remove ->
[{"subscription", "remove"} | Attrs2]
- Attrs4 = case Item#roster.ask of
- none ->
- Attrs3;
- subscribe ->
+ Attrs4 = case ask_to_pending(Item#roster.ask) of
+ out ->
+ [{"ask", "subscribe"} | Attrs3];
+ both ->
[{"ask", "subscribe"} | Attrs3];
- unsubscribe ->
- [{"ask", "unsubscribe"} | Attrs3]
+ _ ->
+ Attrs3
Attrs = Attrs4 ++ Item#roster.xattrs,
SubEls1 = lists:map(fun(G) ->
fill_subscription_lists([], F, T) ->
{F, T}.
+ask_to_pending(subscribe) -> out;
+ask_to_pending(unsubscribe) -> none;
+ask_to_pending(Ask) -> Ask.
-in_subscription(User, From, Type) ->
- LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
- LFrom = jlib:jid_tolower(From),
- F = fun() ->
- case mnesia:read({roster, {LUser, LFrom}}) of
- [] ->
- case Type of
- subscribe ->
- true;
- unsubscribe ->
- true;
- unsubscribed ->
- false;
- subscribed ->
- JID = {From#jid.user,
- From#jid.server,
- From#jid.resource},
- NewItem = #roster{uj = {LUser, LFrom},
- user = LUser,
- jid = JID},
- mnesia:write(NewItem),
- true
- end;
- [I] ->
- case Type of
- subscribe ->
- S = I#roster.subscription,
- if
- (S == both) or (S == from) ->
- {update,
- {xmlelement, "presence",
- [{"type", "subscribed"}], []},
- I};
- true ->
- true
- end;
- unsubscribe ->
- S = I#roster.subscription,
- if
- (S == none) or (S == to) ->
- {update,
- {xmlelement, "presence",
- [{"type", "unsubscribed"}], []},
- I};
- true ->
- true
- end;
- _ ->
- S = I#roster.subscription,
- NS = case Type of
- subscribed ->
- case S of
- from -> both;
- none -> to;
- _ -> S
- end;
- unsubscribed ->
- case S of
- both -> from;
- to -> none;
- _ -> S
- end
- end,
- NewItem = I#roster{subscription = NS,
- ask = none},
- mnesia:write(NewItem),
- {push, NewItem}
- end
- end
- end,
- case mnesia:transaction(F) of
- {atomic, true} ->
- true;
- {atomic, false} ->
- false;
- {atomic, {update, Presence, Item}} ->
- ejabberd_router:route(jlib:make_jid(User, ?MYNAME, ""),
- jlib:jid_replace_resource(From, ""),
- Presence),
- ejabberd_sm ! {route,
- jlib:make_jid("", "", ""),
- jlib:make_jid(User, "", ""),
- {xmlelement, "broadcast", [],
- [{item,
- Item#roster.jid,
- Item#roster.subscription}]}},
- false;
- {atomic, {push, Item}} ->
- push_item(User, {"", ?MYNAME, ""}, Item),
- true;
- _ ->
- false
- end.
-out_subscription(User, JID1, Type) ->
+in_subscription(User, JID, Type) ->
+ process_subscription(in, User, JID, Type).
+out_subscription(User, JID, Type) ->
+ process_subscription(out, User, JID, Type).
+process_subscription(Direction, User, JID1, Type) ->
+ io:format("S10N: Dir=~p User=~p JID=~p Type=~p~n",
+ [Direction, User, JID1, Type]),
LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
LJID = jlib:jid_tolower(JID1),
F = fun() ->
Item = case mnesia:read({roster, {LUser, LJID}}) of
[] ->
- if (Type == unsubscribe) or
- (Type == unsubscribed) ->
- false;
- true ->
- JID = {JID1#jid.user,
- JID1#jid.server,
- JID1#jid.resource},
- #roster{uj = {LUser, LJID},
- user = LUser,
- jid = JID}
- end;
+ JID = {JID1#jid.user,
+ JID1#jid.server,
+ JID1#jid.resource},
+ #roster{uj = {LUser, LJID},
+ user = LUser,
+ jid = JID};
[I] ->
- if Item == false ->
- ok;
- true ->
- {NewItem, Update} =
- case Type of
- subscribe ->
- {Item#roster{ask = subscribe}, false};
- unsubscribe ->
- {Item#roster{ask = unsubscribe}, false};
- subscribed ->
- S = Item#roster.subscription,
- NS = case S of
- to -> both;
- none -> from;
- _ -> S
- end,
- {Item#roster{subscription = NS,
- ask = none},
- true};
- unsubscribed ->
- S = Item#roster.subscription,
- NS = case S of
- both -> to;
- from -> none;
- _ -> S
- end,
- {Item#roster{subscription = NS,
- ask = none},
- true}
- end,
+ NewState = case Direction of
+ out ->
+ out_state_change(Item#roster.subscription,
+ Item#roster.ask,
+ Type);
+ in ->
+ in_state_change(Item#roster.subscription,
+ Item#roster.ask,
+ Type)
+ end,
+ case NewState of
+ none ->
+ none;
+ {Subscription, Pending} ->
+ NewItem = Item#roster{subscription = Subscription,
+ ask = Pending},
- {push, NewItem, Update}
+ {push, NewItem}
case mnesia:transaction(F) of
{atomic, ok} ->
- ok;
- {atomic, {push, Item, Update}} ->
+ false;
+ {atomic, {push, Item}} ->
+ io:format("S10N: Item=~p~n", [Item]),
push_item(User, {"", ?MYNAME, ""}, Item),
- if
- Update ->
- ejabberd_sm ! {route,
- jlib:make_jid("", "", ""),
- jlib:make_jid(User, "", ""),
- {xmlelement, "broadcast", [],
- [{item,
- Item#roster.jid,
- Item#roster.subscription}]}};
- true ->
- ok
- end;
+ true;
_ ->
+%% in_state_change(Subscription, Pending, Type) -> NewState
+%% NewState = none | {NewSubscription, NewPending}
