"def flatten($x): reduce .[] as $i ([]; if $i | type == \"array\" and $x > 0 then . + ($i | flatten($x-1)) else . + [$i] end);",
"def range($x): range(0;$x);",
"def match(re; mode): _match_impl(re; mode; false)|.[];",
- "def match(val): (val|type) as $vt | if $vt == \"string\" then match(val; null)"
- " elif $vt == \"array\" and (val | length) > 1 then match(val[0]; val[1])"
- " elif $vt == \"array\" and (val | length) > 0 then match(val[0]; null)"
+ "def match($val): ($val|type) as $vt | if $vt == \"string\" then match($val; null)"
+ " elif $vt == \"array\" and ($val | length) > 1 then match($val[0]; $val[1])"
+ " elif $vt == \"array\" and ($val | length) > 0 then match($val[0]; null)"
" else error( $vt + \" not a string or array\") end;",
"def test(re; mode): _match_impl(re; mode; true);",
- "def test(val): (val|type) as $vt | if $vt == \"string\" then test(val; null)"
- " elif $vt == \"array\" and (val | length) > 1 then test(val[0]; val[1])"
- " elif $vt == \"array\" and (val | length) > 0 then test(val[0]; null)"
+ "def test($val): ($val|type) as $vt | if $vt == \"string\" then test($val; null)"
+ " elif $vt == \"array\" and ($val | length) > 1 then test($val[0]; $val[1])"
+ " elif $vt == \"array\" and ($val | length) > 0 then test($val[0]; null)"
" else error( $vt + \" not a string or array\") end;",
"def capture(re; mods): match(re; mods) | reduce ( .captures | .[] | select(.name != null) | { (.name) : .string } ) as $pair ({}; . + $pair);",
- "def capture(val): (val|type) as $vt | if $vt == \"string\" then capture(val; null)"
- " elif $vt == \"array\" and (val | length) > 1 then capture(val[0]; val[1])"
- " elif $vt == \"array\" and (val | length) > 0 then capture(val[0]; null)"
+ "def capture($val): ($val|type) as $vt | if $vt == \"string\" then capture($val; null)"
+ " elif $vt == \"array\" and ($val | length) > 1 then capture($val[0]; $val[1])"
+ " elif $vt == \"array\" and ($val | length) > 0 then capture($val[0]; null)"
" else error( $vt + \" not a string or array\") end;",
"def scan(re):"
" match(re; \"g\")"
// If input is an array, then emit a stream of successive subarrays of length n (or less),
// and similarly for strings.
- "def nwise(a; n): if a|length <= n then a else a[0:n] , nwise(a[n:]; n) end;",
- "def nwise(n): nwise(.; n);",
+ "def nwise(a; $n): if a|length <= $n then a else a[0:$n] , nwise(a[$n:]; $n) end;",
+ "def nwise($n): nwise(.; $n);",
// splits/1 produces a stream; split/1 is retained for backward compatibility.
- "def splits(re; flags): . as $s"
+ "def splits($re; flags): . as $s"
// # multiple occurrences of "g" are acceptable
- " | [ match(re; \"g\" + flags) | (.offset, .offset + .length) ]"
+ " | [ match($re; \"g\" + flags) | (.offset, .offset + .length) ]"
" | [0] + . +[$s|length]"
" | nwise(2)"
" | $s[.[0]:.[1] ] ;",
- "def splits(re): splits(re; null);",
+ "def splits($re): splits($re; null);",
// split emits an array for backward compatibility
- "def split(re; flags): [ splits(re; flags) ];",
- "def split(re): [ splits(re; null) ];",
+ "def split($re; flags): [ splits($re; flags) ];",
+ "def split($re): [ splits($re; null) ];",
// If s contains capture variables, then create a capture object and pipe it to s
- "def sub(re; s):"
+ "def sub($re; s):"
" . as $in"
- " | [match(re)]"
+ " | [match($re)]"
" | .[0]"
" | . as $r"
// # create the \"capture\" object:
" end ;",
// repeated substitution of re (which may contain named captures)
- "def gsub(re; s):"
+ "def gsub($re; s):"
// # _stredit(edits;s) - s is the \"to\" string, which might contain capture variables,
// # so if an edit contains captures, then create the capture object and pipe it to s
" def _stredit(edits; s):"
" else (if $l == 0 then \"\" else ($in | _stredit(edits[0:$l]; s)) end) + (. | s)"
" end"
" end ;"
- " [match(re;\"g\")] as $edits | _stredit($edits; s) ;",
+ " [match($re;\"g\")] as $edits | _stredit($edits; s) ;",
// range/3, with a `by` expression argument
- "def range(init; upto; by): "
- " init as $init |"
- " upto as $upto |"
- " by as $by |"
+ "def range($init; $upto; $by): "
" def _range: "
" if ($by > 0 and . < $upto) or ($by < 0 and . > $upto) then ., ((.+$by)|_range) else . end; "
" if $by == 0 then $init else $init|_range end | select(($by > 0 and . < $upto) or ($by < 0 and . > $upto));",