--- /dev/null
+# nhsub
+# $NHDT-Date: 1427408239 2015/03/26 22:17:19 $
+# Note: was originally called nhdate; the rename is not reflected in the code.
+use strict;
+my %opt; #cmd v n f F (other single char, but we don't care)
+my $mode; # a c d f (add, commit, date, date -f)
+#SO how do we know if a file has changed?
+#(git status: git status --porcelain --ignored -- FILES.
+#maybe + -z but it's a question of rename operations - probably doesn't
+# matter, but need to experiment.
+# key: [dacf] first character of opt{cmd} (f if nhsub -f or add -f)
+# first 2 chars of "git status --porcelain --ignored"
+# (see "git help status" for table)
+# No default. Undef means something unexpected happened.
+my %codes = (
+ 'f M'=>1, 'f D'=>1, # [MD] not updated
+ 'a M'=>0, 'a D'=>0,
+ 'd M'=>0, 'd D'=>0,
+ 'c M'=>0, 'c D'=>0,
+# M [ MD] updated in index
+ 'dA '=>1, 'dAM'=>1, 'dAD'=>1,
+ 'aA '=>1, 'aAM'=>1, 'aAD'=>1,
+ 'cA '=>1, 'cAM'=>1, 'cAD'=>1,
+ 'fA '=>1, 'fAM'=>1, 'fAD'=>1,
+ # A [ MD] added to index
+ 'dD '=>0, 'dDM'=>0,
+ 'aD '=>1, 'aDM'=>1,
+ 'cD '=>0, 'cDM'=>0,
+ 'fD '=>1, 'fDM'=>1,
+ # D [ M] deleted from index
+# R [ MD] renamed in index
+# C [ MD] copied in index
+ 'aM '=>1, 'aA '=>1, 'aR '=>1, 'aC '=>1,
+ 'fM '=>1, 'fA '=>1, 'fR '=>1, 'fC '=>1,
+ # [MARC] index and work tree matches
+ 'd M'=>1, 'dMM'=>1, 'dAM'=>1, 'dRM'=>1, 'dCM'=>1,
+ 'a M'=>1, 'aMM'=>1, 'aAM'=>1, 'aRM'=>1, 'aCM'=>1,
+ 'c M'=>1, 'cMM'=>1, 'cAM'=>1, 'cRM'=>1, 'cCM'=>1,
+ 'f M'=>1, 'fMM'=>1, 'fAM'=>1, 'fRM'=>1, 'fCM'=>1,
+ # [ MARC] M work tree changed since index
+ 'd D'=>0, 'dMD'=>0, 'dAD'=>0, 'dRD'=>0, 'dCD'=>0,
+ 'a D'=>0, 'aMD'=>0, 'aAD'=>0, 'aRD'=>0, 'aCD'=>0,
+ 'c D'=>0, 'cMD'=>0, 'cAD'=>0, 'cRD'=>0, 'cCD'=>0,
+ 'f D'=>0, 'fMD'=>0, 'fAD'=>0, 'fRD'=>0, 'fCD'=>0,
+ # [ MARC] D deleted in work tree
+ # -------------------------------------------------
+ # DD unmerged, both deleted
+ # AU unmerged, added by us
+ # UD unmerged, deleted by them
+ # UA unmerged, added by them
+ # DU unmerged, deleted by us
+ # AA unmerged, both added
+ # UU unmerged, both modified
+ # -------------------------------------------------
+ 'a??'=>1, 'f??'=>1, # ?? untracked
+ 'd??'=>0, 'c??'=>0,
+ 'f!!'=>1, # !! ignored
+ 'a!!'=>0, 'd!!'=>0, 'c!!'=>0
+# OS hackery
+my $PDS = '/';
+if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
+ $PDS = '\\';
+# pick up the prefix for substitutions in this repo
+my $PREFIX = &git_config('nethack','substprefix');
+print "PREFIX: '$PREFIX'\n" if($opt{v});
+my @rawlist = &cmdparse(@ARGV);
+push(@rawlist,'.') if($#rawlist == -1);
+ my $raw = shift @rawlist;
+ if(-f $raw){
+ &schedule_work($raw);
+ next;
+ }
+ if(-d $raw){
+ if($raw =~ m!$PDS.git$!o){
+ print "SKIP $raw\n" if($opt{v}>=2);
+ next;
+ }
+ opendir RDIR,$raw or die "Can't opendir: $raw";
+ local($_); # needed until perl 5.11.2
+ while($_ = readdir RDIR){
+ next if(m/^\.\.?$/);
+ if(m/^\./ && $opt{f}){
+ print " IGNORE-f: $raw$PDS$_\n" if($opt{v}>=2);
+ next;
+ }
+ push(@rawlist, $raw.$PDS.$_);
+ }
+ closedir RDIR;
+ }
+ # ignore other file types
+# XXX could batch things up - later
+sub schedule_work {
+ my($file) = @_;
+ print "CHECK: '$file'\n" if($opt{v}>=2);
+ local($_) = `git status --porcelain --ignored -- $file`;
+ my $key = $mode . join('',(m/^(.)(.)/));
+ if(length $key == 1){
+ # Hack. An unmodified, tracked file produces no output from
+ # git status. Treat as ignored.
