-<pubdate>04 Feb 2001</pubdate>
+<pubdate>19 Mar 2002</pubdate>
<releaseinfo role="cvs">$Id$
<legalnotice role="status"><title>Status of this Document</title>
<para>This is a working draft constructed by the editor. It is not
an official committee work product and may not reflect the consensus
opinion of the committee.</para>
+<para>This Working Draft was approved for publication by the OASIS
+DocBook Technical Committee. Comments on this document may be sent to <ulink
<para>This Committee Specification was approved for publication by the
OASIS DocBook Technical Committee. It represents the
-<revision role="entities-2002-02-04.html">
+<revision role="entities-2002-03-19.html">
<revnumber>Working Draft</revnumber>
- <date>04 Feb 2001</date>
+ <date>19 Mar 2002</date>
-<revision role="entities-2001-11-19.html">
+<revision role="http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xmlcharent/0.1/entities-2001-11-19.html">
<revnumber>Working Draft</revnumber>
<date>19 Nov 2001</date>
<example id="ex.decl">
<title>Declaring and Using the ISO Latin 1 Character Entity Set</title>
<programlisting><!DOCTYPE doc [
-<!ENTITY iso-lat1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML"
- "&baseuri;/isolat1.ent">
+<!ENTITY % iso-lat1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//XML"
+ "&baseuri;/isolat1.ent">
<p>This document declares the ISO Latin 1 Character Entity Set, providing