Main assumption of the model is that the problem that we are to solve is the
problem of the very long class names in PHP libraries. We would not attempt
to take autoloader's job or create packaging model - only make names
it tries to find class "A::B (__autoload() it if necessary) and call its
static function foo()
7) qualified class names are interpreted as class from corresponding
-namespace. So "new A::B::C()" creates class "C" from namespace "A::B".
\ No newline at end of file
+namespace. So "new A::B::C()" creates class "C" from namespace "A::B".
+* Rename namespaces to packages?
+* Extend the Reflection API
+ * Add ReflectionPackage class
+ + getName()
+ + getClasses()
+ + getFunctions()
+ + getFiles()
+ * Add getNamespace() methods to ReflectionClass and ReflectionFunction