--- /dev/null
+# Add the current ejabberd node in a cluster
+# copyright (c) 2010-2015 ProcessOne
+# This script is proprietary software and cannot be published or redistribute.
+# Return Code:
+# 0 : groovy baby
+# 11 : erl not found
+# 12 : erlc not found
+# 20 : database dir doesn't exist
+# 21 : database dir not writable
+# 21 : database dir variable not set
+# 30 : network issue
+# 31 : node names incompatibility
+function error
+ echo "Error: $1" >&2
+ exit $2
+echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo ""
+echo "ejabberd cluster configuration"
+echo ""
+echo "This ejabberd node will be configured for use in an ejabberd cluster."
+echo "IMPORTANT: all local data from the database will be lost, and"
+echo "cluster database will be initialized. All data from the master"
+echo "node will be replicated to this one."
+echo ""
+echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "Press any key to continue, or Ctrl+C to stop now"
+read foo
+echo ""
+[ $# -eq 0 ] && {
+ echo "Make sure you have a running remote master ejabberd node"
+ echo "Before continuing, you must copy the ~/.erlang.cookie file from"
+ echo "remote master node and check ejabberd.cfg compatibility."
+ echo "e.g. hosts definition must match on all nodes"
+ echo ""
+ echo "The remote master node name is defined as ERLANG_NODE into"
+ echo "ejabberdctl.cfg on that remote node."
+ echo ""
+ echo -n "Remote master node name: "
+ read REMOTE
+ echo ""
+} || {
+ echo "Using passed parameter for remote master node name: $1"
+ping -q -c 1 ${REMOTE#*@} 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
+[ $? -eq 0 ] || {
+ echo "Cannot ping ${REMOTE#*@}. Are you sure network setup is correct ?"
+ echo -n "Should we continue anyway ? (Y/n) "
+ read cont
+cont=`echo $cont | tr a-z A-Z`
+[ "$cont" == "Y" ] || error "Check your network configuration (dns, firewall, etc...)" 30
+HERE=`which "$0"`
+BASE=`dirname $HERE`/..
+ROOTDIR=`cd $BASE; pwd`
+. $ROOTDIR/bin/ejabberdctl stop 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
+[ "$ERLANG_NODE" = "${ERLANG_NODE%.*}" ] && NAME=-sname
+[ "$REMOTE" = "${REMOTE%.*}" ] && REMOTENAME=-sname
+[ "$REMOTENAME" = "$NAME" ] || {
+ echo "IMPORTANT!: node names are incompatible"
+ echo "Remote node name is $REMOTE"
+ echo "Local node name is $ERLANG_NODE"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Both node names must be short or fqdn names."
+ echo "Using short and fqdn names is impossible."
+ echo ""
+ error "incompatible node names" 31
+set -o errexit
+set -o nounset
+echo "Using commands:"
+which erl || error "can't find erl" 11
+which erlc || error "can't find erlc" 12
+echo ""
+[ -d $SPOOL_DIR ] && rm -Rf $SPOOL_DIR
+mkdir $SPOOL_DIR || error "$SPOOL_DIR cannot be created" 20
+[ -w $SPOOL_DIR ] || error "$SPOOL_DIR directory is not writable" 21
+mkdir -p $PA
+set_table_copy(Table, _Node, {badrpc, Reason}) ->
+ io:format("Error: cannot get storage type for table ~p on node $REMOTE:~n ~p~n",[Table, Reason]);
+set_table_copy(Table, Node, Type) ->
+ io:format("setting table ~p to mode ~p~n",[Table, Type]),
+ case mnesia:add_table_copy(Table, Node, Type) of
+ {aborted, _} ->
+ mnesia:change_table_copy_type(Table, Node, Type);
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end.
+set_tables({badrpc, Reason}) ->
+ io:format("ERROR: cannot get tables list on $REMOTE : ~p~n",[Reason]);
+set_tables([]) ->
+ ok;
+set_tables([schema | Tables]) ->
+ set_tables(Tables);
+set_tables([s2s | Tables]) ->
+ set_tables(Tables);
+set_tables([session | Tables]) ->
+ set_tables(Tables);
+set_tables([Table | Tables]) ->
+ set_table_copy(Table, node(),
+ rpc:call('$REMOTE', mnesia, table_info, [Table, storage_type])),
+ set_tables(Tables).
