--- /dev/null
+* What does this PR do?
+* Are there points in the code the reviewer needs to double check?
+* Why was this PR needed?
+* Screenshots (if relevant)
+* Does this PR meet the acceptance criteria?
+ - [ ] Documentation created/updated (you have to edit
+ [doc/manual.xml.head](https://www.neomutt.org/guide/) for that)
+ - [ ] All builds are passing
+ - [ ] Added [doxygen code documentation](https://www.neomutt.org/dev/doxygen)
+ [syntax](http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/docblocks.html)
+ - [ ] Code follows the [style guide](https://www.neomutt.org/dev/coding-style)
+* What are the relevant issue numbers?
--- /dev/null
+Hello and thank you for your interest in our project :)
+Tips for a good bugreport
+* Help us help you! The more details you give, the better we\'ll be able to
+ help you out.
+* Please use markdown syntax, especially for backtraces and config files!
+* Please provide a minimal working example. That means, you should try to
+ replicate your issue with the minimal configuration from your muttrc and/or
+ any other relevant config files. These are the details you should be posting.
+* Sometimes even small and inconspicuous details matter, so please be very
+ careful when writing down the steps to reproduce your problem.
+* Please give us a list of program versions of **every** program relevant to
+ your report.
+Tips for writing a good feature request
+* Describe your problem and especially the context of it very detailed. It has
+ happened many times, that the problem could be solved without implementing
+ another feature.
+* Please describe also your desired solution carefully. Nothing is more
+ frustrating - for both you and us, as developers - if we understand your
+ problem the wrong way and implement something which doesn't help you.
+Tips for writing good pull requests
+* The first line should be a short (50 chars or less) summary of your commit
+ message. If you can't find a short enough one-line summary, split the commit
+ into multiple ones.
+* Keep one line between the one-line summary and the body.
+* Use bullet points in the body of the commit message to separate multiple
+ things you did.
+* your commits should be clear and concise. That means also you shouldn't sum up
+ two features or two bug fixes into one commit. If you do, it makes both bug
+ fixes or features harder to understand. Also, don't hesitate
+ to [rewrite](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History) the
+ Github history of your development branch.
+* Wrap the body of the commit message at around 80 characters.
+* if your commit addresses a particular PR, commit or Issue, please say so in
+ your commit. The github documentation
+ ([1](https://help.github.com/articles/autolinked-references-and-urls/)
+ and [2](https://help.github.com/articles/closing-issues-via-commit-messages/))
+ can help you with that
+Thank you for your help!
+The Neomutt Team.