fix and smaller tests for symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link[basic|error|variation].phpt
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
die('skip Not on Windows');
-elseif (get_current_user() == 'root') {
- die( "skip Do not run with root permissions" );
+// Skip if being run by root
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/006_root_check.tmp";
+$fp = fopen($filename, 'w');
+if(fileowner($filename) == 0) {
+ unlink ($filename);
+ die('skip...cannot be run as root\n');
*** Testing error conditions for fileperms(), chmod() ***
-Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in %s on line %d
+Warning: chmod(): %s in %s on line %d
-Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in %s on line %d
+Warning: chmod(): %s in %s on line %d
Test filegroup() function: basic functionality
-if (!function_exists("posix_getgrgid")) {
- die("skip no posix_getgrgid");
+if( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip Not valid for Windows');
echo "-- Testing with the file or directory created by owner --\n";
$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
-var_dump( posix_getgrgid( filegroup(__FILE__) ) );
+var_dump( filegroup(__FILE__) );
var_dump( filegroup(".") );
var_dump( filegroup("./..") );
*** Testing filegroup(): basic functionality ***
-- Testing with the file or directory created by owner --
-array(4) {
- ["name"]=>
- string(%d) "%s"
- ["passwd"]=>
- string(1) "x"
- ["members"]=>
- array(0) {
- }
- ["gid"]=>
- int(%d)
-- Testing with the standard file or directory --
*** Done ***
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions: basic functionality - link to files
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+// temp dir created in present working directory
+$dirname = "symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_basic1";
+mkdir("$file_path/$dirname"); // creating temp dir
+/* Creating soft/hard link to $filename created in temp directory $dirname
+ and checking linkinfo() and is_link() on the link created */
+echo "*** Testing symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() : basic functionality ***\n";
+// creating file in $dirname, links are created to the this file
+$filename = "$file_path/$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_basic1.tmp";
+$filename = fopen($filename, "w");
+// name of the soft link created to $filename
+$sym_linkname = "$file_path/$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_softlink_basic1.tmp";
+// name of the hard link created to $filename
+$linkname = "$file_path/$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_hardlink_basic1.tmp";
+// filename stored in array with single and double slash notation in its path
+$files = array (
+ "$file_path/$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_basic1.tmp",
+ "$file_path//$dirname//symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_basic1.tmp"
+$counter = 1;
+/* create soft/hard link to the file
+ and check linkinfo() and is_link() on the link created */
+foreach($files as $file) {
+ echo "\n-- Iteration $counter --\n";
+ echo "-- Testing on soft links --\n";
+ // create soft link
+ var_dump( symlink($file, $sym_linkname) );
+ // checking information of link with linkinfo()
+ var_dump( linkinfo($sym_linkname) );
+ // checking if given file is soft link
+ var_dump( is_link($sym_linkname) );
+ // clear the cache
+ clearstatcache();
+ // testing on hard link
+ echo "-- Testing on hard links --\n";
+ // creating hard link
+ var_dump( link($file, $linkname) );
+ // checking information of link with linkinfo()
+ var_dump( linkinfo($linkname) );
+ // checking if given link is soft link; expected: false
+ var_dump( is_link($linkname) );
+ // clear the cache
+ clearstatcache();
+ // deleting the links
+ unlink($sym_linkname);
+ unlink($linkname);
+ $counter++;
+echo "Done\n";
+$dirname = dirname(__FILE__)."/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_basic1";
+*** Testing symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() : basic functionality ***
+-- Iteration 1 --
+-- Testing on soft links --
+-- Testing on hard links --
+-- Iteration 2 --
+-- Testing on soft links --
+-- Testing on hard links --
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions: basic functionality - link to dirs
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Testing symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() : basic functionality ***\n";
+/* Creating soft/hard link to the temporary dir $dirname and checking
+ linkinfo() and is_link() on the link created to $dirname */
+$dirname = "symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_basic2";
+echo "\n*** Testing symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() on directory ***\n";
+// name of the soft link created to $dirname
+$sym_linkname = "$file_path/$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_softlink_basic2.tmp";
+// name of the hard link created to $dirname
+$linkname = "$file_path/$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_hardlink_basic2.tmp";
+// testing on soft link
+echo "\n-- Testing on soft links --\n";
+// creating soft link to $dirname
+var_dump( symlink("$file_path/$dirname", $sym_linkname) ); // this works, expected true
+// gets information about soft link created to directory; expected: true
+var_dump( linkinfo($sym_linkname) );
+// checks if link created is soft link; expected: true
+var_dump( is_link($sym_linkname) );
+// clear the cache
+// testing on hard link
+echo "\n-- Testing on hard links --\n";
+// creating hard link to $dirname; expected: false
+var_dump( link("$file_path/$dirname", $linkname) ); // this doesn't work, expected false
+var_dump( linkinfo($linkname) ); // link doesn't exists as not created, expected false
+var_dump( is_link($linkname) ); // link doesn't exists as not created, expected false
