} subst_dir_conf;
typedef struct {
- apr_bucket_brigade *ctxbb;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *linebb;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *linesbb;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *passbb;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *pattbb;
+ apr_pool_t *tpool;
} substitute_module_ctx;
static void *create_substitute_dcfg(apr_pool_t *p, char *d)
return a;
+#define MAX_BUCKETS 1000
#define SEDSCAT(s1, s2, pool, buff, blen, repl) do { \
if (!s1) { \
s1 = apr_pstrmemdup(pool, buff, blen); \
apr_bucket_delete(tmp_b); \
} while (0)
-static apr_bucket_brigade *do_pattmatch(ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket *inb)
+static void do_pattmatch(ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket *inb,
+ apr_bucket_brigade *mybb,
+ apr_pool_t *tmp_pool)
int i;
ap_regmatch_t regm[AP_MAX_REG_MATCH];
char *s2;
apr_bucket *b;
apr_bucket *tmp_b;
- apr_bucket_brigade *mybb;
apr_pool_t *tpool;
subst_dir_conf *cfg =
subst_pattern_t *script;
- mybb = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
script = (subst_pattern_t *) cfg->patterns->elts;
- apr_pool_create(&tpool, f->r->pool);
+ apr_pool_create(&tpool, tmp_pool);
scratch = NULL;
fbytes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cfg->patterns->nelts; i++) {
* are constanting allocing space and copying
* strings.
- SEDSCAT(s1, s2, f->r->pool, buff, len,
+ SEDSCAT(s1, s2, tmp_pool, buff, len,
else {
* Finally, we create a bucket that contains the
* replacement...
- tmp_b = apr_bucket_pool_create(script->replacement,
- script->replen, f->r->pool,
+ tmp_b = apr_bucket_transient_create(script->replacement,
+ script->replen,
/* ... and insert it */
* we've finished looking at the bucket, so remove the
* old one and add in our new one
- s2 = apr_pstrmemdup(f->r->pool, buff, bytes);
- s1 = apr_pstrcat(f->r->pool, s1, s2, NULL);
- tmp_b = apr_bucket_pool_create(s1, strlen(s1),
- f->r->pool, f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
+ s2 = apr_pstrmemdup(tmp_pool, buff, bytes);
+ s1 = apr_pstrcat(tmp_pool, s1, s2, NULL);
+ tmp_b = apr_bucket_transient_create(s1, strlen(s1),
+ f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
tmp_b = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(b);
while (!ap_regexec(script->regexp, p,
AP_MAX_REG_MATCH, regm, 0)) {
/* first, grab the replacement string */
- repl = ap_pregsub(f->r->pool, script->replacement, p,
+ repl = ap_pregsub(tmp_pool, script->replacement, p,
if (script->flatten) {
- SEDSCAT(s1, s2, f->r->pool, p, regm[0].rm_so, repl);
+ SEDSCAT(s1, s2, tmp_pool, p, regm[0].rm_so, repl);
else {
len = (apr_size_t) (regm[0].rm_eo - regm[0].rm_so);
SEDRMPATBCKT(b, regm[0].rm_so, tmp_b, len);
- tmp_b = apr_bucket_pool_create(repl, strlen(repl),
- f->r->pool,
- f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
+ tmp_b = apr_bucket_transient_create(repl,
+ strlen(repl),
+ f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
p += regm[0].rm_eo;
if (script->flatten && s1) {
- s1 = apr_pstrcat(f->r->pool, s1, p, NULL);
- tmp_b = apr_bucket_pool_create(s1, strlen(s1),
- f->r->pool, f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
+ s1 = apr_pstrcat(tmp_pool, s1, p, NULL);
+ tmp_b = apr_bucket_transient_create(s1, strlen(s1),
+ f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
tmp_b = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(b);
- return mybb;
+ return;
static apr_status_t substitute_filter(ap_filter_t *f, apr_bucket_brigade *bb)
apr_size_t bytes;
apr_size_t len;
apr_size_t fbytes;
- apr_off_t blen;
const char *buff;
const char *nl = NULL;
char *bflat;
apr_bucket *b;
apr_bucket *tmp_b;
- apr_bucket_brigade *passbb;
- apr_bucket_brigade *pattbb;
- apr_bucket_brigade *tmp_ctxbb = NULL;
+ apr_bucket_brigade *tmp_bb = NULL;
apr_status_t rv;
substitute_module_ctx *ctx = f->ctx;
if (!ctx) {
f->ctx = ctx = apr_pcalloc(f->r->pool, sizeof(*ctx));
- ctx->ctxbb = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
+ /*
+ * Create all the temporary brigades we need and reuse them to avoid
+ * creating them over and over again from r->pool which would cost a
+ * lot of memory in some cases.
