Problem: Viminfo with Blob is not tested.
Solution: Extend the viminfo test. Fix reading a blob. Fixed storing a
special variable value.
return OK;
+ * Convert a blob to a readable form: "[0x11,0x34]"
+ */
+ char_u *
+blob2string(blob_T *blob, char_u **tofree, char_u *numbuf)
+ int i;
+ garray_T ga;
+ if (blob == NULL)
+ {
+ *tofree = NULL;
+ return (char_u *)"[]";
+ }
+ // Store bytes in the growarray.
+ ga_init2(&ga, 1, 4000);
+ ga_append(&ga, '[');
+ for (i = 0; i < blob_len(blob); i++)
+ {
+ if (i > 0)
+ ga_concat(&ga, (char_u *)",");
+ vim_snprintf((char *)numbuf, NUMBUFLEN, "0x%02X", (int)blob_get(blob, i));
+ ga_concat(&ga, numbuf);
+ }
+ ga_append(&ga, ']');
+ *tofree = ga.ga_data;
+ return *tofree;
+ * Convert a string variable, in the format of blob2string(), to a blob.
+ * Return NULL when conversion failed.
+ */
+ blob_T *
+string2blob(char_u *str)
+ blob_T *blob = blob_alloc();
+ char_u *s = str;
+ if (*s != '[')
+ goto failed;
+ s = skipwhite(s + 1);
+ while (*s != ']')
+ {
+ if (s[0] != '0' || s[1] != 'x'
+ || !vim_isxdigit(s[2]) || !vim_isxdigit(s[3]))
+ goto failed;
+ ga_append(&blob->bv_ga, (hex2nr(s[2]) << 4) + hex2nr(s[3]));
+ s += 4;
+ if (*s == ',')
+ s = skipwhite(s + 1);
+ else if (*s != ']')
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ s = skipwhite(s + 1);
+ if (*s != NUL)
+ goto failed; // text after final ']'
+ ++blob->bv_refcount;
+ return blob;
+ blob_free(blob);
+ return NULL;
#endif /* defined(FEAT_EVAL) */
case VAR_BLOB:
- if (tv->vval.v_blob == NULL)
- {
- *tofree = NULL;
- r = (char_u *)"[]";
- }
- else
- {
- blob_T *b;
- int i;
- garray_T ga;
- // Store bytes in the growarray.
- ga_init2(&ga, 1, 4000);
- b = tv->vval.v_blob;
- ga_append(&ga, '[');
- for (i = 0; i < blob_len(b); i++)
- {
- if (i > 0)
- ga_concat(&ga, (char_u *)",");
- vim_snprintf((char *)numbuf, NUMBUFLEN, "0x%02X",
- (int)blob_get(b, i));
- ga_concat(&ga, numbuf);
- }
- ga_append(&ga, ']');
- *tofree = ga.ga_data;
- r = *tofree;
- }
+ r = blob2string(tv->vval.v_blob, tofree, numbuf);
case VAR_LIST:
if (tab != NULL)
tv.v_type = type;
- if (type == VAR_STRING || type == VAR_DICT ||
- type == VAR_LIST || type == VAR_BLOB)
+ if (type == VAR_STRING || type == VAR_DICT
+ || type == VAR_LIST || type == VAR_BLOB)
tv.vval.v_string = viminfo_readstring(virp,
(int)(tab - virp->vir_line + 1), TRUE);
tv.vval.v_number = atol((char *)tab + 1);
- if (type == VAR_DICT || type == VAR_LIST || type == VAR_BLOB)
+ if (type == VAR_DICT || type == VAR_LIST)
typval_T *etv = eval_expr(tv.vval.v_string, NULL);
+ else if (type == VAR_BLOB)
+ {
+ blob_T *blob = string2blob(tv.vval.v_string);
+ if (blob == NULL)
+ // Failed to parse back the blob, use it as a string.
+ tv.v_type = VAR_STRING;
+ else
+ {
+ vim_free(tv.vval.v_string);
+ tv.v_type = VAR_BLOB;
+ tv.vval.v_blob = blob;
+ }
+ }
/* when in a function use global variables */
fprintf(fp, "!%s\t%s\t", this_var->di_key, s);
- p = echo_string(&this_var->di_tv, &tofree, numbuf, 0);
+ if (this_var->di_tv.v_type == VAR_SPECIAL)
+ {
+ sprintf((char *)numbuf, "%ld",
+ (long)this_var->di_tv.vval.v_number);
+ p = numbuf;
+ tofree = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ p = echo_string(&this_var->di_tv, &tofree, numbuf, 0);
if (p != NULL)
viminfo_writestring(fp, p);
int blob_equal(blob_T *b1, blob_T *b2);
int read_blob(FILE *fd, blob_T *blob);
int write_blob(FILE *fd, blob_T *blob);
+char_u *blob2string(blob_T *blob, char_u **tofree, char_u *numbuf);
+blob_T *string2blob(char_u *str);
/* vim: set ft=c : */
" store a really long list, so line wrapping will occur in viminfo file
let test_list = range(1,100)
let g:MY_GLOBAL_LIST = test_list
+ let test_blob = 0z00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff
+ let g:MY_GLOBAL_BLOB = test_blob
+ let test_false = v:false
+ let g:MY_GLOBAL_FALSE = test_false
+ let test_true = v:true
+ let g:MY_GLOBAL_TRUE = test_true
+ let test_null = v:null
+ let g:MY_GLOBAL_NULL = test_null
+ let test_none = v:none
+ let g:MY_GLOBAL_NONE = test_none
set viminfo='100,<50,s10,h,!,nviminfo
wv! Xviminfo
+ unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_BLOB
+ unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_TRUE
+ unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_NULL
+ unlet g:MY_GLOBAL_NONE
rv! Xviminfo
call assert_equal(test_dict, g:MY_GLOBAL_DICT)
call assert_equal(test_list, g:MY_GLOBAL_LIST)
+ call assert_equal(test_blob, g:MY_GLOBAL_BLOB)
+ call assert_equal(test_false, g:MY_GLOBAL_FALSE)
+ call assert_equal(test_true, g:MY_GLOBAL_TRUE)
+ call assert_equal(test_null, g:MY_GLOBAL_NULL)
+ call assert_equal(test_none, g:MY_GLOBAL_NONE)
call delete('Xviminfo')
set viminfo-=!
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 741,