* PHP-7.1:
Fixed bug #68406 calling var_dump on a DateTimeZone object modifies it
. Fixed bug #75857 (Timezone gets truncated when formatted). (carusogabriel)
. Fixed bug #75928 (Argument 2 for `DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers()` should
accept `null`). (Pedro Lacerda)
+ . Fixed bug #68406 (calling var_dump on a DateTimeZone object modifies it).
+ (jhdxr)
- . Fixed #75838 (Memory leak in pg_escape_bytea()). (ard_1 at mail dot ru)
-- ODBC:
- . Fixed bug #73725 (Unable to retrieve value of varchar(max) type). (Anatol)
. Fixed bug #49876 (Fix LDAP path lookup on 64-bit distros). (dzuelke)