Available builtins are:
+.. function:: ascii(object)
+ Returns the same as :func:`repr`. In Python 3, :func:`repr` will return
+ printable Unicode characters unescaped, while :func:`ascii` will always
+ backslash-escape them. Using :func:`future_builtins.ascii` instead of
+ :func:`repr` in 2.6 code makes it clear that you need a pure ASCII return
+ value.
.. function:: filter(function, iterable)
Works like :func:`itertools.ifilter`.
Core and Builtins
+- Add future_builtins.ascii().
- Several set methods now accept multiple arguments: update(), union(),
intersection(), intersection_update(), difference(), and difference_update().
Return the octal representation of an integer or long integer.");
+static PyObject *
+builtin_ascii(PyObject *self, PyObject *v)
+ return PyObject_Repr(v);
+"ascii(object) -> string\n\
+Return the same as repr(). In Python 3.x, the repr() result will\n\
+contain printable characters unescaped, while the ascii() result\n\
+will have such characters backslash-escaped.");
/* List of functions exported by this module */
static PyMethodDef module_functions[] = {
{"hex", builtin_hex, METH_O, hex_doc},
{"oct", builtin_oct, METH_O, oct_doc},
+ {"ascii", builtin_ascii, METH_O, ascii_doc},
{NULL, NULL} /* Sentinel */