- How-To style documents for more of the daily tasks
- Logging, log rotation, and log reporting
- - ?
+ - Secure mod_dav configuration
- Writing modules - Can we provide a basic intro to writing modules,
perhaps based around mod_example, or one of the other simple example
That would be a good place to document logging of cache hit/miss:
-- The mod_usertrack docs should describe what the module does, now,
- rather than spending so much time comparing it to what a long-gone
- module, which our readers never used, used to do. Examples would be
- helpful. Additionally, a significant part of the doc consists of a
- quoted email message. This seems somewhat unprofessional.
- Is it worth having a doc that discusses recommended (what does this
mean?) third-party modules like mod_security, mod_php, and so on - the
things that we all assume everyone uses, but some folks might not know