<funcdef>text <function>ST_AsGML</function></funcdef>
<paramdef><type>geometry </type> <parameter>geom</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice='opt'><type>integer </type> <parameter>maxdecimaldigits=15</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef choice='opt'><type>integer </type> <parameter>options=0</parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef>text <function>ST_AsGML</function></funcdef>
<para>Availability: 1.5.0 geography support was introduced.</para>
<para>Enhanced: 2.0.0 prefix support was introduced. Option 4 for GML3 was introduced to allow using LineString instead of Curve tag for lines. GML3 Support for Polyhedral surfaces and TINS was introduced. Option 32 was introduced to output the box.</para>
<para>Changed: 2.0.0 use default named args</para>
- <para>Availability: 2.0.1 id support was introduced, for GML 3.</para>
+ <para>Availability: 2.1.0 id support was introduced, for GML 3.</para>
<note><para>Only version 3+ of ST_AsGML supports Polyhedral Surfaces and TINS.</para></note>
const char *prefix = default_prefix;
char *prefix_buf = "";
text *prefix_text, *id_text = NULL;
- const char *id="";
+ const char *id=NULL;
char *id_buf;
static const char* default_prefix = "gml:"; /* default prefix */
const char* prefix = default_prefix;
- const char* gml_id = "";
+ const char* gml_id = NULL;
char *prefix_buf, *gml_id_buf;
text *prefix_text, *gml_id_text;
-- ST_AsGML (geom, precision, option) / version=2
-- Availability: 1.4.0
-- Changed: 2.0.0 to have default args
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_AsGML(geom geometry, maxdecimaldigits int4 DEFAULT 15, options int4 DEFAULT)
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_AsGML(geom geometry, maxdecimaldigits int4 DEFAULT 15, options int4 DEFAULT 0)
AS $$ SELECT _ST_AsGML(2, $1, $2, $3, null, null); $$
-- Availability: 2.0.0
-- Changed: 2.0.0 to use default and named args
-- ST_AsGML(version, geom, precision, option, prefix, id)
--- Availability: 2.0.1
+-- Availability: 2.1.0
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_AsGML(version int4, geom geometry, maxdecimaldigits int4 DEFAULT 15, options int4 DEFAULT 0, nprefix text DEFAULT null, id text DEFAULT null)
AS $$ SELECT _ST_AsGML($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); $$