return h;
+ * libhb initialization routine.
+ * This version is to use when calling the dylib, the macro hb_init isn't available from a dylib call!
+ * @param verbose HB_DEBUG_NONE or HB_DEBUG_ALL.
+ * @param update_check signals libhb to check for updated version from HandBrake website.
+ * @return Handle to hb_handle_t for use on all subsequent calls to libhb.
+ */
+hb_handle_t * hb_init_dl( int verbose, int update_check )
+ hb_handle_t * h = calloc( sizeof( hb_handle_t ), 1 );
+ uint64_t date;
+ /* See hb_log() in common.c */
+ if( verbose > HB_DEBUG_NONE )
+ {
+ putenv( "HB_DEBUG=1" );
+ av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_DEBUG);
+ }
+ /* Check for an update on the website if asked to */
+ h->build = -1;
+ if( update_check )
+ {
+ hb_log( "hb_init: checking for updates" );
+ date = hb_get_date();
+ h->update_thread = hb_update_init( &h->build, h->version );
+ for( ;; )
+ {
+ if( hb_thread_has_exited( h->update_thread ) )
+ {
+ /* Immediate success or failure */
+ hb_thread_close( &h->update_thread );
+ break;
+ }
+ if( hb_get_date() > date + 1000 )
+ {
+ /* Still nothing after one second. Connection problem,
+ let the thread die */
+ hb_log( "hb_init: connection problem, not waiting for "
+ "update_thread" );
+ break;
+ }
+ hb_snooze( 500 );
+ }
+ }
+ /* CPU count detection */
+ hb_log( "hb_init: checking cpu count" );
+ h->cpu_count = hb_get_cpu_count();
+ h->list_title = hb_list_init();
+ h->jobs = hb_list_init();
+ h->state_lock = hb_lock_init();
+ h->state.state = HB_STATE_IDLE;
+ h->pause_lock = hb_lock_init();
+ /* libavcodec */
+ avcodec_init();
+ register_avcodec( &mpeg4_encoder );
+ register_avcodec( &mp2_decoder );
+ register_avcodec( &ac3_encoder );
+ /* Start library thread */
+ hb_log( "hb_init: starting libhb thread" );
+ h->die = 0;
+ h->main_thread = hb_thread_init( "libhb", thread_func, h,
+ hb_register( &hb_sync );
+ hb_register( &hb_decmpeg2 );
+ hb_register( &hb_decsub );
+ hb_register( &hb_render );
+ hb_register( &hb_encavcodec );
+ hb_register( &hb_encxvid );
+ hb_register( &hb_encx264 );
+ hb_register( &hb_deca52 );
+ hb_register( &hb_decavcodec );
+ hb_register( &hb_declpcm );
+ hb_register( &hb_encfaac );
+ hb_register( &hb_enclame );
+ hb_register( &hb_encvorbis );
+ return h;
* Returns current version of libhb.
* @param h Handle to hb_handle_t.