+my $other_syslog_line = qr/^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[(\d+)\-\d+\]\s*(.*)/;
+my $orphan_syslog_line = qr/^...\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[^\s]+\s[^\[]+\[\d+\]:/;
+my $orphan_stderr_line = qr/[^']*\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+[\.\d]*\s[^\s]+[^']*/;
# Compile custom log line prefie prefix
my @prefix_params = ();
if ($log_line_prefix) {
@prefix_params = &build_log_line_prefix_regex();
&check_regex($log_line_prefix, '--prefix');
if ($format eq 'syslog') {
- $log_line_prefix = '(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*' . $log_line_prefix . '\s*(LOG|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|STATEMENT|HINT|CONTEXT):\s+(.*)';
+ $log_line_prefix = '^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[(\d+)\-\d+\]\s*' . $log_line_prefix . '\s*(LOG|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|STATEMENT|HINT|CONTEXT):\s+(.*)';
$compiled_prefix = qr/$log_line_prefix/;
unshift(@prefix_params, 't_month', 't_day', 't_hour', 't_min', 't_sec', 't_host', 't_ident', 't_pid', 't_session_line');
push(@prefix_params, 't_loglevel', 't_query');
} elsif ($format eq 'stderr') {
- $log_line_prefix = $log_line_prefix . '\s*(LOG|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|STATEMENT|HINT|CONTEXT):\s+(.*)';
+ $log_line_prefix = '^' . $log_line_prefix . '\s*(LOG|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|STATEMENT|HINT|CONTEXT):\s+(.*)';
$compiled_prefix = qr/$log_line_prefix/;
push(@prefix_params, 't_loglevel', 't_query');
} elsif ($format eq 'syslog') {
- $compiled_prefix = qr/^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*(.*?)\s*(LOG|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|STATEMENT|HINT|CONTEXT):\s+(.*)/;
+ $compiled_prefix = qr/^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[(\d+)\-\d+\]\s*(.*?)\s*(LOG|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|STATEMENT|HINT|CONTEXT):\s+(.*)/;
push(@prefix_params, 't_month', 't_day', 't_hour', 't_min', 't_sec', 't_host', 't_ident', 't_pid', 't_session_line', 't_logprefix', 't_loglevel', 't_query');
} elsif ($format eq 'stderr') {
- $compiled_prefix = qr/^(\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)[\.\d]*\s[^\s]+\s\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*(.*?)\s*(LOG|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|STATEMENT|HINT|CONTEXT):\s+(.*)/;
+ $compiled_prefix = qr/^(\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)[\.\d]*\s[^\s]+\s\[(\d+)\]:\s\[(\d+)\-\d+\]\s*(.*?)\s*(LOG|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|STATEMENT|HINT|CONTEXT):\s+(.*)/;
push(@prefix_params, 't_timestamp', 't_pid', 't_session_line', 't_logprefix', 't_loglevel', 't_query');
print ".";
+ # Process only relevant lines
# Extract the date
$row->[0] =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
- my @date = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
- my $cur_date = join('', @date);
- my $end_time = timegm_nocheck($6, $5, $4, $3, $2, $1);
my $milli = $7 || 0;
+ ($prefix_vars{'t_year'}, $prefix_vars{'t_month'}, $prefix_vars{'t_day'}, $prefix_vars{'t_hour'}, $prefix_vars{'t_min'}, $prefix_vars{'t_sec'}) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6);
+ $prefix_vars{'t_date'} = $prefix_vars{'t_year'} . $prefix_vars{'t_month'} . $prefix_vars{'t_day'} . $prefix_vars{'t_hour'} . $prefix_vars{'t_min'} . $prefix_vars{'t_sec'};
+ $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} = "$prefix_vars{'t_year'}-$prefix_vars{'t_month'}-$prefix_vars{'t_day'} $prefix_vars{'t_hour'}:$prefix_vars{'t_min'}:$prefix_vars{'t_sec'}";
+ my $end_time = timegm_nocheck($6, $5, $4, $3, $2, $1);
$row->[8] =~ m/^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
my $start_time = timegm_nocheck($6, $5, $4, $3, $2, $1);
my $duration = (($end_time - $start_time) * 1000) - $milli;
$duration = 0 if ($duration < 0);
# Skip unwanted lines
- next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
- last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
