"add 'typename' to treat this using declaration as a type">;
def err_template_kw_refers_to_non_template : Error<
- "%0 following the 'template' keyword does not refer to a template">;
+ "%0 following the 'template' keyword does not refer to a template">;
def err_template_kw_refers_to_class_template : Error<
- "'%0%1' instantiated to a class template, not a function template">;
+ "'%0%1' instantiated to a class template, not a function template">;
def note_referenced_class_template : Error<
- "class template declared here">;
+ "class template declared here">;
def err_template_kw_missing : Error<
"missing 'template' keyword prior to dependent template name '%0%1'">;
def ext_template_outside_of_template : ExtWarn<