int fd;
char *lastkey;
char *basedir;
+ size_t basedir_len;
int dirdepth;
} ps_files;
static char *ps_files_path_create(char *buf, size_t buflen, ps_files *data, const char *key)
- int keylen;
+ size_t key_len;
const char *p;
int i;
int n;
- keylen = strlen(key);
- if (keylen <= data->dirdepth || buflen <
- (strlen(data->basedir) + 2 * data->dirdepth + keylen + 5 + sizeof(FILE_PREFIX)))
+ key_len = strlen(key);
+ if (key_len <= data->dirdepth || buflen <
+ (strlen(data->basedir) + 2 * data->dirdepth + key_len + 5 + sizeof(FILE_PREFIX)))
return NULL;
p = key;
- n = sprintf(buf, "%s%c", data->basedir, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR);
+ memcpy(buf, data->basedir, data->basedir_len);
+ n = data->basedir_len;
+ buf[n++] = PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR;
for (i = 0; i < data->dirdepth; i++) {
buf[n++] = *p++;
+ memcpy(buf + n, FILE_PREFIX, sizeof(FILE_PREFIX) - 1);
+ n += sizeof(FILE_PREFIX) - 1;
+ memcpy(buf + n, key, key_len);
+ n += key_len;
buf[n] = '\0';
- strcat(buf, FILE_PREFIX);
- strcat(buf, key);
return buf;
char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
time_t now;
int nrdels = 0;
+ size_t dirname_len;
dir = opendir(dirname);
if (!dir) {
+ dirname_len = strlen(dirname);
+ /* Prepare buffer (dirname never changes) */
+ memcpy(buf, dirname, dirname_len);
+ buf[dirname_len] = PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR;
while (php_readdir_r(dir, (struct dirent *) dentry, &entry) == 0 && entry) {
/* does the file start with our prefix? */
- if (!strncmp(entry->d_name, FILE_PREFIX, sizeof(FILE_PREFIX) - 1) &&
- /* create full path */
- snprintf(buf, MAXPATHLEN, "%s%c%s", dirname, PHP_DIR_SEPARATOR,
- entry->d_name) > 0 &&
- /* stat the directory entry */
- V_STAT(buf, &sbuf) == 0 &&
- /* is it expired? */
- (now - sbuf.st_atime) > maxlifetime) {
- V_UNLINK(buf);
- nrdels++;
+ if (!strncmp(entry->d_name, FILE_PREFIX, sizeof(FILE_PREFIX) - 1)) {
+ size_t entry_len;
+ entry_len = strlen(entry->d_name);
+ /* does it fit into our buffer? */
+ if (entry_len + dirname_len + 2 < MAXPATHLEN) {
+ /* create the full path.. */
+ memcpy(buf + dirname_len + 1, entry->d_name, entry_len);
+ /* NUL terminate it and */
+ buf[dirname_len + entry_len + 1] = '\0';
+ /* check whether its last access was more than maxlifet ago */
+ if (V_STAT(buf, &sbuf) == 0 &&
+ (now - sbuf.st_atime) > maxlifetime) {
+ V_UNLINK(buf);
+ nrdels++;
+ }
+ }
data->dirdepth = strtol(save_path, NULL, 10);
save_path = p + 1;
- data->basedir = estrdup(save_path);
+ data->basedir_len = strlen(save_path);
+ data->basedir = estrndup(save_path, data->basedir_len);
return SUCCESS;
#include "modules.c"
+#include "ext/standard/php_smart_str.h"
function_entry session_functions[] = {
PHP_FE(session_name, NULL)
PHP_FE(session_module_name, NULL)
"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"
-static void strcat_gmt(char *ubuf, time_t *when)
+static void strcpy_gmt(char *ubuf, time_t *when)
char buf[MAX_STR];
struct tm tm;
+ int n;
php_gmtime_r(when, &tm);
/* we know all components, thus it is safe to use sprintf */
- sprintf(buf, "%s, %d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", week_days[tm.tm_wday], tm.tm_mday, month_names[tm.tm_mon], tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