+ next if ($from && ($from > $prefix_vars{'t_date'}));
+ last if ($to && ($to < $prefix_vars{'t_date'}));
# Jump to the last line parsed if required
- next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, join(',', @$row)));
+ next if (!&check_incremental_position($prefix_vars{'t_date'}, join(',', @$row)));
# Set approximative session duration
- if ($row->[13] && ($row->[13] !~ m/duration: \d+\.\d+ ms/)) {
- $row->[13] = "duration: $duration ms $row->[13]";
+ $prefix_vars{'t_query'} = $row->[13] || $row->[14] || $row->[15];
+ if ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} !~ m/duration: \d+\.\d+ ms/)) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_query'} = "duration: $duration ms $prefix_vars{'t_query'}";
$prefix_vars{'t_dbuser'} = $row->[1] || '';
$prefix_vars{'t_dbname'} = $row->[2] || '';
- # Process the log line
- &parse_query(
- @date,
- $row->[4], # connection from
- $row->[3], # pid
- $row->[5], # session
- $row->[11], # loglevel
- $row->[13] || $row->[14] || $row->[15], # message || detail || hint
- );
+ $prefix_vars{'t_appname'} = $row->[2] || '';
+ $prefix_vars{'t_client'} = $row->[2] || '';
+ $prefix_vars{'t_host'} = 'csv';
+ $prefix_vars{'t_pid'} = $row->[3];
+ $prefix_vars{'t_session_line'} = $row->[5];
+ $prefix_vars{'t_session_line'} =~ s/\..*//;
+ $prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} = $row->[11];
+ &parse_query();
$csv->eof or die "FATAL: cannot use CSV, " . $csv->error_diag() . "\n";
close $io;
if ($format eq 'syslog') {
my @matches = ($line =~ $compiled_prefix);
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#prefix_params; $i++) {
- $prefix_vars{$prefix_params[$i]} = $matches[$i];
- }
if ($#matches >= 0) {
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#prefix_params; $i++) {
+ $prefix_vars{$prefix_params[$i]} = $matches[$i];
+ }
# skip non postgresql lines
next if ($prefix_vars{'t_ident'} ne $ident);
# Syslog do not have year information, so take care of year overlapping
- my $tmp_year = $gyear;
+ $prefix_vars{'t_year'} = $gyear;
$prefix_vars{'t_day'} = sprintf("%02d", $prefix_vars{'t_day'});
- if ("$tmp_year$month_abbr{$prefix_vars{'t_month'}}$prefix_vars{'t_day'}" > $CURRENT_DATE) {
- $tmp_year = substr($CURRENT_DATE, 1, 4) - 1;
+ $prefix_vars{'t_month'} = $month_abbr{$prefix_vars{'t_month'}};
+ if ("$prefix_vars{'t_year'}$prefix_vars{'t_month'}$prefix_vars{'t_day'}" > $CURRENT_DATE) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_year'} = substr($CURRENT_DATE, 1, 4) - 1;
- my $cur_date = $tmp_year . $month_abbr{$prefix_vars{'t_month'}} . $prefix_vars{'t_day'} . $prefix_vars{'t_hour'} . $prefix_vars{'t_min'} . $prefix_vars{'t_sec'};
+ $prefix_vars{'t_date'} = $prefix_vars{'t_year'} . $prefix_vars{'t_month'} . $prefix_vars{'t_day'} . $prefix_vars{'t_hour'} . $prefix_vars{'t_min'} . $prefix_vars{'t_sec'};
+ $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} = "$prefix_vars{'t_year'}-$prefix_vars{'t_month'}-$prefix_vars{'t_day'} $prefix_vars{'t_hour'}:$prefix_vars{'t_min'}:$prefix_vars{'t_sec'}";
# Skip unwanted lines
- next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
- last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
- $cur_pid = $prefix_vars{'t_pid'};
+ next if ($from && ($from > $prefix_vars{'t_date'}));
+ last if ($to && ($to < $prefix_vars{'t_date'}));
# Jump to the last line parsed if required
- next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, $line));
+ next if (!&check_incremental_position($prefix_vars{'t_date'}, $line));
+ $cur_pid = $prefix_vars{'t_pid'};
# Extract information from log line prefix
if (!$log_line_prefix) {
# Check if the log line shoud be exclude from the report
- if (&validate_log_line($cur_pid)) {
+ if (&validate_log_line($prefix_vars{'t_pid'})) {
# Process the log line
- &parse_query($tmp_year, $month_abbr{$prefix_vars{'t_month'}}, $prefix_vars{'t_day'}, $prefix_vars{'t_hour'}, $prefix_vars{'t_min'}, $prefix_vars{'t_sec'}, $prefix_vars{'t_host'}, $prefix_vars{'t_pid'}, $prefix_vars{'t_session_line'}, $prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'}, $prefix_vars{'t_query'});
