- <para>
- Some of the tables in your dump may be using an
- out-of-range SRID value. SRID range goes from 0 to 999999.
- In this case both your geometries and relative entries in
- spatial_ref_sys will be converted to a SRID in the
- reserved range 999000..999999. Different source SRIDS may
- end up mapping to the same target SRID in which case
- all your spatial_ref_sys entries will fail to restore.
- The postgis_restore.pl script will let you know about
- all these conversions with WARNING messages on the standard
- error stream.
- Note that even successful conversion will need to be
- post-processed to get data out of the reserved SRID range.
- See next paragraph about that.
- You may prevent all this noise by ensuring the SRID
- of your tables is within the valid range _before_ dumping.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
Some custom records of spatial_ref_sys in dump file have
an invalid SRID value. Valid SRID values are bigger than 0
- and smaller than 999000. In this case your custom records
- will be retained but the spatial_ref_sys table would loose
- a check contraint guarding for that invariant to hold.
+ and smaller than 999000. Values in the 999000.999999 range
+ are reserved for internal use while values > 999999 can't
+ be used at all.
+ All your custom records with invalid SRIDs will be retained,
+ with those > 999999 moved into the reserved range, but the
+ spatial_ref_sys table would loose a check contraint guarding
+ for that invariant to hold and possibly also its primary key
+ ( when multiple invalid SRIDS get converted to the same reserved
+ SRID value ).
+ </para>
+ <para>
In order to fix this you should copy your custom SRS to
a SRID with a valid value (maybe in the 910000..910999
range), convert all your tables to the new srid (see
<xref linkend="UpdateGeometrySRID"/>), delete the invalid
- entry from spatial_ref_sys and re-construct the check with:
+ entry from spatial_ref_sys and re-construct the check(s) with:
<programlisting>ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys ADD CONSTRAINT spatial_ref_sys_srid_check check (srid > 0 AND srid < 999000 );</programlisting>
+ <programlisting>ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys ADD PRIMARY KEY(srid));</programlisting>
# Drop the spatial_ref_sys_srid_check to allow for custom invalid SRIDs in the dump
print STDOUT "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys DROP constraint "
. "spatial_ref_sys_srid_check;\n";
+# Drop the spatial_ref_sys primary key to allow for SRID conversions
+# which possibly end up taking the same spot
+print STDOUT "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys DROP constraint "
+ . "spatial_ref_sys_pkey;\n";
# Backup entries found in new spatial_ref_sys for later updating the
print STDOUT "CREATE TEMP TABLE _pgis_restore_spatial_ref_sys AS "
print STDOUT "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys ADD constraint "
. "spatial_ref_sys_srid_check check "
. "( srid > 0 and srid < " . ($SRID_USER_MAXIMUM+1) ." ) ;\n";
+# Try re-enforcing spatial_ref_sys primary key, would fail if impossible
+# but you'd still have your data
+print STDOUT "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys ENABLE TRIGGER ALL;\n";
+print STDOUT "ALTER TABLE spatial_ref_sys ADD PRIMARY KEY(srid);\n";
print STDERR "Done.\n";