foreach my $logfile (@log_files) {
&logmsg('DEBUG', "Starting to parse log file: $logfile");
- # Open log file for reading
- my $totalsize = (stat("$logfile"))[7] || 0;
- my $cursize = 0;
- my $lfile = new IO::File;
- if ($logfile !~ /\.gz/) {
- $lfile->open($logfile) || die "FATAL: cannot read logfile $logfile. $!\n";
- } else {
- # Open a pipe to zcat program for compressed log
- $lfile->open("$zcat $logfile |") || die "FATAL: cannot read from pipe to $zcat $logfile. $!\n";
- # Real size of the file is unknow
- $totalsize = 0;
- }
my $curdate = localtime(time);
# Syslog do not have year information, so take care of year overlapping
my ($gsec, $gmin, $ghour, $gmday, $gmon, $gyear, $gwday, $gyday, $gisdst) = localtime(time);
$gyear += 1900;
my $CURRENT_DATE = $gyear . sprintf("%02d", $gmon + 1) . sprintf("%02d", $gmday);
+ # Get size of the file
+ my $totalsize = (stat("$logfile"))[7] || 0;
+ my $cursize = 0;
- my $cur_pid = '';
- my $csv_obj = undef;
if ($format eq 'csv') {
require Text::CSV;
- $csv_obj = Text::CSV->new({'binary' => 1});
- }
- while (my $line = <$lfile>) {
- $cursize += length($line);
- chomp($line);
- $line =~ s/\r//;
- $nlines++;
- next if (!$line);
- if ($progress && (($nlines % $NUMPROGRESS) == 0)) {
- if ($totalsize) {
- print progress_bar($cursize, $totalsize, 25, '=');
- } else {
- print ".";
+ my $csv = Text::CSV->new ({ binary => 1, eol => $/ });
+ open(my $io, "<", $logfile) or die "FATAL: cannot read csvlog file $logfile. $!\n";
+ # Parse csvlog lines
+ while (my $row = $csv->getline($io)) {
+ # Set progress statistics
+ $cursize += length(join(',', @$row));
+ $nlines++;
+ if ($progress && (($nlines % $NUMPROGRESS) == 0)) {
+ if ($totalsize) {
+ print progress_bar($cursize, $totalsize, 25, '=');
+ } else {
+ print ".";
+ }
+ # Extract the date
+ $row->[0] =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+ my @date = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
+ my $cur_date = join('', @date);
+ my $end_time = timegm_nocheck($6, $5, $4, $3, $2, $1);
+ my $milli = $7 || 0;
+ $row->[8] =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
+ my $start_time = timegm_nocheck($6, $5, $4, $3, $2, $1);
+ my $duration = (($end_time - $start_time) * 1000) - $milli;
+ $duration = 0 if ($duration < 0);
+ # Skip unwanted lines
+ next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
+ last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
+ # Jump to the last line parsed if required
+ next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, join(',', @$row)));
+ # Set approximative session duration
+ if ($row->[13] && ($row->[13] !~ m/duration: \d+\.\d+ ms/)) {
+ $row->[13] = "duration: $duration ms $row->[13]";
+ }
+ # Process the log line
+ &parse_query(
+ @date,
+ $row->[4], # connection from
+ $row->[3], # pid
+ $row->[5], # session
+ 'user=' . $row->[1] . ',db=' . $row->[2], # logprefix
+ $row->[11], # loglevel
+ $row->[13] || $row->[14] || $row->[15], # message || detail || hint
+ );
+ $csv->eof or die "FATAL: cannot use CSV, " . $csv->error_diag() . "\n";
+ close $io;
+ } else {
- # Parse syslog lines
- if ($format eq 'syslog') {
+ # Open log file for reading
+ my $lfile = new IO::File;
+ if ($logfile !~ /\.gz/) {
+ $lfile->open($logfile) || die "FATAL: cannot read log file $logfile. $!\n";
+ } else {
- if ($line =~
- /^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*([^:]*?)\s*([A-Z]+?):\s+(.*)/)
- {
+ # Open a pipe to zcat program for compressed log
+ $lfile->open("$zcat $logfile |") || die "FATAL: cannot read from pipe to $zcat $logfile. $!\n";
- # skip non postgresql lines
- next if ($7 ne $ident);
+ # Real size of the file is unknow
+ $totalsize = 0;
+ }
- # Syslog do not have year information, so take care of year overlapping
- my $tmp_year = $gyear;
- if ("$tmp_year$month_abbr{$1}$2" > $CURRENT_DATE) {
- $tmp_year = substr($CURRENT_DATE, 1, 4) - 1;
- }
+ my $cur_pid = '';
+ while (my $line = <$lfile>) {
+ $cursize += length($line);
+ chomp($line);
+ $line =~ s/\r//;
+ $nlines++;
+ next if (!$line);
- # Fix single digit days
- my $day = sprintf("%02d", $2);
- my $cur_date = "$tmp_year$month_abbr{$1}$day$3$4$5";
