?? ??? 2002, Version 4.3.0
-- GetImageSize() and exif_read_data() now return mime-type and exif_thumbnail()
- optionally returns imagetype. (Marcus)
-- Added image_type_to_mime_type() to convert imagetypes to mime-types. (Marcus)
-- Added a new parameter to the header() function which overrides the HTTP
+- Made getimagesize() and exif_read_data() to return also the mime-type and
+ exif_thumbnail() to return also the image-type. (Marcus)
+- Added image_type_to_mime_type() which converts image-types to mime-types.
+ (Marcus)
+- Added an optional parameter to the header() function which overrides the HTTP
response code. (Derick)
-- Change the order of which modules are unloaded to the reverse order of
+- Changed the order of which modules are unloaded to the reverse order of
which they were loaded. (Derick, Zend Engine)
- Fixed a crash in ereg_replace() when backreference number was greater
than the number of subpatterns. (
- Added preliminary SAX-Input support. It's now possible to build a DomDocument
with SAX-Events. (chregu)
-- Bundle gd library 2.0.1 with php (ext/gd/libgd) (Rasmus), tweak config.m4 to
- work with it (Jani), smallers tweaks for Win32. (Markus, Edin)
+- Bundled GD library 2.0.1 with php (ext/gd/libgd) (Rasmus, Jani, Markus, Edin)
- Fixed bug with Apache which let PHP_AUTH_* variables to be set when
external basic auth mechanism was used. (Jani)
- Fixed bzopen() crash in thread-safe mode. (Andrei)
- Added pctnl_alarm() function. (Edin)
- Fixed array_rand() on thread-safe platforms such as Windows. (Edin)
- If zlib.output_compression is enabled and a page is compressed
- a "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header is added. (Stefan)
+ a "Vary: Accept-Encoding" header is now added. (Stefan)
- Renamed getallheaders() to apache_request_headers() and kept getallheaders()
as an alias to it. Also added apache_response_headers() which returns the
current response headers from Apache. (Rasmus)
- Added missing AddRef() calls in the COM extension. This should fix weird
behaviour (in particular with ADODB). (Harald)
-- Fixed some dummy errors. (dets)
-- Fix segfault in version_compare(). (Stig)
+- Fixed segfault in version_compare(). (Stig)
- Added compressed Flash MX files support to getimagesize(). (Derick)
- Added ability to capture string offsets in preg_split() results.
(David Brown, Andrei)
Korean encodings into mbstring. (Rui)
- Misc. Win32 mail() enhancements: support 'From:' header (,
support Bcc header, case-insensitive headers, enhanced error reporting,
- automatic proper line ending conversion, fix crash with Cc, fix buffer
+ automatic proper line ending conversion, fixed crash with Cc, fixed buffer
overflows with $header. (Markus)
- Improved IMAP extension performance. (,, Jon)
the previously selected database name. (Jani)
- Added large OID value (2^31 to 2^32) support for pg_lo_import(),
pg_lo_unlink(), pg_lo_open() and pg_lo_export(). (Yasuo)
-- Made the mbstring extension to be enabled by default. (Yasuo)
+- Changed the mbstring extension to be enabled by default. (Yasuo)
- Fixed mixing OCIPlogon() and OCINLogon() to not leak Oracle-Sessions. (Thies)
- Added php.ini options for EXIF extension to encode and decode Unicode/JIS
user comments. (Marcus)
-- Changed the "-c" CLI/CGI option to allow both 'filename' and
+- Changed the "-c" CLI/CGI option to allow both 'filename' and
'path to php.ini'. (Yasuo)
- Added version information to the .dll and .exe files created under Windows.