+#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Chrono.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
namespace object {
class ArchiveMemberHeader {
friend class Archive;
ArchiveMemberHeader(Archive const *Parent, const char *RawHeaderPtr,
uint64_t Size, Error *Err);
// ArchiveMemberHeader() = default;
/// Get the name without looking up long names.
- Expected<llvm::StringRef> getRawName() const;
+ Expected<StringRef> getRawName() const;
/// Get the name looking up long names.
- Expected<llvm::StringRef> getName(uint64_t Size) const;
+ Expected<StringRef> getName(uint64_t Size) const;
/// Members are not larger than 4GB.
Expected<uint32_t> getSize() const;
Expected<sys::fs::perms> getAccessMode() const;
Expected<sys::TimePoint<std::chrono::seconds>> getLastModified() const;
- llvm::StringRef getRawLastModified() const {
+ StringRef getRawLastModified() const {
return StringRef(ArMemHdr->LastModified,
sizeof(ArMemHdr->LastModified)).rtrim(' ');
Expected<unsigned> getUID() const;
Expected<unsigned> getGID() const;
class Archive : public Binary {
virtual void anchor();
class Child {
friend Archive;
- const Archive *Parent;
friend ArchiveMemberHeader;
+ const Archive *Parent;
ArchiveMemberHeader Header;
/// \brief Includes header but not padding byte.
StringRef Data;
Expected<StringRef> getName() const;
Expected<std::string> getFullName() const;
Expected<StringRef> getRawName() const { return Header.getRawName(); }
Expected<sys::TimePoint<std::chrono::seconds>> getLastModified() const {
return Header.getLastModified();
StringRef getRawLastModified() const {
return Header.getRawLastModified();
Expected<unsigned> getUID() const { return Header.getUID(); }
Expected<unsigned> getGID() const { return Header.getGID(); }
Expected<sys::fs::perms> getAccessMode() const {
return Header.getAccessMode();
/// \return the size of the archive member without the header or padding.
Expected<uint64_t> getSize() const;
/// \return the size in the archive header for this member.
class child_iterator {
Child C;
- Error *E;
+ Error *E = nullptr;
- child_iterator() : C(Child(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)), E(nullptr) {}
+ child_iterator() : C(Child(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)) {}
child_iterator(const Child &C, Error *E) : C(C), E(E) {}
const Child *operator->() const { return &C; }
const Child &operator*() const { return C; }
uint32_t StringIndex; // Extra index to the string.
- bool operator ==(const Symbol &other) const {
- return (Parent == other.Parent) && (SymbolIndex == other.SymbolIndex);
- }
Symbol(const Archive *p, uint32_t symi, uint32_t stri)
: Parent(p)
, SymbolIndex(symi)
, StringIndex(stri) {}
+ bool operator ==(const Symbol &other) const {
+ return (Parent == other.Parent) && (SymbolIndex == other.SymbolIndex);
+ }
StringRef getName() const;
Expected<Child> getMember() const;
Symbol getNext() const;
class symbol_iterator {
Symbol symbol;
symbol_iterator(const Symbol &s) : symbol(s) {}
const Symbol *operator->() const { return &symbol; }
const Symbol &operator*() const { return symbol; }
mutable std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> ThinBuffers;
+} // end namespace object
+} // end namespace llvm
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
-#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <utility>
namespace llvm {
class Binary {
- Binary() = delete;
- Binary(const Binary &other) = delete;
unsigned int TypeID;
+ Binary() = delete;
+ Binary(const Binary &other) = delete;
virtual ~Binary();
StringRef getData() const;
std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> Buf)
: Bin(std::move(Bin)), Buf(std::move(Buf)) {}
-template <typename T> OwningBinary<T>::OwningBinary() {}
+template <typename T> OwningBinary<T>::OwningBinary() = default;
template <typename T>
OwningBinary<T>::OwningBinary(OwningBinary &&Other)
Expected<OwningBinary<Binary>> createBinary(StringRef Path);
+} // end namespace object
+} // end namespace llvm
-#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/DebugInfo/CodeView/CVDebugRecord.h"
+#include "llvm/MC/SubtargetFeature.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/COFF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <system_error>
namespace llvm {
template <typename T> class ArrayRef;
namespace object {
-class ImportDirectoryEntryRef;
+class BaseRelocRef;
class DelayImportDirectoryEntryRef;
class ExportDirectoryEntryRef;
+class ImportDirectoryEntryRef;
class ImportedSymbolRef;
-class BaseRelocRef;
-typedef content_iterator<ImportDirectoryEntryRef> import_directory_iterator;
-typedef content_iterator<DelayImportDirectoryEntryRef>
- delay_import_directory_iterator;
-typedef content_iterator<ExportDirectoryEntryRef> export_directory_iterator;
-typedef content_iterator<ImportedSymbolRef> imported_symbol_iterator;
-typedef content_iterator<BaseRelocRef> base_reloc_iterator;
+using import_directory_iterator = content_iterator<ImportDirectoryEntryRef>;
+using delay_import_directory_iterator =
+ content_iterator<DelayImportDirectoryEntryRef>;
+using export_directory_iterator = content_iterator<ExportDirectoryEntryRef>;
+using imported_symbol_iterator = content_iterator<ImportedSymbolRef>;
+using base_reloc_iterator = content_iterator<BaseRelocRef>;
/// The DOS compatible header at the front of all PE/COFF executables.