+ */
+ ctx->linebb = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
+ ctx->linesbb = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
+ ctx->pattbb = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
+ /*
+ * Everything to be passed to the next filter goes in
+ * here, our pass brigade.
+ */
+ ctx->passbb = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
+ /* Create our temporary pool only once */
+ apr_pool_create(&(ctx->tpool), f->r->pool);
apr_table_unset(f->r->headers_out, "Content-Length");
- /*
- * Everything to be passed to the next filter goes in
- * here, our pass brigade.
- */
- passbb = apr_brigade_create(f->r->pool, f->c->bucket_alloc);
* Here's the concept:
* Read in the data and look for newlines. Once we
* any left over data (not a "full" line), store that
* for the next pass.
- * Note: anything stored in ctxbb for sure does not have
+ * Note: anything stored in ctx->linebb for sure does not have
* a newline char, so we don't concat that bb with the
* new bb, since we would spending time searching for the newline
* in data we know it doesn't exist. So instead, we simply scan
- * our current bb and, if we see a newline, prepend ctxbb
+ * our current bb and, if we see a newline, prepend ctx->linebb
* to the front of it. This makes the code much less straight-
- * forward (otherwise we could APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(ctx->ctxbb, bb)
+ * forward (otherwise we could APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(ctx->linebb, bb)
* and just scan for newlines and not bother with needing to know
- * when ctx->ctxbb needs to be reset) but also faster. We'll take
+ * when ctx->linebb needs to be reset) but also faster. We'll take
* the speed.
* Note: apr_brigade_split_line would be nice here, but we
while ((b = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(bb)) && (b != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(bb))) {
- apr_brigade_length(passbb, 0, &blen);
- if ((blen != -1) && (blen > AP_MIN_BYTES_TO_WRITE)) {
- rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, passbb);
- apr_brigade_cleanup(passbb);
- if (rv != APR_SUCCESS)
- return rv;
- }
* if we see the EOS, then we need to pass along everything we
- * have. But if the ctxbb isn't empty, then we need to add that
- * to the end of what we'll be passing.
+ * have. But if the ctx->linebb isn't empty, then we need to add
+ * that to the end of what we'll be passing.
- if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(ctx->ctxbb)) {
- rv = apr_brigade_pflatten(ctx->ctxbb, &bflat,
- &fbytes, f->r->pool);
- tmp_b = apr_bucket_pool_create(bflat, fbytes, f->r->pool,
- f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
- pattbb = do_pattmatch(f, tmp_b);
- APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(passbb, pattbb);
+ if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(ctx->linebb)) {
+ rv = apr_brigade_pflatten(ctx->linebb, &bflat,
+ &fbytes, ctx->tpool);
+ tmp_b = apr_bucket_transient_create(bflat, fbytes,
+ f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
+ do_pattmatch(f, tmp_b, ctx->pattbb, ctx->tpool);
+ APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(ctx->passbb, ctx->pattbb);
- apr_brigade_cleanup(ctx->ctxbb);
- break;
- }
- else if (APR_BUCKET_IS_FLUSH(b)) {
+ apr_brigade_cleanup(ctx->linebb);
- rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, passbb);
- apr_brigade_cleanup(passbb);
- if (rv != APR_SUCCESS)
- return rv;
+ APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->passbb, b);
+ /*
+ * No need to handle FLUSH buckets separately as we call
+ * ap_pass_brigade anyway at the end of the loop.