+ if ($progress && (($nlines % $NUMPROGRESS) == 0)) {
+ if ($totalsize) {
+ print progress_bar($cursize, $totalsize, 25, '=');
+ } else {
+ print ".";
+ }
+ }
- # Skip unwanted lines
- next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
- last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
- $cur_pid = $8;
+ # Parse syslog lines
+ if ($format eq 'syslog') {
- # Jump to the last line parsed if required
- next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, $line));
+ if ($line =~
+ /^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*([^:]*?)\s*([A-Z]+?):\s+(.*)/)
+ {
- # Process the log line
- &parse_query($tmp_year, $month_abbr{$1}, $day, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12);
+ # skip non postgresql lines
+ next if ($7 ne $ident);
- } elsif ($line =~ /^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*(.*)/) {
+ # Syslog do not have year information, so take care of year overlapping
+ my $tmp_year = $gyear;
+ if ("$tmp_year$month_abbr{$1}$2" > $CURRENT_DATE) {
+ $tmp_year = substr($CURRENT_DATE, 1, 4) - 1;
+ }
- $cur_pid = $8;
- my $t_query = $10;
- $t_query =~ s/#011/\t/g;
- if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement} .= "\n" . $t_query;
- } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{context}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{context} .= "\n" . $t_query;
- } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail} .= "\n" . $t_query;
- } else {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{query} .= "\n" . $t_query;
- }
+ # Fix single digit days
+ my $day = sprintf("%02d", $2);
+ my $cur_date = "$tmp_year$month_abbr{$1}$day$3$4$5";
+ # Skip unwanted lines
+ next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
+ last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
+ $cur_pid = $8;
+ # Jump to the last line parsed if required
+ next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, $line));
+ # Process the log line
+ &parse_query($tmp_year, $month_abbr{$1}, $day, $3, $4, $5, $6, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12);
+ } elsif ($line =~ /^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*(.*)/) {
+ $cur_pid = $8;
+ my $t_query = $10;
+ $t_query =~ s/#011/\t/g;
+ if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement} .= "\n" . $t_query;
+ } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{context}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{context} .= "\n" . $t_query;
+ } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail} .= "\n" . $t_query;
+ } else {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{query} .= "\n" . $t_query;
+ }
- # Collect orphans lines of multiline queries
- } elsif ($line !~ /^...\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[^\s]+\s[^\[]+\[\d+\]:/) {
+ # Collect orphans lines of multiline queries
+ } elsif ($line !~ /^...\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[^\s]+\s[^\[]+\[\d+\]:/) {
+ if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement} .= "\n" . $line;
+ } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{context}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{context} .= "\n" . $line;
+ } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail} .= "\n" . $line;
+ } else {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{query} .= "\n" . $line;
+ }
- if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement} .= "\n" . $line;
- } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{context}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{context} .= "\n" . $line;
- } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail} .= "\n" . $line;
} else {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{query} .= "\n" . $line;
+ &logmsg('DEBUG', "Unknown syslog line format: $line");
- } else {
- &logmsg('DEBUG', "Unknown syslog line format: $line");
- }
+ } elsif ($format eq 'stderr') {
- } elsif ($format eq 'stderr') {
+ # Parse stderr lines
+ if ($line =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*([^:]*?)\s*([A-Z]+?):\s+(.*)/)
+ {
- # Parse stderr lines
- if ($line =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*([^:]*?)\s*([A-Z]+?):\s+(.*)/)