struct dos_header {
-typedef import_lookup_table_entry<support::little32_t>
- import_lookup_table_entry32;
-typedef import_lookup_table_entry<support::little64_t>
- import_lookup_table_entry64;
+using import_lookup_table_entry32 =
+ import_lookup_table_entry<support::little32_t>;
+using import_lookup_table_entry64 =
+ import_lookup_table_entry<support::little64_t>;
struct delay_import_directory_table_entry {
// dumpbin reports this field as "Characteristics" instead of "Attributes".
support::ulittle32_t ForwarderRVA;
-typedef support::ulittle32_t export_name_pointer_table_entry;
-typedef support::ulittle16_t export_ordinal_table_entry;
+using export_name_pointer_table_entry = support::ulittle32_t;
+using export_ordinal_table_entry = support::ulittle16_t;
struct StringTableOffset {
support::ulittle32_t Zeroes;
uint8_t NumberOfAuxSymbols;
-typedef coff_symbol<support::ulittle16_t> coff_symbol16;
-typedef coff_symbol<support::ulittle32_t> coff_symbol32;
+using coff_symbol16 = coff_symbol<support::ulittle16_t>;
+using coff_symbol32 = coff_symbol<support::ulittle32_t>;
// Contains only common parts of coff_symbol16 and coff_symbol32.
struct coff_symbol_generic {
class COFFSymbolRef {
- COFFSymbolRef(const coff_symbol16 *CS) : CS16(CS), CS32(nullptr) {}
- COFFSymbolRef(const coff_symbol32 *CS) : CS16(nullptr), CS32(CS) {}
- COFFSymbolRef() : CS16(nullptr), CS32(nullptr) {}
+ COFFSymbolRef() = default;
+ COFFSymbolRef(const coff_symbol16 *CS) : CS16(CS) {}
+ COFFSymbolRef(const coff_symbol32 *CS) : CS32(CS) {}
const void *getRawPtr() const {
return CS16 ? static_cast<const void *>(CS16) : CS32;
bool isSet() const { return CS16 || CS32; }
- const coff_symbol16 *CS16;
- const coff_symbol32 *CS32;
+ const coff_symbol16 *CS16 = nullptr;
+ const coff_symbol32 *CS32 = nullptr;
struct coff_section {
return (Characteristics & COFF::IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL) &&
NumberOfRelocations == UINT16_MAX;
uint32_t getAlignment() const {
// The IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD bit is a legacy way of getting to
support::ulittle32_t SizeOfData;
support::ulittle16_t OrdinalHint;
support::ulittle16_t TypeInfo;
int getType() const { return TypeInfo & 0x3; }
int getNameType() const { return (TypeInfo >> 2) & 0x7; }
support::ulittle32_t ForwarderChain;
support::ulittle32_t NameRVA;
support::ulittle32_t ImportAddressTableRVA;
bool isNull() const {
return ImportLookupTableRVA == 0 && TimeDateStamp == 0 &&
ForwarderChain == 0 && NameRVA == 0 && ImportAddressTableRVA == 0;
IntTy AddressOfCallBacks;
support::ulittle32_t SizeOfZeroFill;
support::ulittle32_t Characteristics;
uint32_t getAlignment() const {
// Bit [20:24] contains section alignment.