+ &parse_query();
- } elsif ($line =~ /^(...)\s+(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)\s([^\s]+)\s([^\[]+)\[(\d+)\]:\s\[([0-9\-]+)\]\s*(.*)/) {
+ } elsif ($line =~ $other_syslog_line) {
$cur_pid = $8;
my $t_query = $10;
# Collect orphans lines of multiline queries
- } elsif ($line !~ /^...\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+\s[^\s]+\s[^\[]+\[\d+\]:/) {
+ } elsif ($line !~ $orphan_syslog_line) {
if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement}) {
$cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement} .= "\n" . $line;
} elsif ($format eq 'stderr') {
my @matches = ($line =~ $compiled_prefix);
- for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#prefix_params; $i++) {
- $prefix_vars{$prefix_params[$i]} = $matches[$i];
- }
if ($#matches >= 0) {
- my $temp_timestamp = '';
- if ($prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'}) {
- $temp_timestamp = $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'};
- } elsif ($prefix_vars{'t_mtimestamp'}) {
- $temp_timestamp = $prefix_vars{'t_mtimestamp'};
- } elsif ($prefix_vars{'t_session_timestamp'}) {
- $temp_timestamp = $prefix_vars{'t_session_timestamp'};
+ for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#prefix_params; $i++) {
+ $prefix_vars{$prefix_params[$i]} = $matches[$i];
+ }
+ if (!$prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} && $prefix_vars{'t_mtimestamp'}) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} = $prefix_vars{'t_mtimestamp'};
+ } elsif (!$prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} && $prefix_vars{'t_session_timestamp'}) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} = $prefix_vars{'t_session_timestamp'};
- ($prefix_vars{'t_year'}, $prefix_vars{'t_month'}, $prefix_vars{'t_day'}, $prefix_vars{'t_hour'}, $prefix_vars{'t_min'}, $prefix_vars{'t_sec'}) = ($temp_timestamp =~ $time_pattern);
- my $cur_date = $prefix_vars{'t_year'} . $prefix_vars{'t_month'} . $prefix_vars{'t_day'} . $prefix_vars{'t_hour'} . $prefix_vars{'t_min'} . $prefix_vars{'t_sec'};
+ ($prefix_vars{'t_year'}, $prefix_vars{'t_month'}, $prefix_vars{'t_day'}, $prefix_vars{'t_hour'}, $prefix_vars{'t_min'}, $prefix_vars{'t_sec'}) = ($prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} =~ $time_pattern);
+ $prefix_vars{'t_date'} = $prefix_vars{'t_year'} . $prefix_vars{'t_month'} . $prefix_vars{'t_day'} . $prefix_vars{'t_hour'} . $prefix_vars{'t_min'} . $prefix_vars{'t_sec'};
# Skip unwanted lines
- next if ($from && ($from > $cur_date));
- last if ($to && ($to < $cur_date));
- $cur_pid = $prefix_vars{'t_pid'};
+ next if ($from && ($from > $prefix_vars{'t_date'}));
+ last if ($to && ($to < $prefix_vars{'t_date'}));
# Jump to the last line parsed if required
- next if (!&check_incremental_position($cur_date, $line));
+ next if (!&check_incremental_position($prefix_vars{'t_date'}, $line));
+ $cur_pid = $prefix_vars{'t_pid'};
# Extract information from log line prefix
if (!$log_line_prefix) {
# Check if the log line shoud be exclude from the report
- if (&validate_log_line($cur_pid)) {
+ if (&validate_log_line($prefix_vars{'t_pid'})) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_host'} = 'stderr';
# Process the log line
- &parse_query($prefix_vars{'t_year'}, $prefix_vars{'t_month'}, $prefix_vars{'t_day'}, $prefix_vars{'t_hour'}, $prefix_vars{'t_min'}, $prefix_vars{'t_sec'}, 'stderr', $prefix_vars{'t_pid'}, $prefix_vars{'t_session_line'}, $prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'}, $prefix_vars{'t_query'});
+ &parse_query();
# Collect orphans lines of multiline queries
- } elsif ($line !~ /[^']*\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+[\.\d]*\s[^\s]+[^']*/) {
+ } elsif ($line !~ $orphan_stderr_line) {
if ($cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement}) {
$cur_info{$cur_pid}{statement} .= "\n" . $line;
PostgreSQL log analyzer with fully detailed reports and graphs.
