extern GLOBAL_VALUES globals;
-/* How to map ODBC scalar functions {fn func(args)} to Postgres */
-/* This is just a simple substitution */
-char *mapFuncs[][2] = {
- { "CONCAT", "textcat" },
- { "LCASE", "lower" },
- { "LOCATE", "strpos" },
- { "LENGTH", "textlen" },
- { "LTRIM", "ltrim" },
- { "RTRIM", "rtrim" },
- { "SUBSTRING", "substr" },
- { "UCASE", "upper" },
- { "NOW", "now" },
- { 0, 0 }
+/* How to map ODBC scalar functions {fn func(args)} to Postgres
+ * This is just a simple substitution
+ * List augmented from
+ * http://www.merant.com/datadirect/download/docs/odbc16/Odbcref/rappc.htm
+ * - thomas 2000-04-03
+ */
+char *mapFuncs[][2] = {
+// { "ASCII", "ascii" },
+ { "CHAR", "ichar" },
+ { "CONCAT", "textcat" },
+// { "DIFFERENCE", "difference" },
+// { "INSERT", "insert" },
+ { "LCASE", "lower" },
+ { "LEFT", "ltrunc" },
+ { "LOCATE", "strpos" },
+ { "LENGTH", "char_length"},
+// { "LTRIM", "ltrim" },
+ { "RIGHT", "rtrunc" },
+// { "REPEAT", "repeat" },
+// { "REPLACE", "replace" },
+// { "RTRIM", "rtrim" },
+// { "SOUNDEX", "soundex" },
+ { "SUBSTRING", "substr" },
+ { "UCASE", "upper" },
+// { "ABS", "abs" },
+// { "ACOS", "acos" },
+// { "ASIN", "asin" },
+// { "ATAN", "atan" },
+// { "ATAN2", "atan2" },
+ { "CEILING", "ceil" },
+// { "COS", "cos" },
+// { "COT", "cot" },
+// { "DEGREES", "degrees" },
+// { "EXP", "exp" },
+// { "FLOOR", "floor" },
+ { "LOG", "ln" },
+ { "LOG10", "log" },
+// { "MOD", "mod" },
+// { "PI", "pi" },
+ { "POWER", "pow" },
+// { "RADIANS", "radians" },
+ { "RAND", "random" },
+// { "ROUND", "round" },
+// { "SIGN", "sign" },
+// { "SIN", "sin" },
+// { "SQRT", "sqrt" },
+// { "TAN", "tan" },
+// { "TRUNCATE", "truncate" },
+// { "CURDATE", "curdate" },
+// { "CURTIME", "curtime" },
+// { "DAYNAME", "dayname" },
+// { "DAYOFMONTH", "dayofmonth" },
+// { "DAYOFWEEK", "dayofweek" },
+// { "DAYOFYEAR", "dayofyear" },
+// { "HOUR", "hour" },
+// { "MINUTE", "minute" },
+// { "MONTH", "month" },
+// { "MONTHNAME", "monthname" },
+// { "NOW", "now" },
+// { "QUARTER", "quarter" },
+// { "SECOND", "second" },
+// { "WEEK", "week" },
+// { "YEAR", "year" },
+// { "DATABASE", "database" },
+ { "IFNULL", "coalesce" },
+ { "USER", "odbc_user" },
+ { 0, 0 }
char *mapFunction(char *func);
copy_statement_with_parameters(StatementClass *stmt)
static char *func="copy_statement_with_parameters";
-unsigned int opos, npos;
+unsigned int opos, npos, oldstmtlen;
char param_string[128], tmp[256], cbuf[TEXT_FIELD_SIZE+5];
int param_number;
Int2 param_ctype, param_sqltype;
param_number = -1;
- for (opos = 0; opos < strlen(old_statement); opos++) {
+ oldstmtlen = strlen(old_statement);
+ for (opos = 0; opos < oldstmtlen; opos++) {
// Squeeze carriage-returns/linfeed pairs to linefeed only
- if (old_statement[opos] == '\r' && opos+1<strlen(old_statement) && old_statement[opos+1] == '\n') {
+ if (old_statement[opos] == '\r' && opos+1 < oldstmtlen &&
+ old_statement[opos+1] == '\n') {
- // Handle literals (date, time, timestamp)
+ // Handle literals (date, time, timestamp) and ODBC scalar functions
else if (old_statement[opos] == '{') {
char *esc;
char *begin = &old_statement[opos + 1];
return NULL;
-// This function returns a pointer to static memory!
+/* convert_escape()
+ * This function returns a pointer to static memory!
+ */
char *
convert_escape(char *value)
-char key[32], val[256];
static char escape[1024];
-char func[32], the_rest[1024];
-char *mapFunc;
- sscanf(value, "%s %[^\r]", key, val);
+char key[33];
- mylog("convert_escape: key='%s', val='%s'\n", key, val);
+ /* Separate off the key, skipping leading and trailing whitespace */
+ while ((*value != '\0') && isspace(*value)) value++;
+ sscanf(value, "%32s", key);
+ while ((*value != '\0') && (! isspace(*value))) value++;
+ while ((*value != '\0') && isspace(*value)) value++;
- if ( ! strcmp(key, "d") ||
- ! strcmp(key, "t") ||
- ! strcmp(key, "ts")) {
+ mylog("convert_escape: key='%s', val='%s'\n", key, value);
- strcpy(escape, val);
+ if ( (strcmp(key, "d") == 0) ||
+ (strcmp(key, "t") == 0) ||
+ (strcmp(key, "ts") == 0)) {
+ /* Literal; return the escape part as-is */
+ strncpy(escape, value, sizeof(escape)-1);
- else if ( ! strcmp(key, "fn")) {
- sscanf(val, "%[^(]%[^\r]", func, the_rest);
- mapFunc = mapFunction(func);
- if ( ! mapFunc)
- return NULL;
- else {
- strcpy(escape, mapFunc);
- strcat(escape, the_rest);
+ else if (strcmp(key, "fn") == 0) {
+ /* Function invocation
+ * Separate off the func name,
+ * skipping trailing whitespace.
+ */
+ char *funcEnd = value;
+ char svchar;
+ char *mapFunc;
+ while ((*funcEnd != '\0') && (*funcEnd != '(') &&
+ (! isspace(*funcEnd))) funcEnd++;
+ svchar = *funcEnd;
+ *funcEnd = '\0';
+ sscanf(value, "%32s", key);
+ *funcEnd = svchar;
+ while ((*funcEnd != '\0') && isspace(*funcEnd)) funcEnd++;
+ /* We expect left parenthensis here,
+ * else return fn body as-is since it is
+ * one of those "function constants".
+ */
+ if (*funcEnd != '(') {
+ strncpy(escape, value, sizeof(escape)-1);
+ return escape;
+ mapFunc = mapFunction(key);
+ /* We could have mapFunction() return key if not in table...
+ * - thomas 2000-04-03
+ */
+ if (mapFunc == NULL) {
+ /* If unrecognized function name, return fn body as-is */
+ strncpy(escape, value, sizeof(escape)-1);
+ return escape;
+ }
+ /* copy mapped name and remaining input string */
+ strcpy(escape, mapFunc);
+ strncat(escape, funcEnd, sizeof(escape)-strlen(mapFunc));
else {
+ /* Bogus key, leave untranslated */
return NULL;