uint32_t Shift = (Characteristics & 0x00F00000) >> 20;
-typedef coff_tls_directory<support::little32_t> coff_tls_directory32;
-typedef coff_tls_directory<support::little64_t> coff_tls_directory64;
+using coff_tls_directory32 = coff_tls_directory<support::little32_t>;
+using coff_tls_directory64 = coff_tls_directory<support::little64_t>;
struct coff_load_configuration32 {
support::ulittle32_t Characteristics;
struct coff_base_reloc_block_entry {
support::ulittle16_t Data;
int getType() const { return Data >> 12; }
int getOffset() const { return Data & ((1 << 12) - 1); }
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(SymbolTable32);
return uintptr_t(0);
uint16_t getMachine() const {
if (COFFHeader)
return COFFHeader->Machine;
return COFFBigObjHeader->Machine;
llvm_unreachable("no COFF header!");
uint16_t getSizeOfOptionalHeader() const {
if (COFFHeader)
return COFFHeader->isImportLibrary() ? 0
return 0;
llvm_unreachable("no COFF header!");
uint16_t getCharacteristics() const {
if (COFFHeader)
return COFFHeader->isImportLibrary() ? 0 : COFFHeader->Characteristics;
return 0;
llvm_unreachable("no COFF header!");
uint32_t getTimeDateStamp() const {
if (COFFHeader)
return COFFHeader->TimeDateStamp;
return COFFBigObjHeader->TimeDateStamp;
llvm_unreachable("no COFF header!");
uint32_t getNumberOfSections() const {
if (COFFHeader)
return COFFHeader->isImportLibrary() ? 0 : COFFHeader->NumberOfSections;
return COFFBigObjHeader->NumberOfSections;
llvm_unreachable("no COFF header!");
uint32_t getPointerToSymbolTable() const {
if (COFFHeader)
return COFFHeader->isImportLibrary() ? 0
return COFFBigObjHeader->PointerToSymbolTable;
llvm_unreachable("no COFF header!");
uint32_t getRawNumberOfSymbols() const {
if (COFFHeader)
return COFFHeader->isImportLibrary() ? 0 : COFFHeader->NumberOfSymbols;
return COFFBigObjHeader->NumberOfSymbols;
llvm_unreachable("no COFF header!");
uint32_t getNumberOfSymbols() const {
if (!SymbolTable16 && !SymbolTable32)
return 0;
return getRawNumberOfSymbols();
void moveSymbolNext(DataRefImpl &Symb) const override;
Expected<StringRef> getSymbolName(DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
COFFObjectFile(MemoryBufferRef Object, std::error_code &EC);
basic_symbol_iterator symbol_begin() const override;
basic_symbol_iterator symbol_end() const override;
section_iterator section_begin() const override;
std::error_code getDataDirectory(uint32_t index,
const data_directory *&Res) const;
std::error_code getSection(int32_t index, const coff_section *&Res) const;
template <typename coff_symbol_type>
std::error_code getSymbol(uint32_t Index,
const coff_symbol_type *&Res) const {
return object_error::parse_failed;
template <typename T>
std::error_code getAuxSymbol(uint32_t index, const T *&Res) const {
ErrorOr<COFFSymbolRef> s = getSymbol(index);
Res = reinterpret_cast<const T *>(s->getRawPtr());
return std::error_code();
std::error_code getSymbolName(COFFSymbolRef Symbol, StringRef &Res) const;
std::error_code getSymbolName(const coff_symbol_generic *Symbol,
StringRef &Res) const;
// The iterator for the import directory table.
class ImportDirectoryEntryRef {
- ImportDirectoryEntryRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) {}
+ ImportDirectoryEntryRef() = default;
ImportDirectoryEntryRef(const coff_import_directory_table_entry *Table,
uint32_t I, const COFFObjectFile *Owner)
: ImportTable(Table), Index(I), OwningObject(Owner) {}
const coff_import_directory_table_entry *ImportTable;
uint32_t Index;
- const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject;
+ const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject = nullptr;
class DelayImportDirectoryEntryRef {
- DelayImportDirectoryEntryRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) {}
+ DelayImportDirectoryEntryRef() = default;
DelayImportDirectoryEntryRef(const delay_import_directory_table_entry *T,
uint32_t I, const COFFObjectFile *Owner)
: Table(T), Index(I), OwningObject(Owner) {}
const delay_import_directory_table_entry *Table;
uint32_t Index;
- const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject;
+ const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject = nullptr;
// The iterator for the export directory table entry.
