-where rar /q && goto skiprarsearch\r
-set _RAR_PATH=\r
-where /R "%ProgramFiles%\WinRAR" rar > "%TEMP%\rar.loc" 2> nul && set /P _RAR_PATH= < "%TEMP%\rar.loc" & del "%TEMP%\rar.loc" \r
-where /R "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\WinRAR" rar > "%TEMP%\rar.loc" 2> nul && set /P _RAR_PATH= < "%TEMP%\rar.loc" & del "%TEMP%\rar.loc" \r
-if not exist "%_RAR_PATH%" echo Cannot find WinRAR on PATH or in external && pause\r
if defined BUILDX86 (\r
call :build x86\r
if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
msbuild "%D%bundle\releaseweb.wixproj" /t:Rebuild %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% /p:RebuildAll=false\r
if errorlevel 1 exit /B\r
-if defined _RAR_PATH msbuild "%D%make_zip.proj" /t:Build %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS% "/p:RAR=%_RAR_PATH%"\r
+msbuild "%D%make_zip.proj" /t:Build %BUILDOPTS% %CERTOPTS%\r
if not "%OUTDIR%" EQU "" (\r
mkdir "%OUTDIR%\%OUTDIR_PLAT%"\r
<Arguments>"$(PythonExe)" "$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\"</Arguments>
<Arguments>$(Arguments) -e -o "$(TargetPath)" -t "$(IntermediateOutputPath)\zip_$(ArchName)" -a $(ArchName)</Arguments>
- <Arguments Condition="Exists('$(RAR)')">$(Arguments) --rar "$(RAR)"</Arguments>
<Environment>set DOC_FILENAME=python$(PythonVersion).chm</Environment>
('', 'Lib', '**/*', include_in_lib),
-def copy_to_layout(target, source, rel_sources):
+def copy_to_layout(target, rel_sources):
count = 0
if target.suffix.lower() == '.zip':
for t, s, p, c in layout:
s = source / s.replace("$arch", arch)
- copied = copy_to_layout(
- temp / t.rstrip('/'),
- source,
- rglob(s, p, c)
- )
+ copied = copy_to_layout(temp / t.rstrip('/'), rglob(s, p, c))
print('Copied {} files'.format(copied))
- if rar and rar.is_file():
- subprocess.check_call([
- str(rar),
- "a",
- "-ed", "-ep1", "-s", "-r",
- str(out),
- str(temp / '*')
- ])
+ total = copy_to_layout(out, rglob(temp, '*', None))
+ print('Wrote {} files to {}'.format(total, out))
if delete_temp:
shutil.rmtree(temp, True)
<File Include="$(OutputPath)\*.msi;$(OutputPath)\*.msu">
- <File Include="$(OutputPath)\*.exe">
+ <File Include="$(OutputPath)\*.exe;$(OutputPath)\*.zip">
<File Include="$(PySourcePath)Doc\build\htmlhelp\python$(MajorVersionNumber)$(MinorVersionNumber)$(MicroVersionNumber)$(ReleaseLevelName).chm" Condition="$(IncludeDoc)">