+ $key .= '!!';
+ }
+ $key =~ s/-/ /g; # for Keni's locally mod'ed git
+ if(!exists $codes{$key}){
+ die "I'm lost.\nK='$key' F=$file\nST=$_";
+ }
+ if($codes{$key}==0){
+ if($opt{v}>=2){
+ print " IGNORE: $_" if(length);
+ print " IGNORE: !! $file\n" if(!length);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if($opt{F}){
+ my $ign = `git check-ignore $file`;
+ if($ign !~ m/^\s*$/){
+ print " IGNORE-F: $ign" if($opt{v}>=2);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+# FALLTHROUGH and continue
+ my $attr = `git check-attr NHSUBST -- $file`;
+ if($attr =~ m/NHSUBST:\s+(.*)/){
+# XXX this is a bug in git. What if the value of an attribute is the
+# string "unset"? Sigh.
+ if(! $opt{F}){
+ if($1 eq "unset" || $1 eq "unspecified"){
+ print " NOATTR: $attr" if($opt{v}>=2);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ &process_file($file);
+ return;
+ }
+ die "Can't parse check-attr return: $attr\n";
+sub process_file {
+ my($file) = @_;
+ print "DOFIL: $file\n" if($opt{v}>=1);
+ # For speed we read in the entire file then do the substitutions.
+ local($_) = '';
+ my $len;
+ open INFILE, "<", $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";
+ while(1){
+ # On at least some systems we only get 64K.
+ my $len = sysread(INFILE, $_, 999999, length($_));
+ last if($len == 0);
+ die "read failed: $!" unless defined($len);
+ }
+ close INFILE;
+ local $::current_file = $file; # used under handlevar
+ # $1 - var and value (including trailing space but not $)
+ # $2 - var
+ # $4 - value or undef
+#s/\$$PREFIX-(([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(: ([^\N{DOLLAR SIGN}]+))?)\$/&handlevar($2,$4)/eg;
+my $count = s/\$$PREFIX-(([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(: ([^\x24]+))?)\$/&handlevar($2,$4)/eg;
+# XXX had o modifier, why?
+ return unless($count>0);
+ return if($opt{n});
+ my $ofile = $file . ".nht";
+ open(TOUT, ">", $ofile) or die "Can't open $ofile";
+ die "write failed: $!" unless defined syswrite(TOUT, $_);
+ close TOUT or die "Can't close $ofile";
+ rename $ofile, $file or die "Can't rename $ofile to $file";
+sub cmdparse {
+ my(@in) = @_;
+ # What are we doing?
+ $opt{cmd} = 'date'; # really nhsub
+ if($in[0] eq '--add'){
+ $opt{cmd} = 'add';
+ shift @in;
+ }
+ if($in[0] eq '--commit'){
+ $opt{cmd} = 'commit';
+ shift @in;
+ }
+# add: -n -v
+# commit: --dry-run -v
+# nhsub: -n -v
+ while($in[0] =~ m/^-/){
+ local($_) = $in[0];
+ if($_ eq '--'){
+ shift @in;
+ last;
+ }
+ if(m/^--/){
+ if($opt{cmd} eq 'commit' && $_ eq '--dry-run'){
+ $opt{'n'} = 1;
+ }
+ shift @in;
+ next;
+ }
+ if(m/^-(.*)/){
+ foreach my $single ( split(//,$1) ){
+ # don't do -v here from add/commit
+ if($single ne 'v'){
+ $opt{$single}++;
+ } elsif($opt{cmd} eq 'date'){
+ $opt{$single}++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ shift @in;
+ }
+ ($mode) = ($opt{cmd} =~ m/^(.)/);
+ $mode = 'f' if($opt{cmd} eq 'date' && ($opt{f}||$opt{F}));
+ $mode = 'f' if($opt{cmd} eq 'add' && $opt{f});
+ return @in; # this is our file list
+sub git_config {
+ my($section, $var) = @_;
+ my $raw = `git config --local --get $section.$var`;
+ $raw =~ s/[\r\n]*$//g;
+ return $raw if(length $raw);
+ die "Missing config var: [$section] $var\n";
+sub handlevar {
+ my($var, $val) = @_;
+# print "HIT '$var' '$val'\n" if($debug2);
+ my $subname = "PREFIX::$var";
+ if(defined &$subname){
+ no strict;
+ print " SUBIN: $var '$val'\n" if($opt{v}>=3);
+ $val =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $val = &$subname($val);
+ print " SUBOT: $var '$val'\n" if($opt{v}>=3);
+ } else {
+ warn "No handler for \$$PREFIX-$var\n";
+ }
+ if(length $val){
+ return "\$$PREFIX-$var: $val \$";
+ } else {
+ return "\$$PREFIX-$var\$";
+ }
+package PREFIX;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+# On push, put in the current date because we changed the file.