class ExportDirectoryEntryRef {
- ExportDirectoryEntryRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) {}
+ ExportDirectoryEntryRef() = default;
ExportDirectoryEntryRef(const export_directory_table_entry *Table, uint32_t I,
const COFFObjectFile *Owner)
: ExportTable(Table), Index(I), OwningObject(Owner) {}
const export_directory_table_entry *ExportTable;
uint32_t Index;
- const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject;
+ const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject = nullptr;
class ImportedSymbolRef {
- ImportedSymbolRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) {}
+ ImportedSymbolRef() = default;
ImportedSymbolRef(const import_lookup_table_entry32 *Entry, uint32_t I,
const COFFObjectFile *Owner)
: Entry32(Entry), Entry64(nullptr), Index(I), OwningObject(Owner) {}
const import_lookup_table_entry32 *Entry32;
const import_lookup_table_entry64 *Entry64;
uint32_t Index;
- const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject;
+ const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject = nullptr;
class BaseRelocRef {
- BaseRelocRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) {}
+ BaseRelocRef() = default;
BaseRelocRef(const coff_base_reloc_block_header *Header,
const COFFObjectFile *Owner)
: Header(Header), Index(0), OwningObject(Owner) {}
const coff_base_reloc_block_header *Header;
uint32_t Index;
- const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject;
+ const COFFObjectFile *OwningObject = nullptr;
// Corresponds to `_FPO_DATA` structure in the PE/COFF spec.
} // end namespace object
} // end namespace llvm
+#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/MC/SubtargetFeature.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Object/SymbolicFile.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-#include <cstring>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <system_error>
namespace llvm {
class ARMAttributeParser;
namespace object {
-class ObjectFile;
class COFFObjectFile;
class MachOObjectFile;
-class WasmObjectFile;
+class ObjectFile;
+class SectionRef;
class SymbolRef;
class symbol_iterator;
-class SectionRef;
-typedef content_iterator<SectionRef> section_iterator;
+class WasmObjectFile;
+using section_iterator = content_iterator<SectionRef>;
/// This is a value type class that represents a single relocation in the list
/// of relocations in the object file.
class RelocationRef {
DataRefImpl RelocationPimpl;
- const ObjectFile *OwningObject;
+ const ObjectFile *OwningObject = nullptr;
- RelocationRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) { }
+ RelocationRef() = default;
RelocationRef(DataRefImpl RelocationP, const ObjectFile *Owner);
bool operator==(const RelocationRef &Other) const;
DataRefImpl getRawDataRefImpl() const;
const ObjectFile *getObject() const;
-typedef content_iterator<RelocationRef> relocation_iterator;
+using relocation_iterator = content_iterator<RelocationRef>;
/// This is a value type class that represents a single section in the list of
/// sections in the object file.
class SectionRef {
friend class SymbolRef;
DataRefImpl SectionPimpl;
- const ObjectFile *OwningObject;
+ const ObjectFile *OwningObject = nullptr;
- SectionRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) { }
+ SectionRef() = default;
SectionRef(DataRefImpl SectionP, const ObjectFile *Owner);
bool operator==(const SectionRef &Other) const;
friend class SectionRef;
- SymbolRef() : BasicSymbolRef() {}
enum Type {
ST_Unknown, // Type not specified
+ SymbolRef() = default;
SymbolRef(DataRefImpl SymbolP, const ObjectFile *Owner);
SymbolRef(const BasicSymbolRef &B) : BasicSymbolRef(B) {
/// to create.
class ObjectFile : public SymbolicFile {
virtual void anchor();
- ObjectFile() = delete;
- ObjectFile(const ObjectFile &other) = delete;
ObjectFile(unsigned int Type, MemoryBufferRef Source);
// Implementations assume that the DataRefImpl is valid and has not been
// modified externally. It's UB otherwise.
friend class SymbolRef;
virtual Expected<StringRef> getSymbolName(DataRefImpl Symb) const = 0;
std::error_code printSymbolName(raw_ostream &OS,
DataRefImpl Symb) const override;
// Same as above for SectionRef.