- strcat(ubuf, buf);
+ n = sprintf(buf, "%s, %d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", week_days[tm.tm_wday], tm.tm_mday, month_names[tm.tm_mon], tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec);
+ memcpy(ubuf, buf, n);
+ ubuf[n] = '\0';
static void last_modified(void)
- strcpy(buf, "Last-Modified: ");
- strcat_gmt(buf, &sb.st_mtime);
+#define LAST_MODIFIED "Last-Modified: "
+ memcpy(buf, LAST_MODIFIED, sizeof(LAST_MODIFIED) - 1);
+ strcpy_gmt(buf + sizeof(LAST_MODIFIED) - 1, &sb.st_mtime);
now += PS(cache_expire) * 60;
- strcpy(buf, "Expires: ");
- strcat_gmt(buf, &now);
+#define EXPIRES "Expires: "
+ memcpy(buf, EXPIRES, sizeof(EXPIRES) - 1);
+ strcpy_gmt(buf + sizeof(EXPIRES) - 1, &now);
sprintf(buf, "Cache-Control: public, max-age=%ld", PS(cache_expire) * 60);
return (-1);
-#define COOKIE_FMT "Set-Cookie: %s=%s"
+#define COOKIE_SET_COOKIE "Set-Cookie: "
#define COOKIE_EXPIRES "; expires="
#define COOKIE_PATH "; path="
#define COOKIE_DOMAIN "; domain="
static void php_session_send_cookie(PSLS_D)
- int len;
- int pathlen;
- int domainlen;
- char *cookie;
+ smart_str ncookie = {0};
char *date_fmt = NULL;
- len = strlen(PS(session_name)) + strlen(PS(id)) + sizeof(COOKIE_FMT);
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, COOKIE_SET_COOKIE);
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, PS(session_name));
+ smart_str_appendc(&ncookie, '=');
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, PS(id));
if (PS(cookie_lifetime) > 0) {
date_fmt = php_std_date(time(NULL) + PS(cookie_lifetime));
- len += sizeof(COOKIE_EXPIRES) + strlen(date_fmt);
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, COOKIE_EXPIRES);
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, date_fmt);
+ efree(date_fmt);
- if(PS(cookie_secure)) {
- len += sizeof(COOKIE_SECURE);
+ if (PS(cookie_path)[0]) {
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, COOKIE_PATH);
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, PS(cookie_path));
- pathlen = strlen(PS(cookie_path));
- if (pathlen > 0)
- len += pathlen + sizeof(COOKIE_PATH);
- domainlen = strlen(PS(cookie_domain));
- if (domainlen > 0)
- len += domainlen + sizeof(COOKIE_DOMAIN);
- cookie = ecalloc(len + 1, 1);
- len = snprintf(cookie, len, COOKIE_FMT, PS(session_name), PS(id));
- if (PS(cookie_lifetime) > 0) {
- strcat(cookie, COOKIE_EXPIRES);
- strcat(cookie, date_fmt);
- len += strlen(COOKIE_EXPIRES) + strlen(date_fmt);
- efree(date_fmt);
- }
- if (pathlen > 0) {
- strcat(cookie, COOKIE_PATH);
- strcat(cookie, PS(cookie_path));
- }
- if (domainlen > 0) {
- strcat(cookie, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
- strcat(cookie, PS(cookie_domain));
+ if (PS(cookie_domain)[0]) {
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, COOKIE_DOMAIN);
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, PS(cookie_domain));
if (PS(cookie_secure)) {
- strcat(cookie, COOKIE_SECURE);
+ smart_str_appends(&ncookie, COOKIE_SECURE);
- sapi_add_header(cookie, strlen(cookie), 0);
+ smart_str_0(&ncookie);
+ sapi_add_header(ncookie.c, ncookie.len, 0);
static ps_module *_php_find_ps_module(char *name PSLS_DC)