#include "esp_err.h"
+ * @brief If an OCD is connected over JTAG. set breakpoint 0 to the given function
+ * address. Do nothing otherwise.
+ * @param data Pointer to the target breakpoint position
+ */
void esp_set_breakpoint_if_jtag(void *fn);
#define ESP_WATCHPOINT_LOAD 0x40000000
#define ESP_WATCHPOINT_STORE 0x80000000
#define ESP_WATCHPOINT_ACCESS 0xC0000000
+ * @brief Set a watchpoint to break/panic when a certain memory range is accessed.
+ *
+ * @param no Watchpoint number. On the ESP32, this can be 0 or 1.
+ * @param adr Base address to watch
+ * @param size Size of the region, starting at the base address, to watch. Must
+ * be one of 2^n, with n in [0..6].
+ * @param flags One of ESP_WATCHPOINT_* flags
+ *
+ * @return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG on invalid arg, ESP_OK otherwise
+ *
+ * @warning The ESP32 watchpoint hardware watches a region of bytes by effectively
+ * masking away the lower n bits for a region with size 2^n. If adr does
+ * not have zero for these lower n bits, you may not be watching the
+ * region you intended.
+ */
esp_err_t esp_set_watchpoint(int no, void *adr, int size, int flags);
+ * @brief Clear a watchpoint
+ *
+ * @param no Watchpoint to clear
+ *
+ */
void esp_clear_watchpoint(int no);
\ No newline at end of file
panicPutStr("Guru Meditation Error: Core ");
panicPutStr(" panic'ed (");
- panicPutStr(reason);
- panicPutStr(")\r\n");
+ if (!abort_called) {
+ panicPutStr(reason);
+ panicPutStr(")\r\n");
+ int debugRsn;
+ asm("rsr.debugcause %0":"=r"(debugRsn));
+ panicPutStr("Debug exception reason: ");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_ICOUNT_MASK) panicPutStr("SingleStep ");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_IBREAK_MASK) panicPutStr("HwBreakpoint ");
+ //Unlike what the ISA manual says, this core seemingly distinguishes from a DBREAK
+ //reason caused by watchdog 0 and one caused by watchdog 1 by setting bit 8 of the
+ //debugcause if the cause is watchdog 1 and clearing it if it's watchdog 0.
+ if (debugRsn&(1<<8)) {
+ panicPutStr("Stack canary watchpoint triggered ");
+ panicPutStr("Watchpoint 1 triggered ");
+ } else {
+ panicPutStr("Watchpoint 0 triggered ");
+ }
+ }
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_BREAK_MASK) panicPutStr("BREAK instr ");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_BREAKN_MASK) panicPutStr("BREAKN instr ");
+ if (debugRsn&XCHAL_DEBUGCAUSE_DEBUGINT_MASK) panicPutStr("DebugIntr ");
+ panicPutStr("\r\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ panicPutStr("abort)\r\n");
+ }
if (esp_cpu_in_ocd_debug_mode()) {
asm("break.n 1");
if (flags&(~0xC0000000)) return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
int dbreakc=0x3F;
//We support watching 2^n byte values, from 1 to 64. Calculate the mask for that.
- for (x=0; x<6; x++) {
+ for (x=0; x<7; x++) {
if (size==(1<<x)) break;
- if (x==6) return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
+ if (x==7) return ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG;
//Mask mask and add in flags.
void vPortYieldOtherCore( BaseType_t coreid) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
+ Callback to set a watchpoint on the end of the stack. Called every context switch to change the stack
+ watchpoint around.
+ */
+void vPortSetStackWatchpoint( void* pxStackStart );
* The structures and methods of manipulating the MPU are contained within the
* port layer.
+void vPortSetStackWatchpoint( void* pxStackStart ) {
+ //Set watchpoint 1 to watch the last 32 bytes of the stack.
+ //Unfortunately, the Xtensa watchpoints can't set a watchpoint on a random [base - base+n] region because
+ //the size works by masking off the lowest address bits. For that reason, we futz a bit and watch the lowest 32
+ //bytes of the stack we can actually watch. In general, this can cause the watchpoint to be triggered at most
+ //28 bytes early. The value 32 is chosen because it's larger than the stack canary, which in FreeRTOS is 20 bytes.
+ //This way, we make sure we trigger before/when the stack canary is corrupted, not after.
+ int addr=(int)pxStackStart;
+ addr=(addr+31)&(~31);
+ esp_set_watchpoint(1, (char*)addr, 32, ESP_WATCHPOINT_STORE);
- //Set watchpoint 1 to watch the last 32 bytes of the stack.
- esp_set_watchpoint(1, pxCurrentTCB[xPortGetCoreID()]->pxStack, 32, ESP_WATCHPOINT_STORE);
+ vPortSetStackWatchpoint(pxCurrentTCB[xPortGetCoreID()]->pxStack);