+start() ->
+ io:format("~n",[]),
+ R = case net_adm:ping('$REMOTE') of
+ pong ->
+ set_table_copy(schema, node(), disc_copies),
+ set_tables(rpc:call('$REMOTE', mnesia, system_info, [tables])),
+ 0;
+ pang ->
+ io:format("node ~p is not reachable, please check epmd port, and FIREWALL_WINDOW ports~n", ['$REMOTE']),
+ 1
+ end,
+ halt(R).
+sh -c "erl $NAME $ERLANG_NODE -pa $PA $KERNEL_OPTS -mnesia extra_db_nodes \"['$REMOTE']\" dir \"\\\"$SPOOL_DIR\\\"\" -s mnesia -s $CLUSTERSETUP start"
+rm -Rf $PA
+echo "End."
+echo "Check that there is no error in the above messages."
--- /dev/null
+# Remove the current ejabberd node in a cluster
+# copyright (c) 2010-2015 ProcessOne
+# This script is proprietary software and cannot be published or redistribute.
+# Return Code:
+# 0 : groovy baby
+# 11 : erl not found
+# 12 : erlc not found
+# 20 : database dir doesn't exist
+# 21 : database dir not writable
+# 21 : database dir variable not set
+function error
+ echo "Error: $1" >&2
+ exit $2
+echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo ""
+echo "ejabberd cluster configuration"
+echo ""
+echo "This ejabberd node will be removed from the cluster."
+echo "IMPORTANT: this node will be stopped. At least one other clustered"
+echo "node must be running."
+echo ""
+echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------"
+echo "Press any key to continue, or Ctrl+C to stop now"
+read foo
+echo ""
+HERE=`which "$0"`
+BASE=`dirname $HERE`/..
+ROOTDIR=`cd $BASE; pwd`
+. $ROOTDIR/bin/ejabberdctl stop 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
+$ROOTDIR/bin/ejabberdctl stopped
+set -o errexit
+set -o nounset
+echo "Using commands:"
+which erl || error "can't find erl" 11
+which erlc || error "can't find erlc" 12
+echo ""
+mkdir -p $PA
+del_table_copy(Table, Node) ->
+ case mnesia:del_table_copy(Table, Node) of
+ {aborted, Reason} -> io:format("Error: can not remove ~p table: ~p~n", [Table, Reason]);
+ _ -> io:format("table ~p removed from cluster~n", [Table])
+ end.
+del_tables([],_) ->
+ ok;
+del_tables([schema | Tables], Node) ->
+ del_tables(Tables, Node);
+del_tables([Table | Tables], Node) ->
+ del_table_copy(Table, Node),
+ del_tables(Tables, Node).
+start() ->
+ io:format("~n",[]),
+ Removed = node(),
+ case mnesia:system_info(running_db_nodes)--[Removed] of
+ [] -> io:format("Error: no other node running in the cluster~n");
+ Nodes ->
+ del_tables(mnesia:system_info(local_tables), Removed),
+ mnesia:stop(),
+ case rpc:call(hd(Nodes), mnesia, del_table_copy, [schema, Removed]) of
+ {badrpc,Reason} -> io:format("Error: can not unregister node ~p from cluster: ~p~n", [Removed, Reason]);
+ {aborted,Reason} -> io:format("Error: can not unregister node ~p from cluster: ~p~n", [Removed, Reason]);
+ {atomic, ok} ->
+ mnesia:delete_schema([Removed]),
+ io:format("node ~p removed from cluster~n", [Removed])
+ end
+ end,
+ halt(0).
+sh -c "erl $NAME $ERLANG_NODE -pa $PA $KERNEL_OPTS -mnesia dir "\"$SPOOL_DIR\"" -s mnesia -s $CLUSTERSETUP start"
+rm -Rf $PA
+echo "End."
+echo "Check that there is no error in the above messages."