// OpenMP 4.5 [, map Clause, Restrictions, C++, p.1]
// If the type of a list item is a reference to a type T then the type will
// be considered to be T for all purposes of this clause.
- QualType Type = CurDeclaration->getType().getNonReferenceType();
+ auto I = llvm::find_if(
+ CurComponents,
+ [](const OMPClauseMappableExprCommon::MappableComponent &MC) {
+ return MC.getAssociatedDeclaration();
+ });
+ assert(I != CurComponents.end() && "Null decl on map clause.");
+ QualType Type =
+ I->getAssociatedDeclaration()->getType().getNonReferenceType();
// OpenMP 4.5 [2.10.5, target update Construct, Restrictions, p.4]
// A list item in a to or from clause must have a mappable type.
+struct SREF {
+ int &a;
+ int b;
+ SREF(int &a) : a(a) {}
template <typename T, int I>
struct SA {
static int ss;
T *f;
int bf : 20;
void func(int arg) {
+ SREF sref(arg);
#pragma omp target
a = 0.0;
bf = 20;
- #pragma omp target map(arg,a,d)
+ #pragma omp target map(arg,a,d,sref.b)
#pragma omp target map(arg[2:2],a,d) // expected-error {{subscripted value is not an array or pointer}}