Reverted build of xref.xsl. Will no longer need it after Unicode
char handling change is made.
Reverted build of single-pass profiling stylesheet (for now). It
doesn't appear to work with manpages, and figuring if and how I
can get it work is a very low priority, especially given that
single-pass profiling doesn't work with documents that contain
xref instances. If you want to profile content before converting
to man-page output, please just do a separate profiling pass first.
include Makefile.param
-all: xref.xsl param.xsl profile-docbook.xsl
+all: param.xsl
xml: param.xml
html: param.html
-xref.xsl: ../html/xref.xsl
- $(XSLT) $< textify.xsl $@
param.html: param.xml
$(XSLT) $< ../docsrc/lrefentry.xsl $@
../../cvstools/paramchk -m $@ param.xweb
-profile-docbook.xsl: docbook.xsl ../profiling/xsl2profile.xsl
- $(XSLT) $< ../profiling/xsl2profile.xsl $@
- $(RM) xref.xsl
- $(RM) param.xml param.html param.xsl \
- profile-docbook.xsl profile-chunk.xsl profile-onechunk.xsl
+ $(RM) param.xml param.html param.xsl
$(RM) Makefile.param
echo "# foo" > Makefile.param