* A version of the :mod:`io` library, rewritten in C for performance.
* The ordered-dictionary type described in :ref:`pep-0372`.
-* The new format specified described in :ref:`pep-0378`.
+* The new format specifier described in :ref:`pep-0378`.
* The :class:`memoryview` object.
* A small subset of the :mod:`importlib` module `described below <#importlib-section>`__.
more sensible for numeric types. (Changed by Mark Dickinson; :issue:`6857`.)
* Distutils is being more actively developed, thanks to Tarek Ziade
- has taken over maintenance of the package. A new
+ who has taken over maintenance of the package. A new
:file:`setup.py` subcommand, ``check``, will
check that the arguments being passed to the :func:`setup` function
are complete and correct (:issue:`5732`).
The author would like to thank the following people for offering
suggestions, corrections and assistance with various drafts of this
-article: Hugh Secker-Walker.
+article: Ryan Lovett, Hugh Secker-Walker.