+// clear the cache
+// deleting the links
+echo "Done\n";
+$dirname = dirname(__FILE__)."/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_basic2";
+*** Testing symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() : basic functionality ***
+*** Testing symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() on directory ***
+-- Testing on soft links --
+-- Testing on hard links --
+Warning: link(): %s in %s on line %d
+Warning: linkinfo(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : error conditions - symlink & linkinfo
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'SUN') {
+ die('skip Not valid for Sun Solaris');
+if (PHP_INT_SIZE != 4) {
+ die("skip this test is for 32bit platform only");
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+// create temp $filename and create link $linkname to it
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_error1.tmp";
+$fp = fopen($filename, "w"); // create temp file
+// linkname used to create soft/hard link
+$linkname = dirname(__FILE__)."/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link_error1.tmp";
+echo "*** Testing symlink() for error conditions ***\n";
+//zero arguments
+var_dump( symlink() );
+//more than expected
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $linkname, true) );
+//invalid arguments
+var_dump( symlink(NULL, $linkname) ); // NULL as filename
+var_dump( symlink('', $linkname) ); // empty string as filename
+var_dump( symlink(false, $linkname) ); // boolean false as filename
+var_dump( symlink($filename, NULL) ); // NULL as linkname
+var_dump( symlink($filename, '') ); // '' as linkname
+var_dump( symlink($filename, false) ); // false as linkname
+echo "\n*** Testing linkinfo() for error conditions ***\n";
+//zero arguments
+var_dump( linkinfo() );
+//more than expected
+var_dump( linkinfo($linkname, true) );
+//invalid arguments
+var_dump( linkinfo(NULL) ); // NULL as linkname
+var_dump( linkinfo('') ); // empty string as linkname
+var_dump( linkinfo(false) ); // boolean false as linkname
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing symlink() for error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for symlink() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for symlink() in %s on line %d
+Warning: symlink(): %s in %s on line %d
+Warning: symlink(): %s in %s on line %d
+Warning: symlink(): %s in %s on line %d
+Warning: symlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: symlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: symlink(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+*** Testing linkinfo() for error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for linkinfo() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for linkinfo() in %s on line %d
+Warning: linkinfo(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: linkinfo(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: linkinfo(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : error conditions - link & is_link
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+if (PHP_INT_SIZE != 4) {
+ die("skip this test is for 32bit platform only");
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+// create temp $filename and create link $linkname to it
+$filename = dirname(__FILE__)."/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_error2.tmp";
+$fp = fopen($filename, "w"); // create temp file
+// linkname used to create soft/hard link
+$linkname = dirname(__FILE__)."/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link_error2.tmp";
+echo "*** Testing link() for error conditions ***\n";
+//zero arguments
+var_dump( link() );
+//more than expected
+var_dump( link($filename, $linkname, false) );
+//invalid arguments
+var_dump( link(NULL, $linkname) ); // NULL as filename
+var_dump( link('', $linkname) ); // empty string as filename
+var_dump( link(false, $linkname) ); // boolean false as filename
+var_dump( link($filename, NULL) ); // NULL as linkname
+var_dump( link($filename, '') ); // '' as linkname
+var_dump( link($filename, false) ); // false as linkname
+echo "\n*** Testing is_link() for error conditions ***\n";
+//zero arguments
+var_dump( is_link() );
+//more than expected
+var_dump( is_link($linkname, "/") );
+//invalid arguments
+var_dump( is_link(NULL) ); // NULL as linkname
+var_dump( is_link('') ); // empty string as linkname
+var_dump( is_link(false) ); // boolean false as linkname
+var_dump( is_link($filename) ); // file given to is_link
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Testing link() for error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for link() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for link() in %s on line %d
+Warning: link(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: link(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: link(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: link(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: link(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: link(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+*** Testing is_link() for error conditions ***
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for is_link() in %s on line %d
+Warning: Wrong parameter count for is_link() in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - link name stored in an array/object
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 1 : Creating links across directories where linkname is stored as an object and array member */
+// creating temp directory which will contain temp file and links created
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dirname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation1/test/home";
+mkdir($dirname, 0777, true);
+// creating temp file; links are created to this file later on
