<extsrcrelease />
+ <release>
+ <version>
+ <release>1.1.0</release>
+ <api>1.1.0</api>
+ </version>
+ <stability>
+ <release>stable</release>
+ <api>stable</api>
+ </stability>
+ <date>2007-04-12</date>
+ <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
+ <notes>
+ * implement ability connect a phar file 'phar://whatever' to a directory. That way all
+ access to that phar archive are directed to the extracted directory. This
+ allows to have the installed files and the archieve keep the same includes.
+ [Marcus]
+ * implement SHA-2 (256, 512) support [Marcus]
+ * implement setSignatureAlgorithm() and Phar::MD5 Phar::SHA1 Phar::SHA256 Phar::SHA512 Phar::PGP to
+ choose the kind of signature to use (PGP falls back to SHA1) [Greg]
+ </notes>
+ </release>