var $current_callback = null;
+ // used for msdev builds
+ var $_lastline = null;
+ var $_firstline = null;
// }}}
// {{{ constructor
// }}}
+ // {{{ _build_win32()
+ /**
+ * Build an extension from source on windows.
+ * requires msdev
+ */
+ function _build_win32($descfile, $callback = null)
+ {
+ if (PEAR::isError($info = $this->infoFromDescriptionFile($descfile))) {
+ return $info;
+ }
+ $dir = dirname($descfile);
+ $old_cwd = getcwd();
+ if (!@chdir($dir)) {
+ return $this->raiseError("could not chdir to $dir");
+ }
+ $this->log(2, "building in $dir");
+ $dsp = $info['package'].'.dsp';
+ if (!@is_file("$dir/$dsp")) {
+ return $this->raiseError("The DSP $dsp does not exist.");
+ }
+ // XXX TODO: make release build type configurable
+ $command = 'msdev '.$dsp.' /MAKE "'.$info['package']. ' - Release"';
+ $this->current_callback = $callback;
+ $err = $this->_runCommand($command, array(&$this, 'msdevCallback'));
+ if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
+ return $err;
+ }
+ // figure out the build platform and type
+ $platform = 'Win32';
+ $buildtype = 'Release';
+ if (preg_match('/.*?'.$info['package'].'\s-\s(\w+)\s(.*?)-+/i',$this->_firstline,$matches)) {
+ $platform = $matches[1];
+ $buildtype = $matches[2];
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/(.*)?\s-\s(\d+).*?(\d+)/',$this->_lastline,$matches)) {
+ if ($matches[2]) {
+ // there were errors in the build
+ return $this->raiseError("There were errors during compilation.");
+ }
+ $out = $matches[1];
+ } else {
+ return $this->raiseError("Did not understand the completion status returned from msdev.exe.");
+ }
+ // msdev doesn't tell us the output directory :/
+ // open the dsp, find /out and use that directory
+ $dsptext = join(file($dsp),'');
+ // this regex depends on the build platform and type having been
+ // correctly identified above.
+ $regex ='/.*?!IF\s+"\$\(CFG\)"\s+==\s+("'.
+ $info['package'].'\s-\s'.
+ $platform.'\s'.
+ $buildtype.'").*?'.
+ '\/out:"(.*?)"/is';
+ if ($dsptext && preg_match($regex,$dsptext,$matches)) {
+ // what we get back is a relative path to the output file itself.
+ $outfile = realpath($matches[2]);
+ } else {
+ return $this->raiseError("Could not retrieve output information from $dsp.");
+ }
+ if (@copy($outfile, "$dir/$out")) {
+ $outfile = "$dir/$out";
+ }
+ $built_files[] = array(
+ 'file' => "$outfile",
+ 'php_api' => $this->php_api_version,
+ 'zend_mod_api' => $this->zend_module_api_no,
+ 'zend_ext_api' => $this->zend_extension_api_no,
+ );
+ return $built_files;
+ }
+ // }}}
+ // {{{ msdevCallback()
+ function msdevCallback($what, $data)
+ {
+ if (!$this->_firstline)
+ $this->_firstline = $data;
+ $this->_lastline = $data;
+ }
+ // }}}
// {{{ build()
function build($descfile, $callback = null)
+ if (PEAR_OS == "Windows") {
+ return $this->_build_win32($descfile,$callback);
+ }
if (PEAR_OS != 'Unix') {
return $this->raiseError("building extensions not supported on this platform");