+# On pull, keep the current value so we can see the last change date.
+sub Date {
+ my($val) = @_;
+ # we add this to make merge easier for now XXX
+ my $now = time; # not %s below - may not be portable
+ $val = "$now " . strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime($now));
+ return $val;
+#sub Header {
+#sub Author {
+# NB: the standard-ish Revision line isn't enough - you need Branch:Revision -
+# but we split it into 2 so we can use the standard processing code on Revision
+# and just slip Branch in.
+sub Branch {
+ my($val) = @_;
+ $val = `git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD`;
+ $val =~ s/[\n\r]*$//;
+ $val =~ s/^\*\s*//;
+ $val = "(unknown)" unless($val =~ m/^[[:print:]]+$/);
+ return $val;
+sub Revision {
+ my($val) = @_;
+ my @val = `git log --follow --oneline $::current_file`;
+ my $ver = 0+$#val;
+ $ver = 0 if($ver < 0);
+ $val = "1.$ver";
+ return $val;
+=head1 NAME
+C<nhsub> - NetHack git command for substitution variables
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+C<git nhsub [-v[v[v]] [-n] [-f|-F] [--] [file...]>
+C<nhsub> rewrites the specified files by doing variable substitution for
+variables starting with the prefix specified in the repository's
+C<nethack.substprefix> configuration variable. C<nhsub> is also invoked
+internally from the implementation of the C<nhadd> and C<nhcommit>
+The program re-writes those files listed on the command line; if the file
+is actually a directory, the program recurses into that directory tree.
+Not all files found are re-written; some are ignored and those with no
+substitution variables are not re-written. Unless changed by the options,
+files that have not changed are not affected.
+If no files are listed on the command line, the current directory is
+checked as if specified as C<.>.
+Files listed directly on the command line are always checked.
+The C<.git> directory is never processed.
+The following command line options are available:
+=item C<-v[v[v]]>
+Verbose output; may be (usefully) specified up to 3 times. Not available
+when invoked as part of C<nhadd> or C<nhcommit>.
+=item C<-n>
+Do not write any files.
+=item C<-f>
+Force, version 1:
+Perform substitution even if the file has not changed,
+except no dot files are processed unless listed directly on the command line.
+This prevents accidents with editor temprorary files while recursing. Note
+that this overloads the C<-f> option of C<git add> and C<git commit>.
+=item C<-F>
+Force, version 2:
+Perform substitution even if the file has not changed,
+even if the NHSUBST attribute is not set for the
+file, and only if the file is not ignored by git. Not available
+when invoked as part of C<nhadd> or C<nhcommit>.
# value of nethack.setupversion we will end up with when this is done
# version 1 is reserved for repos checked out before versioning was added
-my $version_new = 2;
+my $version_new = 3;
my $version_old = 0; # current version, if any (0 is no entry ergo new repo)
use Cwd;
$addpath = catfile(curdir(),'.git','hooks','NHadd');
&add_alias('nhadd', "!$addpath add");
&add_alias('nhcommit', "!$addpath commit");
+my $nhsub = catfile(curdir(),'.git','hooks','nhsub');
+&add_alias('nhsub', "!$nhsub");
print STDERR "Installing filter/merge\n" if($opt_v);
-if($^O eq "MSWin32"){
- $cmd = '.git\\\\hooks\\\\NHtext';
-} else {
- $cmd = catfile(curdir(),'.git','hooks','NHtext');
+# XXXX need it in NHadd to find nhsub???
+# removed at version 3
+#if($^O eq "MSWin32"){
+# $cmd = '.git\\\\hooks\\\\NHtext';
+#} else {
+# $cmd = catfile(curdir(),'.git','hooks','NHtext');
+#&add_config('filter.NHtext.clean', "$cmd --clean %f");
+#&add_config('filter.NHtext.smudge', "$cmd --smudge %f");
+if($version_old == 1 or $version_old == 2){
+ print STDERR "Removing filter.NHtext\n" if($opt_v);
+ system('git','config','--unset','filter.NHtext.clean') unless($opt_n);
+ system('git','config','--unset','filter.NHtext.smudge') unless($opt_n);
+ system('git','config','--remove-section','filter.NHtext') unless($opt_n);
+ print STDERR "Removing NHtext\n" if($opt_v);
+ unlink catfile(curdir(),'.git','hooks','NHtext') unless($opt_n);
-&add_config('filter.NHtext.clean', "$cmd --clean %f");
-&add_config('filter.NHtext.smudge', "$cmd --smudge %f");
$cmd = catfile(curdir(),'.git','hooks','NHsubst');
&add_config('merge.NHsubst.name', 'NetHack Keyword Substitution');