NSLocalizedString( @"Scanning title %d of %d...", @"" ),
p.title_cur, p.title_count]];
[fScanIndicator setHidden: NO];
+ double scanProgress = ( p.title_cur - 1 ) / p.title_count;
+ //[fScanIndicator setDoubleValue: 100.0 * scanProgress];
[fScanIndicator setDoubleValue: 100.0 * ((double)( p.title_cur - 1 ) / p.title_count)];
/* Set the status string in fQueueController as well */
[fQueueController setQueueStatusString: string];
/* Update slider */
- double progress_total = ( p.progress + p.job_cur - 1 ) / p.job_count;
+ CGFloat progress_total = ( p.progress + p.job_cur - 1 ) / p.job_count;
[fRipIndicator setIndeterminate: NO];
[fRipIndicator setDoubleValue:100.0 * progress_total];
BOOL cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
NSString *path = scanPath;
HBDVDDetector *detector = [HBDVDDetector detectorForPath:path];
// Notify ChapterTitles that there's no title
[fChapterTitlesDelegate resetWithTitle:nil];
[fChapterTable reloadData];
[self enableUI: NO];
if( [detector isVideoDVD] )
// The chosen path was actually on a DVD, so use the raw block
// device path instead.
path = [detector devicePath];
[self writeToActivityLog: "trying to open a physical dvd at: %s", [scanPath UTF8String]];
+#ifdef __LP64__
+ /* If we are 64 bit, we cannot read encrypted dvd's as vlc is 32 bit only */
+ cancelScanDecrypt = 1;
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "64 bit mode cannot read dvd's, scan cancelled"];
+ /*On Screen Notification*/
+ int status;
+ NSBeep();
+ status = NSRunAlertPanel(@"64-bit HandBrake cannot read encrypted dvds!",@"This scan will be cancelled!", @"OK", nil, nil);
+ [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
/* lets check for vlc here to make sure we have a dylib available to use for decrypting */
NSString *vlcPath = @"/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/lib/libdvdcss.2.dylib";
NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
else if (status == NSAlertAlternateReturn)
- /* User chose to cancel the scan */
- [self writeToActivityLog: "cannot open physical dvd , scan cancelled"];
+ /* User chose to cancel the scan */
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "cannot open physical dvd , scan cancelled"];
- /* User chose to override our warning and scan the physical dvd anyway, at their own peril. on an encrypted dvd this produces massive log files and fails */
- cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
- [self writeToActivityLog: "user overrode vlc warning -trying to open physical dvd without decryption"];
+ /* User chose to override our warning and scan the physical dvd anyway, at their own peril. on an encrypted dvd this produces massive log files and fails */
+ cancelScanDecrypt = 0;
+ [self writeToActivityLog: "user overrode vlc warning -trying to open physical dvd without decryption"];
/* VLC was found in /Applications so all is well, we can carry on using vlc's libdvdcss.dylib for decrypting if needed */
[self writeToActivityLog: "VLC app found for decrypting physical dvd"];
if (cancelScanDecrypt == 0)
/* we actually pass the scan off to libhb here */