- xdot man page does not document some functions #1957
- Superfluous empty `@param` in documentation #1977
- PIC renderer does not work and probably never has #131
+- dot conversion to dia format #689
## [2.47.0] - 2021-03-15
\fB\-Tmif\fP (FrameMaker graphics),
\fB\-Thpgl\fP (HP pen plotters), and \fB\-Tpcl\fP (Laserjet printers),
\fB\-Tpng\fP \fB\-Tgif\fP (bitmap graphics),
-\fB\-Tdia\fP (GTK+ based diagrams),
\fB\-Timap\fP (imagemap files for httpd servers for each node or edge
that has a non\(hynull "href" attribute.),
\fB\-Tcmapx\fP (client\(hyside imagemap for use in html and xhtml).
\fB\-Tmif\fP (FrameMaker graphics),
\fB\-Thpgl\fP (HP pen plotters), and \fB\-Tpcl\fP (Laserjet printers),
\fB\-Tpng\fP \fB\-Tgif\fP (bitmap graphics),
-\fB\-Tdia\fP (GTK+ based diagrams),
\fB\-Timap\fP (imagemap files for httpd servers for each node or edge
that has a non\(hynull "href" attribute.),
\fB\-Tcmapx\fP (client\(hyside imagemap for use in html and xhtml).
<xsd:enumeration value="dot" />
<xsd:enumeration value="xdot" />
<xsd:enumeration value="cmap" />
- <xsd:enumeration value="dia" />
<xsd:enumeration value="fig" />
<xsd:enumeration value="gd" />
<xsd:enumeration value="gd2" />
#define VTX 21 /* visual thought */
#define METAPOST 22
-#define DIA 24 /* dia drawing tool */
#define QPDF 30 /* Quartz paged PDF */
#define QEPDF 31 /* Quartz embedded PDF */
/* output sorted, i.e. all nodes then all edges */
job->flags |= EMIT_SORTED;
- case DIA:
- /* output in preorder traversal of the graph */
- job->flags |= EMIT_PREORDER
- break;
job->flags |= chkOrder(g);
global fileName
set cmap {{{CMAP Image Map Files} {.cmap}} {{All Files} *}}
- set dia {{{DIA Image Files} {.dia}} {{All Files} *}}
set dot {{{DOT Graph Files} {.dot}} {{All Files} *}}
set fig {{{FIG Image Files} {.fig}} {{All Files} *}}
set gif {{{GIF Image Files} {.gif}} {{All Files} *}}
menu .m.file.m.export
.m.file.m.export add command -label "CMAP ..." -underline 0 \
-command "saveFileAs cmap"
-.m.file.m.export add command -label "DIA ..." -underline 0 \
- -command "saveFileAs dia"
.m.file.m.export add command -label "FIG ..." -underline 0 \
-command "saveFileAs fig"
.m.file.m.export add command -label "GIF ..." -underline 0 \