+in_state_change(none, none, subscribe) -> {none, in};
+in_state_change(none, none, subscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(none, none, unsubscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(none, none, unsubscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(none, out, subscribe) -> {none, both};
+in_state_change(none, out, subscribed) -> {to, none};
+in_state_change(none, out, unsubscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(none, out, unsubscribed) -> {none, none};
+in_state_change(none, in, subscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(none, in, subscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(none, in, unsubscribe) -> {none, none};
+in_state_change(none, in, unsubscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(none, both, subscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(none, both, subscribed) -> {to, in};
+in_state_change(none, both, unsubscribe) -> {none, out};
+in_state_change(none, both, unsubscribed) -> {none, in};
+in_state_change(to, none, subscribe) -> {to, in};
+in_state_change(to, none, subscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(to, none, unsubscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(to, none, unsubscribed) -> {none, none};
+in_state_change(to, in, subscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(to, in, subscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(to, in, unsubscribe) -> {to, none};
+in_state_change(to, in, unsubscribed) -> {none, in};
+in_state_change(from, none, subscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(from, none, subscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(from, none, unsubscribe) -> {none, none};
+in_state_change(from, none, unsubscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(from, out, subscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(from, out, subscribed) -> {both, none};
+in_state_change(from, out, unsubscribe) -> {none, out};
+in_state_change(from, out, unsubscribed) -> {from, none};
+in_state_change(both, none, subscribe) -> none;
+in_state_change(both, none, subscribed) -> none;
+in_state_change(both, none, unsubscribe) -> {to, none};
+in_state_change(both, none, unsubscribed) -> {from, none}.
+out_state_change(none, none, subscribe) -> {none, out};
+out_state_change(none, none, subscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(none, none, unsubscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(none, none, unsubscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(none, out, subscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(none, out, subscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(none, out, unsubscribe) -> {none, none};
+out_state_change(none, out, unsubscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(none, in, subscribe) -> {none, both};
+out_state_change(none, in, subscribed) -> {from, none};
+out_state_change(none, in, unsubscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(none, in, unsubscribed) -> {none, none};
+out_state_change(none, both, subscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(none, both, subscribed) -> {from, out};
+out_state_change(none, both, unsubscribe) -> {none, in};
+out_state_change(none, both, unsubscribed) -> {none, out};
+out_state_change(to, none, subscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(to, none, subscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(to, none, unsubscribe) -> {none, none};
+out_state_change(to, none, unsubscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(to, in, subscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(to, in, subscribed) -> {both, none};
+out_state_change(to, in, unsubscribe) -> {none, in};
+out_state_change(to, in, unsubscribed) -> {to, none};
+out_state_change(from, none, subscribe) -> {from, out};
+out_state_change(from, none, subscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(from, none, unsubscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(from, none, unsubscribed) -> {none, none};
+out_state_change(from, out, subscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(from, out, subscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(from, out, unsubscribe) -> {from, none};
+out_state_change(from, out, unsubscribed) -> {none, out};
+out_state_change(both, none, subscribe) -> none;
+out_state_change(both, none, subscribed) -> none;
+out_state_change(both, none, unsubscribe) -> {from, none};
+out_state_change(both, none, unsubscribed) -> {to, none}.
remove_user(User) ->
LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
F = fun() ->