- reorder directories listed in COMPONENT_SRCDIRS so that
subdirectories precede parent directories
- don’t include PPP source directories if PPP support is not enabled
# Component Makefile
-COMPONENT_ADD_INCLUDEDIRS := include/lwip include/lwip/port include/lwip/posix apps/ping
+ include/lwip \
+ include/lwip/port \
+ include/lwip/posix \
+ apps/ping
-COMPONENT_SRCDIRS := api apps/sntp apps/ping apps core/ipv4 core/ipv6 core netif netif/ppp netif/ppp/polarssl port/freertos port/netif port/debug port
+LWIP_PPP_DIRS := netif/ppp/polarssl netif/ppp
+ api \
+ apps/sntp apps/ping apps \
+ core/ipv4 core/ipv6 core \
+ $(LWIP_PPP_DIRS) netif \
+ port/freertos port/netif port/debug port
CFLAGS += -Wno-address # lots of LWIP source files evaluate macros that check address of stack variables