+$filename = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation1/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation1.tmp";
+$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
+echo "*** Testing symlink(), link(), linkinfo() and is_link() with linknames stored as members in an object ***\n";
+class object_temp {
+ var $linkname;
+ function object_temp($link) {
+ $this->linkname = $link;
+ }
+$obj = new object_temp("$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link.tmp");
+/* Testing on soft links */
+echo "\n-- Working with soft links --\n";
+// creating soft link
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $obj->linkname) );
+// check if the link exists
+var_dump( linkinfo($obj->linkname) );
+// check if link is soft link
+var_dump( is_link($obj->linkname) );
+// delete the link created
+// clear the cache
+/* Testing on hard links */
+echo "\n-- Working with hard links --\n";
+// creating hard link
+var_dump( link($filename, $obj->linkname) );
+// check if the link exists
+var_dump( linkinfo($obj->linkname) );
+// check if link is soft link; expected: false as the link is a hardlink
+var_dump( is_link($obj->linkname) );
+// delete the link created
+// clear the cache
+echo "\n*** Testing symlink(), link(), linkinfo() and is_link() with linknames stored as members of an array ***\n";
+$link_arr = array("$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link.tmp");
+/* Testing on soft links */
+echo "\n-- Working with soft links --\n";
+// creating soft link
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $link_arr[0]) );
+// check if the link exist
+var_dump( linkinfo($link_arr[0]) );
+// check if link is soft link
+var_dump( is_link($link_arr[0]) );
+// delete the link created
+// clear the cache
+/* Testing on hard links */
+echo "\n-- Working with hard links --\n";
+// creating hard link
+var_dump( link($filename, $link_arr[0]) );
+// check if the link exist
+var_dump( linkinfo($link_arr[0]) );
+// check if link is soft link; expected: false as this is a hardlink
+var_dump( is_link($link_arr[0]) );
+// delete the links created
+// clear the cache
+echo "Done\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dirname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation1";
+*** Testing symlink(), link(), linkinfo() and is_link() with linknames stored as members in an object ***
+-- Working with soft links --
+-- Working with hard links --
+*** Testing symlink(), link(), linkinfo() and is_link() with linknames stored as members of an array ***
+-- Working with soft links --
+-- Working with hard links --
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - hardlink to non-existent file
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 2 : Create hard link to non-existent file */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+// non-existing filename
+$non_existent_file = "$file_path/non_existent_file_variation2.tmp";
+// non-existing linkname
+$non_existent_linkname = "$file_path/non_existent_linkname_variation2.tmp";
+echo "*** Creating a hard link to a non-existent file ***\n";
+// creating hard link to non_existent file
+var_dump( link($non_existent_file, $non_existent_linkname) ); // expected false
+// checking linkinfo() and is_link() on the link; expected: false
+var_dump( linkinfo($non_existent_linkname) );
+var_dump( is_link($non_existent_linkname) );
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Creating a hard link to a non-existent file ***
+Warning: link(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
+Warning: linkinfo(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - access/update file through softlink
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 3 : Create file and a soft link to the file
+ Access data of the file through the soft link
+ Update the file through soft link
+ Check size of file and soft link link
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Accessing and updating data of file through soft link ***\n";
+// Creating file and inserting data into it
+$filename = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation3.tmp";
+// create temp file
+$file = fopen($filename, "w");
+// create soft link to file
+$linkname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link_variation3.tmp";
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $linkname) );
+// storing size of symlink in a local variable
+$link_stat = lstat($linkname); // lstat of link
+$link_size = $link_stat[7]; // size of soft link
+// fill data into file
+fwrite($file, str_repeat("text", 20) );
+echo "\n-- Access data of the file through the soft link --\n";
+$data_from_link = file_get_contents($linkname); // data read from $filename
+var_dump( $data_from_link );
+echo "\n-- Check size of soft link and file --\n";
+var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+var_dump( filesize($linkname) );
+// taking lstat of symlink
+$stat = lstat($linkname);
+// checking that size of symlink remains same
+if ($link_size == $stat[7])
+ echo "\nSoft link size remains same \n";
+ echo "\nWarning: Soft link size has changed \n";
+echo "\n-- Updating file with data through soft link --\n";
+// append link with data
+$fp = fopen($linkname, "a"); // open in append mode
+fwrite($fp, "Hello World");
+// now check temp file for data; it should append "Hello World"
+$data_from_file = file_get_contents($filename);
+var_dump( $data_from_file );
+echo "\n-- Check size of soft link and file --\n";
+var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+var_dump( filesize($linkname) );
+// taking lstat of symlink
+$stat = lstat($linkname);
+// checking that size of symlink remains same
+if ($link_size == $stat[7])
+ echo "\nSoft link size remains same \n";
+ echo "\nWarning: Soft link size has changed \n";
+echo "\n-- Updating file with data and check data through soft link --\n";
+// write to temp file
+$file = fopen($filename, "w");
+fwrite($file, "Hello World");
+// now check link for data; it should echo "Hello World"
+$data_from_link = file_get_contents($linkname);
+var_dump( $data_from_link );
+echo "\n-- Check size of soft link and file --\n";
+var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+var_dump( filesize($linkname) );
+// taking lstat of symlink
+$stat = lstat($linkname);
+// checking that size of symlink remains same
+if ($link_size == $stat[7])
+ echo "\nSoft link size remains same \n";
+ echo "\nWarning: Soft link size has changed \n";
+// delete the link
+// delete the temporary file
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Accessing and updating data of file through soft link ***
+-- Access data of the file through the soft link --
+string(80) "texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext"
+-- Check size of soft link and file --
+Soft link size remains same
+-- Updating file with data through soft link --
+string(91) "texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttextHello World"
+-- Check size of soft link and file --
+Soft link size remains same
+-- Updating file with data and check data through soft link --
+string(11) "Hello World"
+-- Check size of soft link and file --
+Soft link size remains same
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - access/update file through hard link
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 4 : Create file and a hard link to the file
+ Access data of the file through the hard link
+ Update the file through hard link
+ Check size of file and hard link
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Accessing and updating data of file through hard link ***\n";
+// Creating file and inserting data into it
+$filename = "$file_path/symlink__link_linkinfo_is_link_variation4.tmp";
+// create temp file
+$file = fopen($filename, "w");
+// fill data into file
+fwrite($file, str_repeat("text", 20) );
+echo "\n-- Access data of the file through the hard link --\n";
+// create hard link to file
+$linkname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link_variation4.tmp";
+var_dump( link($filename, $linkname) );
+$data_from_link = file_get_contents($linkname); // data read from $filename
+var_dump( $data_from_link );
+echo "\n-- Check size of hard link and file --\n";
+if( filesize($filename) == filesize($linkname) )
+ echo "\nSize of file and hard link are same\n";
+ echo "\nWarning: Size of file and hard link differ\n";
+echo "\n-- Updating file with data through hard link --\n";
+// append link with data
+$fp = fopen($linkname, "a"); // open in append mode
+fwrite($fp, "Hello World");
+// now check temp file for data; it should append "Hello World"
+$data_from_file = file_get_contents($filename);
+var_dump( $data_from_file );
+echo "\n-- Check size of hard link and file --\n";
+if( filesize($filename) == filesize($linkname) )
+ echo "\nSize of file and hard link are same\n";
+ echo "\nWarning: Size of file and hard link differ\n";
+echo "\n-- Updating file with data and check data through hard link --\n";
+// write to temp file
+$file = fopen($filename, "w");
+fwrite($file, "Hello World");
+// now check link for data; it should echo "Hello World"
+$data_from_link = file_get_contents($linkname);
+var_dump( $data_from_link );
+echo "\n-- Check size of hard link and file --\n";
+var_dump( filesize($filename) );
+var_dump( filesize($linkname) );
+if( filesize($filename) == filesize($linkname) )
+ echo "\nSize of file and hard link are same\n";
+ echo "\nWarning: Size of file and hard link differ\n";
+// delete the link
+// delete the temporary file
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Accessing and updating data of file through hard link ***
+-- Access data of the file through the hard link --
+string(80) "texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttext"
+-- Check size of hard link and file --
+Size of file and hard link are same
+-- Updating file with data through hard link --
+string(91) "texttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttexttextHello World"
+-- Check size of hard link and file --
+Size of file and hard link are same
+-- Updating file with data and check data through hard link --
+string(11) "Hello World"
+-- Check size of hard link and file --
+Size of file and hard link are same
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - work on deleted link
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 5 : Creating link, deleting it and checking linkinfo(), is_link() on it */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Testing linkinfo() and is_link() on deleted link ***\n";
+// link name used here
+$linkname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link_variation5.tmp";
+// create temp dir
+$dirname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation5";
+// filename used here
+$filename = "$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation5.tmp";
+// create the file
+$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
+$data = "Hello World";
+fwrite($fp, $data);
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $linkname) ); // create link
+// delete the link
+var_dump( unlink($linkname) ); // delete the link
+// clear the cache
+// try using linkinfo() & is_link() on deleted link; expected: false
+$deleted_link = $linkname;
+var_dump( linkinfo($deleted_link) );
+var_dump( is_link($deleted_link) );
+echo "Done\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dirname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation5";
+$filename = "$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation5.tmp";
+*** Testing linkinfo() and is_link() on deleted link ***
+Warning: linkinfo(): No such file or directory in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - link & dir perms.
