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- <title>Clang c-lang parser for LLVM</title>
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- <h1>Clang: a C language front-end for LLVM</h1>
- <h2>About</h2>
- <p>The goal of the Clang project is to create a new <a href="http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/LICENSE.TXT">BSD Licensed</a> C, C++, & ObjC front-end for the <a href="http://www.llvm.org/">LLVM</a> compiler.
- <br><br>
- <p>In the context of this website, the term Clang actually refers to two things:
- <p>1) A "code name" for the LLVM compiler front-end.
- <p>2) A specific library in the LLVM front-end -- in particular the "driver" that makes all the other libraries work together.
- <br><br>
- <p>The developers of Clang include contributers from Apple and numerous other volunteers.
- <h2>Why?</h2>
- <p>The development of a new front-end was started out of a need -- a need for a compiler that allows better diagnostics, better integration with IDEs, a license that is compatible with commercial products, and a compiler that is easier to develop and maintain. All of these were motivations for starting work on a new C/C++/ObjC front-end that could meet these needs.
- <p>An excellent introduction to Clang can be found in the following video lectures:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="clang_video-05-25-2007.html">Clang Introduction</a>
- <li><a href="clang_video-07-25-2007.html">Features and Performance of Clang</a>
- </ul>
- <h2>Features/Goals</h2>
- Some of the goals for the project include the following:
- <ul>
- <li>Real-world, production quality compiler.</li>
- <li>A single unified parser for C/ObjC/C++</li>
- <li>Language conformance with C, ObjC, C++ (including variants, like C90, C99, etc)</li>
- <li>GCC compatibility (supports GCC extensions, but allow them to be disabled)</li>
- <li>Library based architecture with finely crafted C++ API's</li>
- <li>High performance</li>
- <li>Design for integration with IDEs as well as code generation with <a href="http://llvm.org">LLVM</a>.</li>
- <li><a href="features.html#expressivediags">Expressive diagnostics</a></li>
- <li>BSD License</li>
- </ul>
- Of course this is only a rough outline of the goals and features of Clang. To get a true sense of what the new LLVM front-end is all about, as well as why you might want to considering using it, see the <a href="features.html">Features</a> section.
- <h2>Try Clang</h2>
- If you are a compiler developer and want to try out Clang, then build instructions are available on the <a href="get_involved.html#build">Get Involved</a> page. Note that clang is still early in development. If you are looking for source analysis or source-to-source transformation tools, clang is probably a great solution for you. If you want to use it as a drop in C compiler, it is not yet ready.
- <h2>Get Involved</h2>
- If you are interested in working on Clang, then check out the <a href="get_involved.html">Get Involved</a> section.
- </div>
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+ <title>Clang c-lang parser for LLVM</title>\r
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+ <div id="content">\r
+ <h1>Clang: a C language front-end for LLVM</h1>\r
+ <h2>About</h2>\r
+ <p>The goal of the Clang project is to create a new <a href="http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/LICENSE.TXT">BSD Licensed</a> C, C++, & ObjC front-end for the <a href="http://www.llvm.org/">LLVM</a> compiler.\r
+ <br><br>\r
+ <p>In the context of this website, the term Clang actually refers to two things:\r
+ <p>1) A "code name" for the LLVM compiler front-end.\r
+ <p>2) A specific library in the LLVM front-end -- in particular the "driver" that makes all the other libraries work together.\r
+ <br><br>\r
+ <p>The developers of Clang include contributers from Apple and numerous other volunteers.\r
+ <h2>Why?</h2>\r
+ <p>The development of a new front-end was started out of a need -- a need for a compiler that allows better diagnostics, better integration with IDEs, a license that is compatible with commercial products, and a compiler that is easier to develop and maintain. All of these were motivations for starting work on a new C/C++/ObjC front-end that could meet these needs.\r
+ <p>An excellent introduction to Clang can be found in the following video lectures:\r
+ <ul>\r
+ <li><a href="clang_video-05-25-2007.html">Clang Introduction</a>\r
+ <li><a href="clang_video-07-25-2007.html">Features and Performance of Clang</a>\r
+ </ul>\r
+ <h2>Features/Goals</h2>\r
+ Some of the goals for the project include the following:\r
+ <ul>\r
+ <li>Real-world, production quality compiler.</li>\r
+ <li>A single unified parser for C/ObjC/C++</li>\r
+ <li>Language conformance with C, ObjC, C++ (including variants, like C90, C99, etc)</li>\r
+ <li>GCC compatibility (supports GCC extensions, but allow them to be disabled)</li>\r
+ <li>Library based architecture with finely crafted C++ APIs</li>\r
+ <li>High performance</li>\r
+ <li>Design for integration with IDEs as well as code generation with <a href="http://llvm.org">LLVM</a>.</li>\r
+ <li><a href="features.html#expressivediags">Expressive diagnostics</a></li>\r
+ <li>BSD License</li>\r
+ </ul>\r
+ Of course this is only a rough outline of the goals and features of Clang. To get a true sense of what the new LLVM front-end is all about, as well as why you might want to considering using it, see the <a href="features.html">Features</a> section.\r
+ <h2>Try Clang</h2>\r
+ If you are a compiler developer and want to try out Clang, then build instructions are available on the <a href="get_involved.html#build">Get Involved</a> page. Note that clang is still early in development. If you are looking for source analysis or source-to-source transformation tools, clang is probably a great solution for you. If you want to use it as a drop in C compiler, it is not yet ready.\r
+ <h2>Get Involved</h2>\r
+ If you are interested in working on Clang, then check out the <a href="get_involved.html">Get Involved</a> section.\r
+ </div>\r
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+ <!--\r
+ Note to anyone editing this page:\r
+ The "By Language" section is basically setup so that you\r
+ 1) Include a simple 1 or 2 word status by the language.\r
+ 2) Note a key points (whatever it may be) about the status.\r
+ The "By Library" section was intended to be a little more detailed.\r
+ Basically, take the same idea of a 1 or 2 word status and fill it in.\r
+ If percentages would be better than a 1 or 2 word status,\r
+ then that's possible as well.\r
+ Lastly, is the "Status History" where you can make a few points about\r
+ the updates that you made to the status page -- to give people kind of\r
+ and idea of the progress of things.\r
+ Perhaps following the 3 month LLVM release cycle might be one possible\r
+ way to establish a regular schedule of updating the page -- supposing\r
+ that 3 months would not be too often.\r
+ -->\r
<div id="content">\r
<h1>Status of Clang</h1>\r
Here is a rundown of the current status of Clang as of September 2007.\r
- <h2>By library:</h2>\r
+ <h2>By Library:</h2>\r