logfile can be a single log file, a list of files or a shell command
returning a list of file. If you want to pass log content from stdin
sub parse_query
- my ($t_year, $t_month, $t_day, $t_hour, $t_min, $t_sec, $t_host, $t_pid, $t_session, $t_loglevel, $t_query) = @_;
- # Get log level and pass if not supported following the context
- # Unrecognized loglevel format
- if ($t_loglevel ne 'NOTICE') {
- &logmsg('DEBUG', "Unrecognized loglevel format: $t_loglevel");
- }
- return;
- }
+ my $t_pid = $prefix_vars{'t_pid'};
# Force parameter change to be a hint message so that it can appear
# in the event/error/warning messages report part.
- if (($t_loglevel eq 'LOG') && ($t_query =~ /parameter "[^"]+" changed to "[^"]+"/)) {
- $t_loglevel = 'HINT';
+ if (($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG') && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ /parameter "[^"]+" changed to "[^"]+"/)) {
+ $prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} = 'HINT';
# Do not parse lines that are not an error like message
- if ($error_only && ($t_loglevel !~ /(WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|HINT|STATEMENT|CONTEXT)/)) {
- if (exists $cur_info{$t_pid} && ($t_session != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})) {
+ if ($error_only && ($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} !~ /(WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|DETAIL|HINT|STATEMENT|CONTEXT)/)) {
+ if (exists $cur_info{$t_pid} && ($prefix_vars{'t_session_line'} != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})) {
delete $cur_info{$t_pid};
# Do not parse lines that are an error like message
- if ($disable_error && ($t_loglevel =~ /WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|HINT|CONTEXT|DETAIL|STATEMENT/)) {
- if (exists $cur_info{$t_pid} && ($t_session != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})) {
+ if ($disable_error && ($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} =~ /WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC|HINT|CONTEXT|DETAIL|STATEMENT/)) {
+ if (exists $cur_info{$t_pid} && ($prefix_vars{'t_session_line'} != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})) {
delete $cur_info{$t_pid};
# Store the current timestamp of the log line
- $first_log_date = "$t_year-$t_month-$t_day $t_hour:$t_min:$t_sec" if (!$first_log_date);
- $last_log_date = "$t_year-$t_month-$t_day $t_hour:$t_min:$t_sec";
+ $first_log_date = $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'} if (!$first_log_date);
+ $last_log_date = $prefix_vars{'t_timestamp'};
# Store a counter of logs type
- $logs_type{$t_loglevel}++;
+ $logs_type{$prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'}}++;
# Replace syslog tablulation rewrite
- $t_query =~ s/#011/\t/g if ($format eq 'syslog');
+ $prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ s/#011/\t/g if ($format eq 'syslog');
- # Remove line from session number
- $t_session =~ s/\-\d+//;
+ my $date_part = "$prefix_vars{'t_year'}$prefix_vars{'t_month'}$prefix_vars{'t_day'}";
# Stores lock activity
- if (($t_loglevel eq 'LOG') && ($t_query =~ /acquired ([^\s]+) on ([^\s]+) .* after ([0-9\.]+) ms/)) {
+ if (($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG') && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ /acquired ([^\s]+) on ([^\s]+) .* after ([0-9\.]+) ms/)) {
return if ($disable_lock);
$lock_info{$1}{duration} += $3;
$lock_info{$1}{$2}{duration} += $3;
- $lock_info{$1}{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{count}++;
- $lock_info{$1}{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{duration}++;
+ $lock_info{$1}{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{count}++;
+ $lock_info{$1}{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{duration}++;
# Stores temporary files activity
- if (($t_loglevel eq 'LOG') && ($t_query =~ /temporary file: path .*, size (\d+)/)) {
+ if (($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG') && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ /temporary file: path .*, size (\d+)/)) {
return if ($disable_temporary);
$tempfile_info{size} += $1;
- $tempfile_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{count}++;
- $tempfile_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{size} += $1;
+ $tempfile_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{count}++;
+ $tempfile_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{size} += $1;
$tempfile_info{maxsize} = $1 if ($tempfile_info{maxsize} < $1);
# Stores pre connection activity
- if (($t_loglevel eq 'LOG') && ($t_query =~ /connection received: host=([^\s]+) port=(\d+)/)) {
+ if (($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG') && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ /connection received: host=([^\s]+) port=(\d+)/)) {
return if ($disable_connection);
$conn_received{$t_pid} = $1;
# Stores connection activity
- if (($t_loglevel eq 'LOG') && ($t_query =~ /connection authorized: user=([^\s]+) database=([^\s]+)/)) {
+ if (($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG') && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ /connection authorized: user=([^\s]+) database=([^\s]+)/)) {
return if ($disable_connection);
my $usr = $1;
my $db = $2;
- $connection_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{count}++;