friend class SectionRef;
virtual void moveSectionNext(DataRefImpl &Sec) const = 0;
virtual std::error_code getSectionName(DataRefImpl Sec,
StringRef &Res) const = 0;
uint64_t getSymbolValue(DataRefImpl Symb) const;
+ ObjectFile() = delete;
+ ObjectFile(const ObjectFile &other) = delete;
uint64_t getCommonSymbolSize(DataRefImpl Symb) const {
assert(getSymbolFlags(Symb) & SymbolRef::SF_Common);
return getCommonSymbolSizeImpl(Symb);
- typedef iterator_range<symbol_iterator> symbol_iterator_range;
+ using symbol_iterator_range = iterator_range<symbol_iterator>;
symbol_iterator_range symbols() const {
return symbol_iterator_range(symbol_begin(), symbol_end());
virtual section_iterator section_begin() const = 0;
virtual section_iterator section_end() const = 0;
- typedef iterator_range<section_iterator> section_iterator_range;
+ using section_iterator_range = iterator_range<section_iterator>;
section_iterator_range sections() const {
return section_iterator_range(section_begin(), section_end());
return createObjectFile(Object, sys::fs::file_magic::unknown);
static inline bool classof(const Binary *v) {
return v->isObject();
return cast<ObjectFile>(O);
/// SectionRef
inline SectionRef::SectionRef(DataRefImpl SectionP,
const ObjectFile *Owner)
return OwningObject;
} // end namespace object
} // end namespace llvm
+#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include <cinttypes>
-#include <utility>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <system_error>
namespace llvm {
namespace object {
uint32_t a, b;
} d;
uintptr_t p;
DataRefImpl() { std::memset(this, 0, sizeof(DataRefImpl)); }
/// symbols in the object file.
class BasicSymbolRef {
DataRefImpl SymbolPimpl;
- const SymbolicFile *OwningObject;
+ const SymbolicFile *OwningObject = nullptr;
enum Flags : unsigned {
// (IR only)
- BasicSymbolRef() : OwningObject(nullptr) { }
+ BasicSymbolRef() = default;
BasicSymbolRef(DataRefImpl SymbolP, const SymbolicFile *Owner);
bool operator==(const BasicSymbolRef &Other) const;
const SymbolicFile *getObject() const;
-typedef content_iterator<BasicSymbolRef> basic_symbol_iterator;
+using basic_symbol_iterator = content_iterator<BasicSymbolRef>;
class SymbolicFile : public Binary {
- ~SymbolicFile() override;
SymbolicFile(unsigned int Type, MemoryBufferRef Source);
+ ~SymbolicFile() override;
// virtual interface.
virtual void moveSymbolNext(DataRefImpl &Symb) const = 0;
virtual basic_symbol_iterator symbol_end() const = 0;
// convenience wrappers.
- typedef iterator_range<basic_symbol_iterator> basic_symbol_iterator_range;
+ using basic_symbol_iterator_range = iterator_range<basic_symbol_iterator>;
basic_symbol_iterator_range symbols() const {
return basic_symbol_iterator_range(symbol_begin(), symbol_end());
return OwningObject;
+} // end namespace object
+} // end namespace llvm
-//===- Archive.cpp - ar File Format implementation --------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===- Archive.cpp - ar File Format implementation ------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Chrono.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <system_error>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace object;
static const char *const Magic = "!<arch>\n";
static const char *const ThinMagic = "!<thin>\n";
-void Archive::anchor() { }
+void Archive::anchor() {}
static Error
malformedError(Twine Msg) {
if (Err) {
std::string Buf;
raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
- OS.write_escaped(llvm::StringRef(ArMemHdr->Terminator,
- sizeof(ArMemHdr->Terminator)));
+ OS.write_escaped(StringRef(ArMemHdr->Terminator,
+ sizeof(ArMemHdr->Terminator)));
std::string Msg("terminator characters in archive member \"" + Buf +
"\" not the correct \"`\\n\" values for the archive "
EndCond = ' ';
EndCond = '/';
- llvm::StringRef::size_type end =
- llvm::StringRef(ArMemHdr->Name, sizeof(ArMemHdr->Name)).find(EndCond);
- if (end == llvm::StringRef::npos)
+ StringRef::size_type end =
+ StringRef(ArMemHdr->Name, sizeof(ArMemHdr->Name)).find(EndCond);
+ if (end == StringRef::npos)
end = sizeof(ArMemHdr->Name);
assert(end <= sizeof(ArMemHdr->Name) && end > 0);
// Don't include the EndCond if there is one.
