdf.php:
+ printPDF() din't print out the correct header, if no pdf was specified
+ * pear/Experimental/XML/sql2xml.php: one api-change ulf forgot:
+ getxml() -> getXML()
+ * pear/Experimental/XML/sql2xml_ext.php:
+ a lot of new customizable options.... too much to be listed here,
+ documentation will follow.
+ * pear/Experimental/XML/sql2xml.php:
+ - new user_tableInfo option for user-contributed xml-structure
+ - Error checking in doSql2Xml
+ - xml_encode function for correctly parsing of &s.
+2001-03-30 Ulf Wendel <ulf.wendel@phpdoc.de>
+ * pear/ITX.xml
+ pear/IT[X].xml: - Renamed the file following Thies suggestion
+ 100% beginners compatible politics of the PHP core guys: I was (again) allowed to make a mistake without beeing kicked - cool, thanks!
+2001-03-30 Emiliano Heyns <emile@iris-advies.com>
+ * ext/midgard/preparser.c: Don't restat the connection, trust mod_midgard
+2001-03-30 Romolo Manfredini <romolo@bicnet.it>
+ * ext/pgsql/pgsql.c:
+ pg_close was not closing the connection, making impossible to reopen it. Pls insert in 4.0.5
+2001-03-30 Adam Daniel <adaniel2@cinci.rr.com>
+ * pear/HTML/Common.php: added a few methods to manipulate attributes
+ * pear/HTML/Table.php: minor change to toHtml
2001-03-29 Ulf Wendel <ulf.wendel@phpdoc.de>
* pear/package.dtd: - uuups, modified the package.dtd, undo