- $connection_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{user}{$usr}++;
- $connection_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{database}{$db}++;
- $connection_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{database_user}{$db}{$usr}++;
+ $connection_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{count}++;
+ $connection_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{user}{$usr}++;
+ $connection_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{database}{$db}++;
+ $connection_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{database_user}{$db}{$usr}++;
if ($graph) {
- $per_minute_info{connection}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{"$t_min"}{count}++;
- $per_minute_info{connection}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{"$t_min"}{second}{$t_sec}++;
+ $per_minute_info{connection}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{"$prefix_vars{'t_min'}"}{count}++;
+ $per_minute_info{connection}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{"$prefix_vars{'t_min'}"}{second}{$prefix_vars{'t_sec'}}++;
if (exists $conn_received{$t_pid}) {
- $connection_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{host}{$conn_received{$t_pid}}++;
+ $connection_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{host}{$conn_received{$t_pid}}++;
delete $conn_received{$t_pid};
# Stores session duration
- if ( ($t_loglevel eq 'LOG')
- && ($t_query =~ /disconnection: session time: ([^\s]+) user=([^\s]+) database=([^\s]+) host=([^\s]+) port=(\d+)/))
+ if ( ($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG')
+ && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ /disconnection: session time: ([^\s]+) user=([^\s]+) database=([^\s]+) host=([^\s]+) port=(\d+)/))
return if ($disable_session);
my $time = $1;
$time = ($3 * 1000) + ($2 * 60 * 1000) + ($1 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
$session_info{duration} += $time;
- $session_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{count}++;
- $session_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{duration} += $time;
+ $session_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{count}++;
+ $session_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{duration} += $time;
$session_info{database}{$db}{duration} += $time;
# Store checkpoint information
if (
- ($t_loglevel eq 'LOG')
- && ($t_query =~
+ ($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG')
+ && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~
/checkpoint complete: wrote (\d+) buffers \(([^\)]+)\); (\d+) transaction log file\(s\) added, (\d+) removed, (\d+) recycled; write=([0-9\.]+) s, sync=([0-9\.]+) s, total=([0-9\.]+) s/
$checkpoint_info{sync} += $7;
$checkpoint_info{total} += $8;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{wbuffer} += $1;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{wbuffer} += $1;
- #$checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{percent_wbuffer} += $2;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{file_added} += $3;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{file_removed} += $4;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{file_recycled} += $5;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{write} += $6;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{sync} += $7;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{total} += $8;
+ #$checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{percent_wbuffer} += $2;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{file_added} += $3;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{file_removed} += $4;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{file_recycled} += $5;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{write} += $6;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{sync} += $7;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{total} += $8;
- if (($t_loglevel eq 'LOG') && ($t_query =~ /checkpoints are occurring too frequently \((\d+) seconds apart\)/)) {
+ if (($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG') && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ /checkpoints are occurring too frequently \((\d+) seconds apart\)/)) {
return if ($disable_checkpoint);
$checkpoint_info{warning_seconds} += $1;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{warning}++;
- $checkpoint_info{chronos}{"$t_year$t_month$t_day"}{"$t_hour"}{warning_seconds} += $1;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{warning}++;
+ $checkpoint_info{chronos}{$date_part}{$prefix_vars{'t_hour'}}{warning_seconds} += $1;
# Store the detail of the error
if ($cur_info{$t_pid}{loglevel} =~ /WARNING|ERROR|FATAL|PANIC/) {
- if ($t_loglevel =~ /(DETAIL|STATEMENT|CONTEXT|HINT)/) {
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{"\L$1\E"} .= $t_query;
+ if ($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} =~ /(DETAIL|STATEMENT|CONTEXT|HINT)/) {
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{"\L$1\E"} .= $prefix_vars{'t_query'};
if ($cur_info{$t_pid}{loglevel} eq 'LOG') {
# Apply bind parameters if any
- if (($t_loglevel eq 'DETAIL') && ($t_query =~ /parameters: (.*)/)) {
+ if (($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'DETAIL') && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ /parameters: (.*)/)) {
