You may have to turn this off if you have more than 2 GB free space
on the partition used for your save and level files.
Only applies when MFLOPPY was defined during compilation.
+.lp cmdassist
+Have the game provide some additional command assistance for
+new players if it detects some anticipated mistakes (default on).
.lp "confirm "
Have user confirm attacks on pets, shopkeepers, and other
peaceable creatures (default on).
% input file:
-% $Revision: 1.45 $ $Date: 2002/07/23 05:10:28 $
+% $Revision: 1.46 $ $Date: 2002/07/28 10:45:46 $
%.ds h0 "
%.ds h1 %.ds h2 \%
on the partition used for your save and level files.
Only applies when MFLOPPY was defined during compilation.
+Have the game provide some additional command assistance for new
+players if it detects some anticipated mistakes (default on).
Have user confirm attacks on pets, shopkeepers, and other
peaceable creatures (default on).
E int NDECL(doquickwhatis);
E int NDECL(doidtrap);
E int NDECL(dowhatdoes);
+E char *FDECL(dowhatdoes_core,(CHAR_P, char *));
E int NDECL(dohelp);
E int NDECL(dohistory);
boolean wc_eight_bit_input; /* allow eight bit input */
boolean wc_mouse_support; /* allow mouse support */
+ boolean cmdassist; /* provide detailed assistance for some commands */
/* Items which belong in flags, but are here to allow save compatibility */
boolean lootabc; /* use "a/b/c" rather than "o/i/b" when looting */
boolean showrace; /* show hero glyph by race rather than by role */
static const char* readchar_queue="";
STATIC_DCL char *NDECL(parse);
+STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(help_control, (CHAR_P, char *));
#ifdef OVL1
dirsym = readchar();
- dirsym = yn_function (s ? s : "In what direction?",
+ dirsym = yn_function ((s && *s != '^') ? s : "In what direction?",
(char *)0, '\0');
#ifdef REDO
if(dirsym == '.' || dirsym == 's')
u.dx = u.dy = = 0;
else if(!movecmd(dirsym) && ! {
- if(!index(quitchars, dirsym))
- pline("What a strange direction!");
+ boolean did_control = FALSE;
+ if(!index(quitchars, dirsym)) {
+ if (s && *s == '^' && iflags.cmdassist)
+ did_control = help_control(dirsym, "Invalid direction key!");
+ if (!did_control) pline("What a strange direction!");
+ }
return 0;
if(! && (Stunned || (Confusion && !rn2(5)))) confdir();
return 1;
+STATIC_OVL boolean
+help_control(sym, msg)
+char sym;
+char *msg;
+ char ctrl;
+ winid win;
+ char buf[BUFSZ], buf2[BUFSZ], *expl;
+ if (letter(sym)) {
+ sym = highc(sym);
+ ctrl = (sym - 'A') + 1;
+ if ((expl = dowhatdoes_core(ctrl, buf2))) {
+ win = create_nhwindow(NHW_TEXT);
+ putstr(win, 0, "cmdassist");
+ if (msg) putstr(win, 0, msg);
+ putstr(win, 0, "");
+ Sprintf(buf,
+ "Are you trying to use ^%c as specified in the Guidebook?",
+ sym);
+ putstr(win, 0, buf);
+ putstr(win, 0, "");
+ putstr(win, 0, expl);
+ putstr(win, 0, "");
+ putstr(win, 0, "To use that command, you press");
+ Sprintf(buf,
+ "the <Ctrl> key, and the <%c> key at the same time.", sym);
+ putstr(win, 0, buf);
+ putstr(win, 0, "");
+ putstr(win, 0, "(Suppress this message with !cmdassist in config file.)");
+ display_nhwindow(win, FALSE);
+ destroy_nhwindow(win);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
#endif /* OVL1 */
#ifdef OVLB
{"checkspace", (boolean *)0, FALSE, SET_IN_FILE},
+ {"cmdassist", &iflags.cmdassist, TRUE, SET_IN_GAME},
# if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
{"color", &iflags.wc_color,TRUE, SET_IN_GAME}, /*WC*/
# else /* systems that support multiple terminals, many monochrome */
register struct trap *trap;
int x, y, tt;
- if (!getdir((char *)0)) return 0;
+ if (!getdir("^")) return 0;
x = u.ux + u.dx;
y = + u.dy;
for (trap = ftrap; trap; trap = trap->ntrap)
return 0;
+char *
+dowhatdoes_core(q, cbuf)
+char q;
+char *cbuf;
dlb *fp;
- char bufr[BUFSZ+6];
- register char *buf = &bufr[6], *ep, q, ctrl, meta;
+ char bufr[BUFSZ];
+ register char *buf = &bufr[6], *ep, ctrl, meta;
fp = dlb_fopen(CMDHELPFILE, "r");
if (!fp) {
return 0;
-#if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
- introff();
- q = yn_function("What command?", (char *)0, '\0');
-#if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
- intron();
- ctrl = ((q <= '\033') ? (q - 1 + 'A') : 0);
+ ctrl = ((q <= '\033') ? (q - 1 + 'A') : 0);
meta = ((0x80 & q) ? (0x7f & q) : 0);
- while(dlb_fgets(buf,BUFSZ,fp))
+ while(dlb_fgets(buf,BUFSZ-6,fp)) {
if ((ctrl && *buf=='^' && *(buf+1)==ctrl) ||
(meta && *buf=='M' && *(buf+1)=='-' && *(buf+2)==meta) ||
*buf==q) {
buf[0] = q;
(void) strncpy(buf+1, " ", 7);
- pline("%s", buf);
(void) dlb_fclose(fp);
- return 0;
+ Strcpy(cbuf, buf);
+ return cbuf;
- pline("I've never heard of such commands.");
+ }
(void) dlb_fclose(fp);
+ return (char *)0;
+ char bufr[BUFSZ];
+ char q, *reslt;
+#if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
+ introff();
+ q = yn_function("What command?", (char *)0, '\0');
+#if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
+ intron();
+ reslt = dowhatdoes_core(q, bufr);
+ if (reslt)
+ pline("%s", reslt);
+ else
+ pline("I've never heard of such commands.");
return 0;