if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) die("skip no oci8 extension");
+if (!$test_drcp) die("skip requires DRCP connection");
if (strcasecmp($user, "system") && strcasecmp($user, "sys")) die("skip needs to be run as a DBA user");
// Assume building PHP with an ORACLE_HOME means the tested DB is on the same machine as PHP
die("skip this test is unlikely to work with a remote database - unless an Oracle password file has been created");
+preg_match('/.*Release ([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)*/', oci_server_version($c), $matches_sv);
+// This test in Oracle 12c needs a non-CDB or the root container
+if (isset($matches_sv[0]) && $matches_sv[1] >= 12) {
+ $s = oci_parse($c, "select nvl(sys_context('userenv', 'con_name'), 'notacdb') as dbtype from dual");
+ $r = @oci_execute($s);
+ if (!$r)
+ die('skip could not identify container type');
+ $r = oci_fetch_array($s);
+ if ($r['DBTYPE'] !== 'CDB$ROOT')
+ die('skip cannot run test using a PDB');