my @t_res = split(/[,\s]*\$(\d+)\s=\s/, $1);
for (my $i = 0 ; $i < $#t_res ; $i += 2) {
# When we are ready to overwrite the last storage, add it to the global stats
- if ( ($t_loglevel =~ /LOG|FATAL|PANIC|ERROR|WARNING|HINT/)
+ if ( ($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} =~ /LOG|FATAL|PANIC|ERROR|WARNING|HINT/)
&& exists $cur_info{$t_pid}
- && (($format eq 'csv') || ($t_session != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})))
+ && (($format eq 'csv') || ($prefix_vars{'t_session_line'} != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})))
delete $cur_info{$t_pid};
my $t_action = '';
my $t_duration = '';
- if ($t_query =~ s/duration:\s([0-9\.]+)\sms\s+(query|statement):\s//is) {
+ if ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ s/duration: ([0-9\.]+) ms (query|statement): //is) {
$t_duration = $1;
$t_action = $2;
- } elsif ($t_query =~ s/duration:\s([0-9\.]+)\sms\s+(prepare|parse|bind|execute|execute from fetch)\s+[^:]+:\s//is) {
+ } elsif ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ s/duration: ([0-9\.]+) ms (prepare|parse|bind|execute|execute from fetch)\s+[^:]+:\s//is) {
$t_duration = $1;
$t_action = $2;
# Skiping parse and bind logs
return if ($t_action !~ /query|statement|execute/);
- } elsif (!$duration_required && ($t_query =~ s/(query|statement):\s//is)) {
+ } elsif (!$duration_required && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ s/(query|statement): //is)) {
$t_action = $1;
- } elsif (!$duration_required && ($t_query =~ s/(prepare|parse|bind|execute|execute from fetch)\s+[^:]+:\s//is)) {
+ } elsif (!$duration_required && ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} =~ s/(prepare|parse|bind|execute|execute from fetch)\s+[^:]+:\s//is)) {
$t_action = $1;
# Skiping parse and bind logs
return if ($t_action !~ /query|statement|execute/);
- } elsif ($t_loglevel eq 'LOG') {
- if ($t_query !~
+ } elsif ($prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'} eq 'LOG') {
+ if ($prefix_vars{'t_query'} !~
/incomplete startup packet|connection|receive|unexpected EOF|still waiting for [^\s]+Lock|checkpoint starting:|could not send data to client|parameter .*configuration file|autovacuum launcher|automatic (analyze|vacuum)/
- &logmsg('DEBUG', "Unrecognized line: $t_loglevel: $t_query at line $nlines");
+ &logmsg('DEBUG', "Unrecognized line: $prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'}: $prefix_vars{'t_query'} at line $nlines");
- if (exists $cur_info{$t_pid} && ($t_session != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})) {
+ if (exists $cur_info{$t_pid} && ($prefix_vars{'t_session_line'} != $cur_info{$t_pid}{session})) {
delete $cur_info{$t_pid};
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{year} = $t_year;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{month} = $t_month;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{day} = $t_day;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{hour} = $t_hour;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{min} = $t_min;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{sec} = $t_sec;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{date} = "$t_year$t_month$t_day$t_hour$t_min$t_sec";
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{host} = $t_host;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{pid} = $t_pid;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{session} = $t_session;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{loglevel} = $t_loglevel;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{query} = $t_query;
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{year} = $prefix_vars{'t_year'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{month} = $prefix_vars{'t_month'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{day} = $prefix_vars{'t_day'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{hour} = $prefix_vars{'t_hour'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{min} = $prefix_vars{'t_min'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{sec} = $prefix_vars{'t_sec'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{date} = $prefix_vars{'t_date'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{ident} = $prefix_vars{'t_ident'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{query} = $prefix_vars{'t_query'};
$cur_info{$t_pid}{duration} = $t_duration;
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{dbname} = $prefix_vars{t_dbname};
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{dbuser} = $prefix_vars{t_dbuser};
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{dbclient} = $prefix_vars{t_client};
- $cur_info{$t_pid}{dbappname}= $prefix_vars{t_appname};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{pid} = $prefix_vars{'t_pid'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{session} = $prefix_vars{'t_session_line'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{loglevel} = $prefix_vars{'t_loglevel'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{dbname} = $prefix_vars{'t_dbname'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{dbuser} = $prefix_vars{'t_dbuser'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{dbclient} = $prefix_vars{'t_client'};
+ $cur_info{$t_pid}{dbappname}= $prefix_vars{'t_appname'};
return 1;