- if self.debugging: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.__stderr__)
- efile = sys.stderr
- typ, val, tb = info = sys.exc_info()
- sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = info
- tbe = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
- print >>efile, '\nTraceback (most recent call last):'
- exclude = ("run.py", "rpc.py", "RemoteDebugger.py", "bdb.py")
- self.cleanup_traceback(tbe, exclude)
- traceback.print_list(tbe, file=efile)
- lines = traceback.format_exception_only(typ, val)
- for line in lines:
- print>>efile, line,
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.__stderr__)
return ("EXCEPTION", None)
- def cleanup_traceback(self, tb, exclude):
- "Remove excluded traces from beginning/end of tb; get cached lines"
- orig_tb = tb[:]
- while tb:
- for rpcfile in exclude:
- if tb[0][0].count(rpcfile):
- break # found an exclude, break for: and delete tb[0]
- else:
- break # no excludes, have left RPC code, break while:
- del tb[0]
- while tb:
- for rpcfile in exclude:
- if tb[-1][0].count(rpcfile):
- break
- else:
- break
- del tb[-1]
- if len(tb) == 0:
- # exception was in RPC internals, don't prune!
- tb[:] = orig_tb[:]
- print>>sys.stderr, "** IDLE RPC Internal Exception: "
- for i in range(len(tb)):
- fn, ln, nm, line = tb[i]
- if nm == '?':
- nm = "-toplevel-"
- if not line and fn.startswith("<pyshell#"):
- line = self.remotecall('linecache', 'getline',
- (fn, ln), {})
- tb[i] = fn, ln, nm, line
def remotecall(self, oid, methodname, args, kwargs):
self.debug("remotecall:asynccall: ", oid, methodname)
# XXX KBK 06Feb03 self.interrupted logic may not be necessary if
import sys
import time
import socket
+import traceback
import boolcheck
self.calltip = CallTips.CallTips()
def runcode(self, code):
- exec code in self.locals
+ try:
+ exec code in self.locals
+ except:
+ efile = sys.stderr
+ typ, val, tb = info = sys.exc_info()
+ sys.last_type, sys.last_value, sys.last_traceback = info
+ tbe = traceback.extract_tb(tb)
+ print >>efile, '\nTraceback (most recent call last):'
+ exclude = ("run.py", "rpc.py", "RemoteDebugger.py", "bdb.py")
+ self.cleanup_traceback(tbe, exclude)
+ traceback.print_list(tbe, file=efile)
+ lines = traceback.format_exception_only(typ, val)
+ for line in lines:
+ print>>efile, line,
+ def cleanup_traceback(self, tb, exclude):
+ "Remove excluded traces from beginning/end of tb; get cached lines"
+ orig_tb = tb[:]
+ while tb:
+ for rpcfile in exclude:
+ if tb[0][0].count(rpcfile):
+ break # found an exclude, break for: and delete tb[0]
+ else:
+ break # no excludes, have left RPC code, break while:
+ del tb[0]
+ while tb:
+ for rpcfile in exclude:
+ if tb[-1][0].count(rpcfile):
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ del tb[-1]
+ if len(tb) == 0:
+ # exception was in IDLE internals, don't prune!
+ tb[:] = orig_tb[:]
+ print>>sys.stderr, "** IDLE Internal Exception: "
+ for i in range(len(tb)):
+ fn, ln, nm, line = tb[i]
+ if nm == '?':
+ nm = "-toplevel-"
+ if not line and fn.startswith("<pyshell#"):
+ line = self.rpchandler.remotecall('linecache', 'getline',
+ (fn, ln), {})
+ tb[i] = fn, ln, nm, line
def interrupt_the_server(self):
# XXX KBK 05Feb03 Windows requires this be done with messages and