Problem: Can execute shell commands in rvim through interfaces.
Solution: Disable using interfaces in restricted mode. Allow for writing
file with writefile(), histadd() and a few others.
changes and writing.
{not in Vi}
- *-Z* *restricted-mode* *E145*
+ *-Z* *restricted-mode* *E145* *E981*
-Z Restricted mode. All commands that make use of an external
shell are disabled. This includes suspending with CTRL-Z,
- ":sh", filtering, the system() function, backtick expansion,
- delete(), rename(), mkdir(), writefile(), libcall(),
- job_start(), etc.
+ ":sh", filtering, the system() function, backtick expansion
+ and libcall().
+ Also disallowed are delete(), rename(), mkdir(), job_start(),
+ etc.
+ Interfaces, such as Python, Ruby and Lua, are also disabled,
+ since they could be used to execute shell commands. Perl uses
+ the Safe module.
+ Note that the user may still find a loophole to execute a
+ shell command, it has only been made difficult.
{not in Vi}
rettv->vval.v_number = FALSE;
- if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ if (check_secure())
str = tv_get_string_chk(&argvars[0]); /* NULL on type error */
char_u *str;
char_u buf[NUMBUFLEN];
+ if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ return;
str = tv_get_string_buf(&argvars[0], buf);
do_luaeval(str, argvars + 1, rettv);
char_u *str;
char_u buf[NUMBUFLEN];
+ if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ return;
str = tv_get_string_buf(&argvars[0], buf);
do_mzeval(str, rettv);
char_u *str;
char_u buf[NUMBUFLEN];
+ if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ return;
if (p_pyx == 0)
p_pyx = 3;
char_u *str;
char_u buf[NUMBUFLEN];
+ if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ return;
if (p_pyx == 0)
p_pyx = 2;
static void
f_pyxeval(typval_T *argvars, typval_T *rettv)
+ if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ return;
# if defined(FEAT_PYTHON) && defined(FEAT_PYTHON3)
if (p_pyx == 2)
typval_T *varp;
char_u nbuf[NUMBUFLEN];
- if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ if (check_secure())
(void)tv_get_number(&argvars[0]); /* issue errmsg if type error */
varname = tv_get_string_chk(&argvars[1]);
rettv->vval.v_number = 0;
- if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ if (check_secure())
tp = find_tabpage((int)tv_get_number_chk(&argvars[0], NULL));
blob_T *blob = NULL;
rettv->vval.v_number = -1;
- if (check_restricted() || check_secure())
+ if (check_secure())
if (argvars[0].v_type == VAR_LIST)
if (restricted)
- emsg(_("E145: Shell commands not allowed in rvim"));
+ emsg(_("E145: Shell commands and some functionality not allowed in rvim"));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
if (sandbox != 0 && !(ea.argt & SBOXOK))
- /* Command not allowed in sandbox. */
+ // Command not allowed in sandbox.
errormsg = _(e_sandbox);
goto doend;
+ if (restricted != 0 && (ea.argt & RESTRICT))
+ {
+ errormsg = _("E981: Command not allowed in rvim");
+ goto doend;
+ }
if (!curbuf->b_p_ma && (ea.argt & MODIFY))
/* Command not allowed in non-'modifiable' buffer */
static char *e_noperl = N_("Sorry, this command is disabled: the Perl library could not be loaded.");
+static char *e_perlsandbox = N_("E299: Perl evaluation forbidden in sandbox without the Safe module");
* ":perl"
- if (sandbox)
+ if (sandbox || secure)
safe = perl_get_sv("VIM::safe", FALSE);
# ifndef MAKE_TEST /* avoid a warning for unreachable code */
if (safe == NULL || !SvTRUE(safe))
- emsg(_("E299: Perl evaluation forbidden in sandbox without the Safe module"));
+ emsg(_(e_perlsandbox));
# endif
perl_eval_sv(sv, G_DISCARD | G_NOARGS);
- if (sandbox)
+ if (sandbox || secure)
safe = get_sv("VIM::safe", FALSE);
# ifndef MAKE_TEST /* avoid a warning for unreachable code */
if (safe == NULL || !SvTRUE(safe))
- emsg(_("E299: Perl evaluation forbidden in sandbox without the Safe module"));
+ emsg(_(e_perlsandbox));
# endif
-#endif /* HAVE_SANDBOX */
sv = eval_pv((char *)str, 0);
if (sv) {
test_regexp_utf8 \
test_registers \
test_reltime \
+ test_restricted \
test_retab \
test_ruby \
test_scriptnames \
test_quotestar.res \
test_regex_char_classes.res \
test_registers.res \
+ test_restricted.res \
test_retab.res \
test_ruby.res \
test_scriptnames.res \
--- /dev/null
+" Test for "rvim" or "vim -Z"
+source shared.vim
+func Test_restricted()
+ let cmd = GetVimCommand('Xrestricted')
+ if cmd == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ call writefile([
+ \ "silent !ls",
+ \ "call writefile([v:errmsg], 'Xrestrout')",
+ \ "qa!",
+ \ ], 'Xrestricted')
+ call system(cmd . ' -Z')
+ call assert_match('E145:', join(readfile('Xrestrout')))
+ call delete('Xrestricted')
+ call delete('Xrestrout')
+func Run_restricted_test(ex_cmd, error)
+ let cmd = GetVimCommand('Xrestricted')
+ if cmd == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ call writefile([
+ \ a:ex_cmd,
+ \ "call writefile([v:errmsg], 'Xrestrout')",
+ \ "qa!",
+ \ ], 'Xrestricted')
+ call system(cmd . ' -Z')
+ call assert_match(a:error, join(readfile('Xrestrout')))
+ call delete('Xrestricted')
+ call delete('Xrestrout')
+func Test_restricted_lua()
+ if !has('lua')
+ throw 'Skipped: Lua is not supported'
+ endif
+ call Run_restricted_test('lua print("Hello, Vim!")', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('luado return "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('luafile somefile', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('call luaeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+func Test_restricted_mzscheme()
+ if !has('mzscheme')
+ throw 'Skipped: MzScheme is not supported'
+ endif
+ call Run_restricted_test('mzscheme statement', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('mzfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('call mzeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+func Test_restricted_perl()
+ if !has('perl')
+ throw 'Skipped: Perl is not supported'
+ endif
+ " TODO: how to make Safe mode fail?
+ " call Run_restricted_test('perl system("ls")', 'E981:')
+ " call Run_restricted_test('perldo system("hello")', 'E981:')
+ " call Run_restricted_test('perlfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ " call Run_restricted_test('call perleval("system(\"ls\")")', 'E145:')
+func Test_restricted_python()
+ if !has('python')
+ throw 'Skipped: Python is not supported'
+ endif
+ call Run_restricted_test('python print "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('pydo return "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('pyfile somefile', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('call pyeval("expression")', 'E145:')
+func Test_restricted_python3()
+ if !has('python3')
+ throw 'Skipped: Python3 is not supported'
+ endif
+ call Run_restricted_test('py3 print "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('py3do return "hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('py3file somefile', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('call py3eval("expression")', 'E145:')
+func Test_restricted_ruby()
+ if !has('ruby')
+ throw 'Skipped: Ruby is not supported'
+ endif
+ call Run_restricted_test('ruby print "Hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('rubydo print "Hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('rubyfile somefile', 'E981:')
+func Test_restricted_tcl()
+ if !has('tcl')
+ throw 'Skipped: Tcl is not supported'
+ endif
+ call Run_restricted_test('tcl puts "Hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('tcldo puts "Hello"', 'E981:')
+ call Run_restricted_test('tclfile somefile', 'E981:')
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 881,