PgBouncer uses libevent for low-level socket handling.
-Libevent needs to be at least version 1.3b.
+Libevent needs to be at least version 1.3b. Preferably 2.x as
+Libevent 2.x has proper async DNS implementation.
When this is installed just run:
If the OS does not have libevent available as package, it can be
downloaded from http://monkey.org/~provos/libevent/
+DNS lookup support
+Starting from PgBouncer 1.4, it does hostname lookups at connect
+time instead just once at config load time. This requires proper
+async DNS implementation. Following list shows supported backends
+and their probing order:
+1. libevent 2.x evdns - OK
+2. glibc 2.9+ getaddrinfo_a() - OK
+3. libusual compat getaddrinfo_a() - OK,
+ for non-glibc systems, uses single thread for all lookups,
+ requires pthreads, so does not work on win32
+4. libevent 1.x evdns - buggy,
+ does not use /etc/hosts, never used by default
+`./configure` also has flags `--enable-evdns` and `--disable-evdns` which
+turn off automatic probing and force use of either `evdns` or `getaddrinfo_a()`.
Building from GIT
$ make
$ make install
-Also asciidoc 8.x and xmlto need to be installed for manpage
-generation as GIT does not contain generated pages.
+Additional packages required: autoconf, automake, libtool,
+autoconf-archive, asciidoc 8.x, xmlto.
Building for WIN32
At the moment only build env tested is MINGW32 / MSYS. Cygwin
-and Visual $ANYTHING are untested.
+and Visual $ANYTHING are untested. Libevent 2.x is required
+for DNS hostname lookup.
Then do the usual: