?? ??? 2004, PHP 5.1.0
-- Added the tidy_get_opt_doc() function to return documentation for
- configuration options in tidy. Thanks to nlopess for the patch. (John)
- Removed php_check_syntax() function which never worked properly. (Ilia)
- Removed garbage manager in Zend Engine which results in more aggressive
freeing of data. (Dmitry, Andi)
. added class File
. added possibility to use a string with class_parents() and
class_implements(). (Andrey)
+- Added the tidy_get_opt_doc() function to return documentation for
+ configuration options in tidy. Thanks to nlopess for the patch. (John)
- Added support for .cc files in extensions. (Brian)
- Added imageconvolution() function which can be used to apply a custom 3x3
matrix convolution to an image. (Pierre)