+if ( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN' ) {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+if ( substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'MAC' ) {
+ die('skip Not valid for MacOS');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 6 : Change permission of directory and try creating links inside that directory */
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+echo "*** Creating links in a directory without permission to allow the operation ***\n";
+// temp file used
+$dirname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation6";
+$filename = "$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation6.tmp";
+// remove all permissions from dir
+var_dump( chmod($dirname, 0000) );
+echo "\n-- Working with soft links --\n";
+$linkname = "$dirname/non_existent_link_variation5.tmp";
+// expected: false
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $linkname) ); // this link won't get created
+var_dump( linkinfo($linkname) );
+var_dump( is_link($linkname) );
+// clear the cache
+echo "\n-- Working with hard links --\n";
+// expected: false
+var_dump( link($filename, $linkname) );
+var_dump( linkinfo($linkname) );
+var_dump( is_link($linkname) );
+// clear the cache
+chmod($dirname, 0777); // to enable dir deletion
+echo "Done\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dirname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation6";
+$filename = "$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation6.tmp";
+*** Creating links in a directory without permission to allow the operation ***
+-- Working with soft links --
+Warning: symlink(): Permission denied in %s on line %d
+Warning: linkinfo(): Permission denied in %s on line %d
+-- Working with hard links --
+Warning: link(): Permission denied in %s on line %d
+Warning: linkinfo(): Permission denied in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - try link to self
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 7 : Create soft/hard link to itself */
+// temp file used
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dir = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation7";
+$filename = "$dir/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation7.tmp";
+// link name used
+$linkname = "$dir/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_link_variation7.tmp";
+// temp dirname used
+$dirname = "$dir/home/test";
+mkdir($dirname, 0755, true);
+// create file
+$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
+echo "*** Create soft link to file and then to itself ***\n";
+// create soft link to $filename
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $linkname) );
+// create another link to $linkname
+var_dump( symlink($linkname, $linkname) );
+// delete link
+echo "\n*** Create soft link to directory and then to itself ***\n";
+// create soft link to $dirname
+var_dump( symlink($dirname, $linkname) );
+// create another link to $dirname
+var_dump( symlink($linkname, $linkname) );
+// delete link
+echo "\n*** Create hard link to file and then to itself ***\n";
+// create hard link to $filename
+var_dump( link($filename, $linkname) );
+// create another link to $linkname
+var_dump( link($linkname, $linkname) );
+// delete link
+echo "Done\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dir = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation7";
+$filename = "$dir/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation7.tmp";
+*** Create soft link to file and then to itself ***
+Warning: symlink(): File exists in %s on line %d
+*** Create soft link to directory and then to itself ***
+Warning: symlink(): File exists in %s on line %d
+*** Create hard link to file and then to itself ***
+Warning: link(): File exists in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - try link with same name in diff. dir
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 8 : Create soft/hard link to different directory */
+/* creating link to a file in different dir with the same name as the file */
+echo "\n*** Create hard link in different directory with same filename ***\n";
+// temp file used
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$filename = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation8.tmp";
+// temp link name used
+$dirname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link1_variation8";
+$linkname = "symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation8.tmp";
+// create temp file
+$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
+var_dump( link($filename, $dirname."/") ); // this fails indicating file exists
+// ok, creates "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link1_variation8/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation8.tmp" link
+var_dump( link($filename, $dirname."/".$linkname) ); // this works fine
+// delete link
+// delete temp file
+// delete temp dir
+echo "\n*** Create soft link in different directory with same filename ***\n";
+$filename = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation8.tmp";
+// temp link name used
+$dirname = "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link1_variation8";
+$linkname = "symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation8.tmp";
+// create temp file
+$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $dirname."/") ); // this fails indicating file exists
+// ok, creates "$file_path/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link1_variation8/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation8.tmp" link
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $dirname."/".$linkname) ); // this works fine
+// delete link
+// delete temp file
+// delete temp dir
+echo "Done\n";
+*** Create hard link in different directory with same filename ***
+Warning: link(): File exists in %s on line %d
+*** Create soft link in different directory with same filename ***
+Warning: symlink(): File exists in %s on line %d
--- /dev/null
+Test symlink(), linkinfo(), link() and is_link() functions : usage variations - link & lstat[dev] value
+if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
+ die('skip no symlinks on Windows');
+/* Prototype: bool symlink ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: creates a symbolic link to the existing target with the specified name link
+ Prototype: bool is_link ( string $filename );
+ Description: Tells whether the given file is a symbolic link.