- return llvm::StringRef(ArMemHdr->Name, end);
+ return StringRef(ArMemHdr->Name, end);
// This gets the name looking up long names. Size is the size of the archive
Expected<uint32_t> ArchiveMemberHeader::getSize() const {
uint32_t Ret;
- if (llvm::StringRef(ArMemHdr->Size,
- sizeof(ArMemHdr->Size)).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(10, Ret)) {
+ if (StringRef(ArMemHdr->Size,
+ sizeof(ArMemHdr->Size)).rtrim(" ").getAsInteger(10, Ret)) {
std::string Buf;
raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
- OS.write_escaped(llvm::StringRef(ArMemHdr->Size,
- sizeof(ArMemHdr->Size)).rtrim(" "));
+ OS.write_escaped(StringRef(ArMemHdr->Size,
+ sizeof(ArMemHdr->Size)).rtrim(" "));
uint64_t Offset = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ArMemHdr) -
sizeof(ArMemHdr->AccessMode)).rtrim(' ').getAsInteger(8, Ret)) {
std::string Buf;
raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
- OS.write_escaped(llvm::StringRef(ArMemHdr->AccessMode,
- sizeof(ArMemHdr->AccessMode)).rtrim(" "));
+ OS.write_escaped(StringRef(ArMemHdr->AccessMode,
+ sizeof(ArMemHdr->AccessMode)).rtrim(" "));
uint64_t Offset = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ArMemHdr) -
.getAsInteger(10, Seconds)) {
std::string Buf;
raw_string_ostream OS(Buf);
- OS.write_escaped(llvm::StringRef(ArMemHdr->LastModified,
- sizeof(ArMemHdr->LastModified)).rtrim(" "));
+ OS.write_escaped(StringRef(ArMemHdr->LastModified,
+ sizeof(ArMemHdr->LastModified)).rtrim(" "));
uint64_t Offset = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(ArMemHdr) -
-//===- Binary.cpp - A generic binary file -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+//===- Binary.cpp - A generic binary file ---------------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
-// Include headers for createBinary.
#include "llvm/Object/Archive.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Object/MachOUniversal.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
+#include <system_error>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace object;
-Binary::~Binary() {}
+Binary::~Binary() = default;
Binary::Binary(unsigned int Type, MemoryBufferRef Source)
: TypeID(Type), Data(Source) {}
-//===- COFFObjectFile.cpp - COFF object file implementation -----*- C++ -*-===//
+//===- COFFObjectFile.cpp - COFF object file implementation ---------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
-#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Support/COFF.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
-#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
-#include <cctype>
+#include "llvm/Support/Endian.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include <system_error>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace object;
const coff_section *COFFObjectFile::toSec(DataRefImpl Ref) const {
const coff_section *Addr = reinterpret_cast<const coff_section*>(Ref.p);
-# ifndef NDEBUG
+#ifndef NDEBUG
// Verify that the section points to a valid entry in the section table.
if (Addr < SectionTable || Addr >= (SectionTable + getNumberOfSections()))
report_fatal_error("Section was outside of section table.");
uintptr_t Offset = uintptr_t(Addr) - uintptr_t(SectionTable);
assert(Offset % sizeof(coff_section) == 0 &&
"Section did not point to the beginning of a section");
-# endif
return Addr;
if (Symbol.getNumberOfAuxSymbols() > 0) {
// AUX data comes immediately after the symbol in COFF
Aux = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(Symbol.getRawPtr()) + SymbolSize;
-# ifndef NDEBUG
+#ifndef NDEBUG
// Verify that the Aux symbol points to a valid entry in the symbol table.
uintptr_t Offset = uintptr_t(Aux) - uintptr_t(base());
if (Offset < getPointerToSymbolTable() ||
assert((Offset - getPointerToSymbolTable()) % SymbolSize == 0 &&
"Aux Symbol data did not point to the beginning of a symbol");
-# endif
return makeArrayRef(Aux, Symbol.getNumberOfAuxSymbols() * SymbolSize);
-//===- ObjectFile.cpp - File format independent object file -----*- C++ -*-===//
+//===- ObjectFile.cpp - File format independent object file ---------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Binary.h"
#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Object/MachO.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Object/Wasm.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
#include <system_error>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace object;
-void ObjectFile::anchor() { }
+void ObjectFile::anchor() {}
ObjectFile::ObjectFile(unsigned int Type, MemoryBufferRef Source)
: SymbolicFile(Type, Source) {}
-//===- SymbolicFile.cpp - Interface that only provides symbols --*- C++ -*-===//
+//===- SymbolicFile.cpp - Interface that only provides symbols ------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-#include "llvm/Object/COFF.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Object/COFFImportFile.h"
+#include "llvm/Object/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Object/IRObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Object/ObjectFile.h"
#include "llvm/Object/SymbolicFile.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <memory>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace object;
SymbolicFile::SymbolicFile(unsigned int Type, MemoryBufferRef Source)
: Binary(Type, Source) {}
-SymbolicFile::~SymbolicFile() {}
+SymbolicFile::~SymbolicFile() = default;
Expected<std::unique_ptr<SymbolicFile>> SymbolicFile::createSymbolicFile(
MemoryBufferRef Object, sys::fs::file_magic Type, LLVMContext *Context) {