- {
+ # Skip unwanted lines
+ my $cur_date = "$1$2$3$4$5$6";
+ next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
+ last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
+ $cur_pid = $8;
- # Skip unwanted lines
- my $cur_date = "$1$2$3$4$5$6";
- next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
- last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
- $cur_pid = $8;
+ # Jump to the last line parsed if required
+ next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, $line));
- # Jump to the last line parsed if required
- next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, $line));
+ # Process the log line
+ &parse_query($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12);
- # Process the log line
- &parse_query($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12);
+ # Collect orphans lines of multiline queries
+ } elsif ($line !~ /^\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[^\s]+\s\[\d+\]:/) {
- # Collect orphans lines of multiline queries
- } elsif ($line !~ /^\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[^\s]+\s\[\d+\]:/) {
+ if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement} .= "\n" . $line;
+ } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{context}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{context} .= "\n" . $line;
+ } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail}) {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail} .= "\n" . $line;
+ } else {
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{query} .= "\n" . $line;
+ }
- if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement} .= "\n" . $line;
- } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{context}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{context} .= "\n" . $line;
- } elsif ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail}) {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{detail} .= "\n" . $line;
} else {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{query} .= "\n" . $line;
+ $cur_info{$cur_pid}{query} .= "\n" . $line if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{query});
} else {
- $cur_info{$cur_pid}{query} .= "\n" . $line if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{query});
- }
- } elsif ($format eq 'csv') {
- # Parse csvlog lines
- if ($csv_obj->parse($line)) {
- my @cols = $csv_obj->fields();
- # Extract the date
- $cols[0] =~ m/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
- my @date = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
- my $cur_date = join('', @date);
- # Skip unwanted lines
- next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
- last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
- # Jump to the last line parsed if required
- next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, $line));
- # Process the log line
- &parse_query(
- @date,
- $cols[4], # connection from
- $cols[3], # pid
- $cols[5], # session
- # logprefix
- 'user=' . $cols[1] . ',db=' . $cols[2],
- $cols[11] . ':', # loglevel
- $cols[13], # query
- );
- } else {
- &logmsg('DEBUG', "Unknown csv line format: $line, error: " . $csv_obj->error_input());
+ # unknown format
+ &logmsg('DEBUG', "Unknown line format: $line");
- } else {
- # unknown format
- &logmsg('DEBUG', "Unknown line format: $line");
+ $lfile->close();
+ }
+ # Get stats from all pending temporary storage
+ foreach my $pid (sort {$cur_info{$a}{date} <=> $cur_info{$b}{date}} %cur_info) {
+ &store_queries($pid);
+ %cur_info = ();
if ($progress) {
if ($totalsize) {
print STDERR "\n";
- $lfile->close();
- # Get stats from all pending temporary storage
- foreach my $pid (sort {$cur_info{$a}{date} <=> $cur_info{$b}{date}} %cur_info) {
- &store_queries($pid);
- }
- %cur_info = ();
# Save last line parsed
# When we are ready to overwrite the last storage, add it to the global stats
if ( ($t_loglevel =~ /LOG|FATAL|PANIC|ERROR|WARNING|HINT/)
&& exists $cur_info{$t_pid}
- && ($t_session != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session}))
+ && (($format eq 'csv') || ($t_session != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})))
delete $cur_info{$t_pid};