--- /dev/null
+# SELinux environment checks to ensure configuration of the operating system
+# satisfies prerequisites to run regression test.
+# If incorrect settings are found, this script suggest user a hint.
+echo "============== checking selinux environment =============="
+# Test.1 - must be launched at unconfined_t domain
+echo -n "test unconfined_t domain ... "
+DOMAIN=`id -Z 2>/dev/null | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'`
+if [ "${DOMAIN}" != "unconfined_t" ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "This regression test needs to be launched on unconfined_t domain."
+ echo
+ echo "The unconfined_t domain is mostly default domain of users' shell"
+ echo "process. So, we suggest you to revert your special configuration"
+ echo "on your system, as follows:"
+ echo
+ echo " \$ su -"
+ echo " # semanage login -d `whoami`"
+ echo
+ echo "Or, add a setting to login as unconfined_t domain"
+ echo
+ echo " \$ su -"
+ echo " # semanage login -a -s unconfined_u -r s0-s0:c0.c255 `whoami`"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.2 - 'runcon' must exist and be executable
+echo -n "test runon command ... "
+CMD_RUNCON="`which runcon 2>/dev/null`"
+if [ ! -x "${CMD_RUNCON}" ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The runcon must exist and be executable; it is internally used to"
+ echo "launch psql command with a particular domain. It is mostly included"
+ echo "within coreutils package. So, our suggestion is to install the latest"
+ echo "version of this package."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.3 - 'sestatus' must exist and be executable
+echo -n "test sestatus command ... "
+CMD_SESTATUS="`which sestatus 2>/dev/null`"
+if [ ! -x "${CMD_SESTATUS}" ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The sestatus should exist and be executable; it is internally used to"
+ echo "this checks; to show configuration of SELinux. It is mostly included"
+ echo "within policycoreutils package. So, our suggestion is to install the"
+ echo "latest version of this package."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.4 - 'getsebool' must exist and be executable
+echo -n "test getsebool command ... "
+CMD_GETSEBOOL="`which getsebool`"
+if [ ! -x "${CMD_GETSEBOOL}" ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The getsebool should exist and be executable; it is internally used to"
+ echo "this checks; to show current setting of SELinux boolean variables."
+ echo "It is mostly included within libselinux-utils package. So, our suggestion"
+ echo "is to install the latest version of this package."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.5 - SELinux must be configured to enforcing mode
+echo -n "test enforcing mode ... "
+CURRENT_MODE=`env LANG=C ${CMD_SESTATUS} | grep 'Current mode:' | awk '{print $3}'`
+if [ "${CURRENT_MODE}" != "enforcing" ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "SELinux must be configured to 'enforcing' mode."
+ echo "You can switch SELinux to enforcing mode using setenforce command,"
+ echo "as follows:"
+ echo
+ echo " \$ su -"
+ echo " # setenforce 1"
+ echo
+ echo "The system default setting is configured at /etc/selinux/config,"
+ echo "or kernel bool parameter. Please also check it, if you see this"
+ echo "message although you didn't switch to permissive mode."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.6 - 'sepgsql-regtest' policy module must be loaded
+echo -n "test sepgsql-regtest policy ... "
+SELINUX_MNT=`env LANG=C ${CMD_SESTATUS} | grep '^SELinuxfs mount:' | awk '{print $3}'`
+if [ ! -e ${SELINUX_MNT}/booleans/sepgsql_regression_test_mode ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The 'sepgsql-regtest' policy module must be installed; that provide"
+ echo "a set of special rules for this regression test."
+ echo "You can install this module as follows:"
+ echo
+ echo " \$ make -f /usr/share/selinux/devel/Makefile -C contrib/selinux"
+ echo " \$ su"
+ echo " # semodule -i contrib/sepgsql/sepgsql-regtest.pp"
+ echo
+ echo "Then, you can confirm the policy package being installed, as follows:"
+ echo
+ echo " # semodule -l | grep sepgsql"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.7 - 'sepgsql_regression_test_mode' must be turned on
+echo -n "test selinux boolean ... "
+if ! ${CMD_GETSEBOOL} sepgsql_regression_test_mode | grep -q ' on$'; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The boolean variable of 'sepgsql_regression_test_mode' must be"
+ echo "turned. It affects an internal state of SELinux policy, then"
+ echo "a set of rules to run regression test will be activated."
+ echo "You can turn on this variable as follows:"
+ echo
+ echo " \$ su -"
+ echo " # setsebool sepgsql_regression_test_mode 1"
+ echo
+ echo "Also note that we recommend to turn off this variable after the"
+ echo "regression test, because it activates unnecessary rules."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.8 - 'psql' command must be labeled as 'bin_t' type
+echo -n "test label of psql ... "
+LABEL_PSQL=`stat -c '%C' ${CMD_PSQL} | sed 's/:/ /g' | awk '{print $3}'`
+if [ "${LABEL_PSQL}" != "bin_t" ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The ${CMD_PSQL} must be labeled as bin_t type."
+ echo "You can assign right label using restorecon, as follows:"
+ echo
+ echo " \$ su - (not needed, if you owns installation directory)"
+ echo " # restorecon -R ${PG_BINDIR}"
+ echo
+ echo "Or, using chcon"
+ echo
+ echo " # chcon -t bin_t ${CMD_PSQL}"
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.9 - 'sepgsql' must be installed
+# and, not configured to permissive mode
+echo -n "test sepgsql installation ... "
+VAL="`${CMD_PSQL} template1 -tc 'SHOW sepgsql.permissive' 2>/dev/null`"
+if [ $RETVAL -eq 2 ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The postgresql server process is not connectable."
+ echo "Please check your installation first, rather than selinux settings."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+elif [ $RETVAL -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The sepgsql module was not loaded. So, our recommendation is to"
+ echo "confirm 'shared_preload_libraries' setting in postgresql.conf,"
+ echo "then restart server process."
+ echo "It must have '\$libdir/sepgsql' at least."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+elif ! echo "$VAL" | grep -q 'off$'; then
+ echo "failed"
+ echo
+ echo "The GUC variable 'sepgsql.permissive' was set to 'on', although"
+ echo "system configuration is enforcing mode."
+ echo "You should eliminate this setting from postgresql.conf, then"
+ echo "restart server process."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# Test.10 - 'template1' database must be labeled
+echo -n "test template1 database ... "
+NUM=`${CMD_PSQL} template1 -tc 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_catalog.pg_seclabel' 2>/dev/null`
+if [ -z "${NUM}" -o "$NUM" -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "failed!"
+ echo
+ echo "Initial labels must be assigned on the 'template1' database; that shall"
+ echo "be copied to the database for regression test."
+ echo "See Installation section of the PostgreSQL documentation."
+ echo
+ exit 1
+echo "ok"
+# check complete -
+exit 0