--- /dev/null
+ * ngIRCd -- The Next Generation IRC Daemon
+ * Copyright (c)2001,2002 by Alexander Barton (alex@barton.de)
+ *
+ * Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie koennen es unter den Bedingungen
+ * der GNU General Public License (GPL), wie von der Free Software Foundation
+ * herausgegeben, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder unter Version 2
+ * der Lizenz oder (wenn Sie es wuenschen) jeder spaeteren Version.
+ * Naehere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitter der Datei COPYING. Eine Liste
+ * der an ngIRCd beteiligten Autoren finden Sie in der Datei AUTHORS.
+ *
+ * $Id: match.c,v 1.1 2002/06/26 15:42:58 alex Exp $
+ *
+ * match.c: Wildcard Pattern Matching
+ */
+#include "portab.h"
+#include "imp.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "exp.h"
+#include "match.h"
+ * Die Pattern-Matching-Funkionen [Matche(), Matche_After_Star()] basieren
+ * auf Versionen von J. Kercheval. Die Version 1.1 wurde am 12.03.1991 als
+ * "public domain" freigegeben:
+ * <http://www.snippets.org/snippets/portable/MATCH+C.php3>
+ */
+#define MATCH_PATTERN 6 /* bad pattern */
+#define MATCH_LITERAL 5 /* match failure on literal match */
+#define MATCH_RANGE 4 /* match failure on [..] construct */
+#define MATCH_ABORT 3 /* premature end of text string */
+#define MATCH_END 2 /* premature end of pattern string */
+#define MATCH_VALID 1 /* valid match */
+Match( CHAR *Pattern, CHAR *String )
+ /* Pattern mit String vergleichen */
+ if( Matche( Pattern, String ) == MATCH_VALID ) return TRUE;
+ else return FALSE;
+} /* Match */
+ REGISTER CHAR range_start, range_end;
+ BOOLEAN invert;
+ BOOLEAN member_match;
+ BOOLEAN loop;
+ for( ; *p; p++, t++ )
+ {
+ /* if this is the end of the text then this is the end of the match */
+ if( ! *t )
+ {
+ return ( *p == '*' && *++p == '\0' ) ? MATCH_VALID : MATCH_ABORT;
+ }
+ /* determine and react to pattern type */
+ switch( *p )
+ {
+ case '?': /* single any character match */
+ break;
+ case '*': /* multiple any character match */
+ return Matche_After_Star( p, t );
+ case '[': /* [..] construct, single member/exclusion character match */
+ /* move to beginning of range */
+ p++;
+ /* check if this is a member match or exclusion match */
+ invert = FALSE;
+ if( *p == '!' || *p == '^' )
+ {
+ invert = TRUE;
+ p++;
+ }
+ /* if closing bracket here or at range start then we have a malformed pattern */
+ if ( *p == ']' ) return MATCH_PATTERN;
+ member_match = FALSE;
+ loop = TRUE;
+ while( loop )
+ {
+ /* if end of construct then loop is done */
+ if( *p == ']' )
+ {
+ loop = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* matching a '!', '^', '-', '\' or a ']' */
+ if( *p == '\\' ) range_start = range_end = *++p;
+ else range_start = range_end = *p;
+ /* if end of pattern then bad pattern (Missing ']') */
+ if( ! *p ) return MATCH_PATTERN;
+ /* check for range bar */
+ if( *++p == '-' )
+ {
+ /* get the range end */
+ range_end = *++p;
+ /* if end of pattern or construct then bad pattern */
+ if( range_end == '\0' || range_end == ']' ) return MATCH_PATTERN;
+ /* special character range end */
+ if( range_end == '\\' )
+ {
+ range_end = *++p;
+ /* if end of text then we have a bad pattern */
+ if ( ! range_end ) return MATCH_PATTERN;
+ }
+ /* move just beyond this range */
+ p++;
+ }
+ /* if the text character is in range then match found. make sure the range
+ * letters have the proper relationship to one another before comparison */
+ if( range_start < range_end )
+ {
+ if( *t >= range_start && *t <= range_end )
+ {
+ member_match = TRUE;
+ loop = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( *t >= range_end && *t <= range_start )
+ {
+ member_match = TRUE;
+ loop = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if there was a match in an exclusion set then no match */
+ /* if there was no match in a member set then no match */
+ if(( invert && member_match ) || ! ( invert || member_match )) return MATCH_RANGE;
+ /* if this is not an exclusion then skip the rest of the [...]
+ * construct that already matched. */
+ if( member_match )
+ {
+ while( *p != ']' )
+ {
+ /* bad pattern (Missing ']') */
+ if( ! *p ) return MATCH_PATTERN;
+ /* skip exact match */
+ if( *p == '\\' )
+ {
+ p++;
+ /* if end of text then we have a bad pattern */
+ if( ! *p ) return MATCH_PATTERN;
+ }
+ /* move to next pattern char */
+ p++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '\\': /* next character is quoted and must match exactly */
+ /* move pattern pointer to quoted char and fall through */
+ p++;
+ /* if end of text then we have a bad pattern */
+ if( ! *p ) return MATCH_PATTERN;
+ /* must match this character exactly */
+ default:
+ if( *p != *t ) return MATCH_LITERAL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if end of text not reached then the pattern fails */
+ if( *t ) return MATCH_END;
+ else return MATCH_VALID;
+} /* Matche */
+Matche_After_Star( REGISTER CHAR *p, REGISTER CHAR *t )
+ REGISTER INT nextp, match = 0;
+ /* pass over existing ? and * in pattern */
+ while( *p == '?' || *p == '*' )
+ {
+ /* take one char for each ? and + */
+ if (*p == '?')
+ {
+ /* if end of text then no match */
+ if( ! *t++ ) return MATCH_ABORT;
+ }
+ /* move to next char in pattern */
+ p++;
+ }
+ /* if end of pattern we have matched regardless of text left */
+ if( ! *p ) return MATCH_VALID;
+ /* get the next character to match which must be a literal or '[' */
+ nextp = *p;
+ if( nextp == '\\' )
+ {
+ nextp = p[1];
+ /* if end of text then we have a bad pattern */
+ if( ! nextp ) return MATCH_PATTERN;
+ }
+ /* Continue until we run out of text or definite result seen */
+ do
+ {
+ /* a precondition for matching is that the next character
+ * in the pattern match the next character in the text or that
+ * the next pattern char is the beginning of a range. Increment
+ * text pointer as we go here */
+ if( nextp == *t || nextp == '[' ) match = Matche( p, t );
+ /* if the end of text is reached then no match */
+ if( ! *t++ ) match = MATCH_ABORT;
+ } while( match != MATCH_VALID && match != MATCH_ABORT && match != MATCH_PATTERN );
+ /* return result */
+ return match;
+} /* Matche_After_Star */
+/* -eof- */