class C: public GC_NS_QUALIFY(gc_cleanup), public A { public:
/* A collectible class with cleanup and virtual multiple inheritance. */
+ // The class uses dynamic memory/resource allocation, so provide both
+ // a copy constructor and an assignment operator to workaround a cppcheck
+ // warning.
+ C(const C& c) : A(c.i), level(c.level) {
+ left = c.left ? new C(*c.left) : 0;
+ right = c.right ? new C(*c.right) : 0;
+ }
+ C& operator=(const C& c) {
+ if (this != &c) {
+ delete left;
+ delete right;
+ i = c.i;
+ level = c.level;
+ left = c.left ? new C(*c.left) : 0;
+ right = c.right ? new C(*c.right) : 0;
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
GC_ATTR_EXPLICIT C( int levelArg ): A( levelArg ), level( levelArg ) {
if (level > 0) {