+ */
+ APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->passbb, b);
else {
else {
+ int num = 0;
while (bytes > 0) {
nl = memchr(buff, APR_ASCII_LF, bytes);
if (nl) {
* bb, morph the whole shebang into a bucket which is
* then added to the tail of the newline bb.
- if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(ctx->ctxbb)) {
- APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->ctxbb, b);
- rv = apr_brigade_pflatten(ctx->ctxbb, &bflat,
- &fbytes, f->r->pool);
- b = apr_bucket_pool_create(bflat, fbytes,
- f->r->pool,
+ if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(ctx->linebb)) {
+ APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->linebb, b);
+ rv = apr_brigade_pflatten(ctx->linebb, &bflat,
+ &fbytes, ctx->tpool);
+ b = apr_bucket_transient_create(bflat, fbytes,
- apr_brigade_cleanup(ctx->ctxbb);
+ apr_brigade_cleanup(ctx->linebb);
+ }
+ do_pattmatch(f, b, ctx->pattbb, ctx->tpool);
+ /*
+ * Count how many buckets we have in ctx->passbb
+ * so far. Yes, this is correct we count ctx->passbb
+ * and not ctx->pattbb as we do not reset num on every
+ * iteration.
+ */
+ for (b = APR_BRIGADE_FIRST(ctx->pattbb);
+ b != APR_BRIGADE_SENTINEL(ctx->pattbb);
+ b = APR_BUCKET_NEXT(b)) {
+ num++;
+ }
+ APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(ctx->passbb, ctx->pattbb);
+ /*
+ * If the number of buckets in ctx->passbb reaches an
+ * "insane" level, we consume much memory for all the
+ * buckets as such. So lets flush them down the chain
+ * in this case and thus clear ctx->passbb. This frees
+ * the buckets memory for further processing.
+ * Usually this condition should not become true, but
+ * it is a safety measure for edge cases.
+ */
+ if (num > MAX_BUCKETS) {
+ b = apr_bucket_flush_create(
+ f->r->connection->bucket_alloc);
+ APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->passbb, b);
+ rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, ctx->passbb);
+ apr_brigade_cleanup(ctx->passbb);
+ num = 0;
+ apr_pool_clear(ctx->tpool);
+ if (rv != APR_SUCCESS)
+ return rv;
- pattbb = do_pattmatch(f, b);
- APR_BRIGADE_CONCAT(passbb, pattbb);
b = tmp_b;
else {
* tuck data away and get next bucket
- APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->ctxbb, b);
+ APR_BRIGADE_INSERT_TAIL(ctx->linebb, b);
bytes = 0;
+ if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(ctx->passbb)) {
+ rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, ctx->passbb);
+ apr_brigade_cleanup(ctx->passbb);
+ if (rv != APR_SUCCESS) {
+ apr_pool_clear(ctx->tpool);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ }
+ apr_pool_clear(ctx->tpool);
- /* Pass it down */
- rv = ap_pass_brigade(f->next, passbb);
/* Anything left we want to save/setaside for the next go-around */
- if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(ctx->ctxbb)) {
- ap_save_brigade(f, &tmp_ctxbb, &(ctx->ctxbb), f->r->pool);
- ctx->ctxbb = tmp_ctxbb;
+ if (!APR_BRIGADE_EMPTY(ctx->linebb)) {
+ /*
+ * Provide ap_save_brigade with an existing empty brigade
+ * (ctx->linesbb) to avoid creating a new one.
+ */
+ ap_save_brigade(f, &(ctx->linesbb), &(ctx->linebb), f->r->pool);
+ tmp_bb = ctx->linebb;
+ ctx->linebb = ctx->linesbb;
+ ctx->linesbb = tmp_bb;
- return rv;
+ return APR_SUCCESS;
static const char *set_pattern(cmd_parms *cmd, void *cfg, const char *line)