+ Prototype: bool link ( string $target, string $link );
+ Description: Create a hard link
+ Prototype: int linkinfo ( string $path );
+ Description: Gets information about a link
+/* Variation 9 : Check lstat of soft/hard link created
+ Check linkinfo() value with lstat['dev']
+// temp file used
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dirname = $file_path."/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation9";
+$filename = "$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation9.tmp";
+// soft link name used
+$soft_link = "$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_softlink_variation9.tmp";
+// hard link name used
+$hard_link = "$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_hardlink_variation9.tmp";
+// create the file
+$fp = fopen($filename, "w");
+echo "*** Checking lstat() on soft link ***\n";
+// create soft link
+var_dump( symlink($filename, $soft_link) );
+// confirming that linkinfo() = lstat['dev'] , this should always match
+$linkinfo = linkinfo($soft_link);
+$s1 = lstat($soft_link);
+echo "linkinfo() returns : $linkinfo\n";
+echo "lstat() returns lstat['dev'] as $s1[0]\n";
+if( $s1[0] == $linkinfo )
+ echo "\nlinkinfo() value matches lstat['dev']\n";
+ echo "\nWarning: linkinfo() value doesnt match lstat['dev']\n";
+// delete link
+echo "\n*** Checking lstat() on hard link ***\n";
+// create hard link
+var_dump( link($filename, $hard_link) );
+// confirming that linkinfo() = lstat['dev'] , this should always match
+$linkinfo = linkinfo($hard_link);
+$s1 = lstat($hard_link);
+echo "linkinfo() returns : $linkinfo\n";
+echo "lstat() returns lstat['dev'] as $s1[0]\n";
+if( $s1[0] == $linkinfo )
+ echo "\nlinkinfo() value matches lstat['dev']\n";
+ echo "\nWarning: linkinfo() value doesnt match lstat['dev']\n";
+// delete link
+echo "\n*** Checking lstat() on a soft link to directory ***\n";
+// create soft link
+var_dump( symlink($dirname, $soft_link) );
+// confirming that linkinfo() = lstat['dev'], this should always match
+$linkinfo = linkinfo($soft_link);
+$s1 = lstat($soft_link);
+echo "linkinfo() returns : $linkinfo\n";
+echo "lstat() returns lstat['dev'] as $s1[0]\n";
+if( $s1[0] == $linkinfo )
+ echo "\nlinkinfo() value matches lstat['dev']\n";
+ echo "\nWarning: linkinfo() value doesnt match lstat['dev']\n";
+// delete link
+echo "Done\n";
+$file_path = dirname(__FILE__);
+$dirname = $file_path."/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation9";
+$filename = "$dirname/symlink_link_linkinfo_is_link_variation9.tmp";
+*** Checking lstat() on soft link ***
+linkinfo() returns : %d
+lstat() returns lstat['dev'] as %d
+linkinfo() value matches lstat['dev']
+*** Checking lstat() on hard link ***
+linkinfo() returns : %d
+lstat() returns lstat['dev'] as %d
+linkinfo() value matches lstat['dev']
+*** Checking lstat() on a soft link to directory ***
+linkinfo() returns : %d
+lstat() returns lstat['dev'] as %d
+linkinfo() value matches lstat['dev']