Problem: The command displayed to show a failing screenshot does not include
the "testdir" directory.
Solution: Prefix the directory name so that it can be copy-pasted.
if i == 100
" Leave the failed dump around for inspection.
if filereadable(reference)
- let msg = 'See dump file difference: call term_dumpdiff("' . testfile . '", "' . reference . '")'
+ let msg = 'See dump file difference: call term_dumpdiff("testdir/' .. testfile .. '", "testdir/' .. reference .. '")'
if a:0 == 1
let msg = a:1 . ': ' . msg
let msg = msg . '; line count is ' . len(testdump) . ' instead of ' . len(refdump)
- let msg = 'See new dump file: call term_dumpload("' . testfile . '")'
+ let msg = 'See new dump file: call term_dumpload("testdir/' .. testfile .. '")'
for i in range(len(refdump))
if i >= len(testdump)
static int included_patches[] =
{ /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ 1556,