// limit TTL of auth->auth NSset update if needed, except for root
- if(ce.d_auth && auth && qt.getCode()==QType::NS && !(qname == DNSName())) {
+ if(ce.d_auth && auth && qt.getCode()==QType::NS && !qname.isRoot()) {
// cerr<<"\tLimiting TTL of auth->auth NS set replace"<<endl;
maxTTD = ce.d_ttd;
- t_RC->replace(time(0), DNSName(), QType(QType::NS), nsset, vector<std::shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>>(), true); // and stuff in the cache (auth)
+ t_RC->replace(time(0), DNSName("."), QType(QType::NS), nsset, vector<std::shared_ptr<RRSIGRecordContent>>(), true); // and stuff in the cache (auth)
static void makeNameToIPZone(SyncRes::domainmap_t* newMap, const DNSName& hostname, const string& ip)