* `rmRule(n)`: remove rule n
* `mvRule(from, to)`: move rule 'from' to a position where it is in front of 'to'. 'to' can be one larger than the largest rule,
in which case the rule will be moved to the last position.
+ * Built-in Actions for Rules:
+ * `AllowAction()`: let these packets go through
+ * `DropAction()`: drop these packets
+ * `NoRecurseAction()`: strip RD bit from the question, let it go through
+ * `TCAction()`: create answer to query with TC and RD bits set, to move to TCP/IP
* Specialist rule generators
* addAnyTCRule(): generate TC=1 answers to ANY queries, moving them to TCP
* setDNSSECPool(): move queries requesting DNSSEC processing to this pool