Problem: Crash when leaving command line window triggers autocommand.
Solution: Make sure not to close the current window or buffer.
// win_goto() may trigger an autocommand that already closes the
// cmdline window.
- if (win_valid(wp))
+ if (win_valid(wp) && wp != curwin)
win_close(wp, TRUE);
// win_close() may have already wiped the buffer when 'bh' is
- // set to 'wipe'
- if (bufref_valid(&bufref))
+ // set to 'wipe', autocommands may have closed other windows
+ if (bufref_valid(&bufref) && bufref.br_buf != curbuf)
close_buffer(NULL, bufref.br_buf, DOBUF_WIPE, FALSE, FALSE);
// Restore window sizes.
augroup END
+func Test_autocmd_closing_cmdwin()
+ au BufWinLeave * nested q
+ call assert_fails("norm 7q?\n", 'E855:')
+ au! BufWinLeave
+ new
+ only
" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 2473,